Involved Source Files Package asn1 implements parsing of DER-encoded ASN.1 data structures,
as defined in ITU-T Rec X.690.
See also ``A Layman's Guide to a Subset of ASN.1, BER, and DER,''
Package-Level Functions (total 3)
Marshal wraps the asn1.Marshal function
Unmarshal parses the BER-encoded ASN.1 data structure b
and uses the reflect package to fill in an arbitrary value pointed at by val.
Because Unmarshal uses the reflect package, the structs
being written to must use upper case field names.
An ASN.1 INTEGER can be written to an int, int32, int64,
or *big.Int (from the math/big package).
If the encoded value does not fit in the Go type,
Unmarshal returns a parse error.
An ASN.1 BIT STRING can be written to a BitString.
An ASN.1 OCTET STRING can be written to a []byte.
An ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER can be written to an
An ASN.1 ENUMERATED can be written to an Enumerated.
An ASN.1 UTCTIME or GENERALIZEDTIME can be written to a time.Time.
An ASN.1 PrintableString, IA5String, or NumericString can be written to a string.
Any of the above ASN.1 values can be written to an interface{}.
The value stored in the interface has the corresponding Go type.
For integers, that type is int64.
An ASN.1 SEQUENCE OF x or SET OF x can be written
to a slice if an x can be written to the slice's element type.
An ASN.1 SEQUENCE or SET can be written to a struct
if each of the elements in the sequence can be
written to the corresponding element in the struct.
The following tags on struct fields have special meaning to Unmarshal:
application specifies that an APPLICATION tag is used
private specifies that a PRIVATE tag is used
default:x sets the default value for optional integer fields (only used if optional is also present)
explicit specifies that an additional, explicit tag wraps the implicit one
optional marks the field as ASN.1 OPTIONAL
set causes a SET, rather than a SEQUENCE type to be expected
tag:x specifies the ASN.1 tag number; implies ASN.1 CONTEXT SPECIFIC
If the type of the first field of a structure is RawContent then the raw
ASN1 contents of the struct will be stored in it.
If the type name of a slice element ends with "SET" then it's treated as if
the "set" tag was set on it. This can be used with nested slices where a
struct tag cannot be given.
Other ASN.1 types are not supported; if it encounters them,
Unmarshal returns a parse error.
UnmarshalWithParams allows field parameters to be specified for the
top-level element. The form of the params is the same as the field tags.
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