package atom

Import Path (on

Dependency Relation
	imports 0 packages, and imported by one package

Involved Source Files Package atom provides integer codes (also known as atoms) for a fixed set of frequently occurring HTML strings: tag names and attribute keys such as "p" and "id". Sharing an atom's name between all elements with the same tag can result in fewer string allocations when tokenizing and parsing HTML. Integer comparisons are also generally faster than string comparisons. The value of an atom's particular code is not guaranteed to stay the same between versions of this package. Neither is any ordering guaranteed: whether atom.H1 < atom.H2 may also change. The codes are not guaranteed to be dense. The only guarantees are that e.g. looking up "div" will yield atom.Div, calling atom.Div.String will return "div", and atom.Div != 0. table.go
Package-Level Type Names (only one)
/* sort by: | */
Atom is an integer code for a string. The zero value maps to "". String returns the atom's name. Atom : fmt.Stringer Atom : func Lookup(s []byte) Atom const A const Abbr const Accept const AcceptCharset const Accesskey const Acronym const Action const Address const Align const Allowfullscreen const Allowpaymentrequest const Allowusermedia const Alt const Annotation const AnnotationXml const Applet const Area const Article const As const Aside const Async const Audio const Autocomplete const Autofocus const Autoplay const B const Base const Basefont const Bdi const Bdo const Bgsound const Big const Blink const Blockquote const Body const Br const Button const Canvas const Caption const Center const Challenge const Charset const Checked const Cite const Class const Code const Col const Colgroup const Color const Cols const Colspan const Command const Content const Contenteditable const Contextmenu const Controls const Coords const Crossorigin const Data const Datalist const Datetime const Dd const Default const Defer const Del const Desc const Details const Dfn const Dialog const Dir const Dirname const Disabled const Div const Dl const Download const Draggable const Dropzone const Dt const Em const Embed const Enctype const Face const Fieldset const Figcaption const Figure const Font const Footer const For const ForeignObject const Foreignobject const Form const Formaction const Formenctype const Formmethod const Formnovalidate const Formtarget const Frame const Frameset const H1 const H2 const H3 const H4 const H5 const H6 const Head const Header const Headers const Height const Hgroup const Hidden const High const Hr const Href const Hreflang const Html const HttpEquiv const I const Icon const Id const Iframe const Image const Img const Input const Inputmode const Ins const Integrity const Is const Isindex const Ismap const Itemid const Itemprop const Itemref const Itemscope const Itemtype const Kbd const Keygen const Keytype const Kind const Label const Lang const Legend const Li const Link const List const Listing const Loop const Low const Main const Malignmark const Manifest const Map const Mark const Marquee const Math const Max const Maxlength const Media const Mediagroup const Menu const Menuitem const Meta const Meter const Method const Mglyph const Mi const Min const Minlength const Mn const Mo const Ms const Mtext const Multiple const Muted const Name const Nav const Nobr const Noembed const Noframes const Nomodule const Nonce const Noscript const Novalidate const Object const Ol const Onabort const Onafterprint const Onautocomplete const Onautocompleteerror const Onauxclick const Onbeforeprint const Onbeforeunload const Onblur const Oncancel const Oncanplay const Oncanplaythrough const Onchange const Onclick const Onclose const Oncontextmenu const Oncopy const Oncuechange const Oncut const Ondblclick const Ondrag const Ondragend const Ondragenter const Ondragexit const Ondragleave const Ondragover const Ondragstart const Ondrop const Ondurationchange const Onemptied const Onended const Onerror const Onfocus const Onhashchange const Oninput const Oninvalid const Onkeydown const Onkeypress const Onkeyup const Onlanguagechange const Onload const Onloadeddata const Onloadedmetadata const Onloadend const Onloadstart const Onmessage const Onmessageerror const Onmousedown const Onmouseenter const Onmouseleave const Onmousemove const Onmouseout const Onmouseover const Onmouseup const Onmousewheel const Onoffline const Ononline const Onpagehide const Onpageshow const Onpaste const Onpause const Onplay const Onplaying const Onpopstate const Onprogress const Onratechange const Onrejectionhandled const Onreset const Onresize const Onscroll const Onsecuritypolicyviolation const Onseeked const Onseeking const Onselect const Onshow const Onsort const Onstalled const Onstorage const Onsubmit const Onsuspend const Ontimeupdate const Ontoggle const Onunhandledrejection const Onunload const Onvolumechange const Onwaiting const Onwheel const Open const Optgroup const Optimum const Option const Output const P const Param const Pattern const Picture const Ping const Placeholder const Plaintext const Playsinline const Poster const Pre const Preload const Progress const Prompt const Public const Q const Radiogroup const Rb const Readonly const Referrerpolicy const Rel const Required const Reversed const Rows const Rowspan const Rp const Rt const Rtc const Ruby const S const Samp const Sandbox const Scope const Scoped const Script const Seamless const Section const Select const Selected const Shape const Size const Sizes const Slot const Small const Sortable const Sorted const Source const Spacer const Span const Spellcheck const Src const Srcdoc const Srclang const Srcset const Start const Step const Strike const Strong const Style const Sub const Summary const Sup const Svg const System const Tabindex const Table const Target const Tbody const Td const Template const Textarea const Tfoot const Th const Thead const Time const Title const Tr const Track const Translate const Tt const Type const Typemustmatch const U const Ul const Updateviacache const Usemap const Value const Var const Video const Wbr const Width const Workertype const Wrap const Xmp
Package-Level Functions (total 2)
Lookup returns the atom whose name is s. It returns zero if there is no such atom. The lookup is case sensitive.
String returns a string whose contents are equal to s. In that sense, it is equivalent to string(s) but may be more efficient.
Package-Level Constants (total 368)
const A Atom = 1
const Abbr Atom = 4
const Accept Atom = 6662
const AcceptCharset Atom = 6670
const Accesskey Atom = 11273
const Acronym Atom = 43527
const Action Atom = 160262
const Address Atom = 455431
const Align Atom = 45317
const Allowfullscreen Atom = 133135
const Allowpaymentrequest Atom = 49427
const Allowusermedia Atom = 56590
const Alt Atom = 62211
const Annotation Atom = 117002
const AnnotationXml Atom = 117006
const Applet Atom = 203014
const Area Atom = 218628
const Article Atom = 261127
const As Atom = 15362
const Aside Atom = 67333
const Async Atom = 65285
const Audio Atom = 70917
const Autocomplete Atom = 161804
const Autofocus Atom = 73993
const Autoplay Atom = 80904
const B Atom = 257
const Base Atom = 15108
const Basefont Atom = 15112
const Bdi Atom = 47619
const Bdo Atom = 84739
const Bgsound Atom = 89607
const Big Atom = 94211
const Blockquote Atom = 100106
const Body Atom = 10244
const Br Atom = 514
const Button Atom = 102662
const Canvas Atom = 66310
const Caption Atom = 143623
const Center Atom = 139270
const Challenge Atom = 170761
const Charset Atom = 8455
const Checked Atom = 293127
const Cite Atom = 105476
const Class Atom = 353285
const Code Atom = 378116
const Col Atom = 109315
const Colgroup Atom = 109320
const Color Atom = 114437
const Cols Atom = 115716
const Colspan Atom = 115719
const Command Atom = 120583
const Content Atom = 363271
const Contenteditable Atom = 363279
const Contextmenu Atom = 229387
const Controls Atom = 122376
const Coords Atom = 125446
const Crossorigin Atom = 129803
const Data Atom = 304388
const Datalist Atom = 304392
const Datetime Atom = 178184
const Dd Atom = 186114
const Default Atom = 68103
const Defer Atom = 378629
const Del Atom = 283139
const Desc Atom = 352516
const Details Atom = 29191
const Dfn Atom = 34563
const Dialog Atom = 47878
const Dir Atom = 37635
const Dirname Atom = 37639
const Disabled Atom = 91144
const Div Atom = 92931
const Dl Atom = 386562
const Download Atom = 287496
const Draggable Atom = 96777
const Dropzone Atom = 263432
const Dt Atom = 412418
const Em Atom = 28162
const Embed Atom = 28165
const Enctype Atom = 167175
const Face Atom = 138756
const Fieldset Atom = 140808
const Figcaption Atom = 142858
const Figure Atom = 149510
const Font Atom = 16132
const For Atom = 152579
const ForeignObject Atom = 152589
const Foreignobject Atom = 155917
const Form Atom = 159236
const Formaction Atom = 159242
const Formenctype Atom = 166155
const Formmethod Atom = 173066
const Formnovalidate Atom = 175630
const Formtarget Atom = 180234
const Frame Atom = 35589
const Frameset Atom = 35592
const H1 Atom = 89090
const H2 Atom = 187906
const H3 Atom = 199938
const H4 Atom = 214274
const H5 Atom = 216834
const H6 Atom = 412930
const Head Atom = 209156
const Header Atom = 209158
const Headers Atom = 209159
const Height Atom = 20998
const Hgroup Atom = 182790
const Hidden Atom = 185606
const High Atom = 187140
const Hr Atom = 87810
const Href Atom = 188420
const Hreflang Atom = 188424
const Html Atom = 22020
const HttpEquiv Atom = 190474
const I Atom = 1537
const Icon Atom = 363012
const Id Atom = 67842
const Iframe Atom = 195590
const Image Atom = 197125
const Img Atom = 198403
const Input Atom = 281349
const Inputmode Atom = 281353
const Ins Atom = 132099
const Integrity Atom = 147209
const Is Atom = 91394
const Isindex Atom = 200455
const Ismap Atom = 202245
const Itemid Atom = 232198
const Itemprop Atom = 105736
const Itemref Atom = 249095
const Itemscope Atom = 422153
const Itemtype Atom = 204552
const Kbd Atom = 47363
const Keygen Atom = 12806
const Keytype Atom = 54791
const Kind Atom = 96004
const Label Atom = 22789
const Lang Atom = 189444
const Legend Atom = 98566
const Li Atom = 45570
const List Atom = 305412
const Listing Atom = 305415
const Loop Atom = 23812
const Low Atom = 49923
const Main Atom = 4100
const Malignmark Atom = 45066
const Manifest Atom = 448264
const Map Atom = 202755
const Mark Atom = 46596
const Marquee Atom = 206599
const Math Atom = 208388
const Max Atom = 212227
const Maxlength Atom = 212233
const Media Atom = 58885
const Mediagroup Atom = 58890
const Menu Atom = 231172
const Menuitem Atom = 231176
const Meta Atom = 309252
const Meter Atom = 38917
const Method Atom = 174086
const Mglyph Atom = 198662
const Mi Atom = 214786
const Min Atom = 214787
const Minlength Atom = 214793
const Mn Atom = 176386
const Mo Atom = 41986
const Ms Atom = 422914
const Mtext Atom = 217349
const Multiple Atom = 220936
const Muted Atom = 222981
const Name Atom = 38404
const Nav Atom = 4867
const Nobr Atom = 14084
const Noembed Atom = 27655
const Noframes Atom = 35080
const Nomodule Atom = 41480
const Nonce Atom = 108037
const Noscript Atom = 136712
const Novalidate Atom = 176650
const Object Atom = 157702
const Ol Atom = 79618
const Onabort Atom = 103687
const Onafterprint Atom = 144908
const Onautocomplete Atom = 161294
const Onautocompleteerror Atom = 161299
const Onauxclick Atom = 401162
const Onbeforeprint Atom = 433677
const Onbeforeunload Atom = 452366
const Onblur Atom = 355590
const Oncancel Atom = 71944
const Oncanplay Atom = 85257
const Oncanplaythrough Atom = 85264
const Onchange Atom = 269064
const Onclick Atom = 193799
const Onclose Atom = 224263
const Oncontextmenu Atom = 228877
const Oncopy Atom = 233734
const Oncuechange Atom = 235275
const Oncut Atom = 238085
const Ondblclick Atom = 239370
const Ondrag Atom = 241926
const Ondragend Atom = 241929
const Ondragenter Atom = 244235
const Ondragexit Atom = 247050
const Ondragleave Atom = 253707
const Ondragover Atom = 256522
const Ondragstart Atom = 259083
const Ondrop Atom = 262918
const Ondurationchange Atom = 267024
const Onemptied Atom = 264713
const Onended Atom = 271111
const Onerror Atom = 272903
const Onfocus Atom = 274695
const Onhashchange Atom = 277772
const Oninput Atom = 280839
const Oninvalid Atom = 283913
const Onkeydown Atom = 286217
const Onkeypress Atom = 289546
const Onkeyup Atom = 294919
const Onlanguagechange Atom = 298256
const Onload Atom = 302342
const Onloadeddata Atom = 302348
const Onloadedmetadata Atom = 307216
const Onloadend Atom = 312841
const Onloadstart Atom = 315147
const Onmessage Atom = 317961
const Onmessageerror Atom = 317966
const Onmousedown Atom = 321547
const Onmouseenter Atom = 324364
const Onmouseleave Atom = 327436
const Onmousemove Atom = 330507
const Onmouseout Atom = 333322
const Onmouseover Atom = 336651
const Onmouseup Atom = 339465
const Onmousewheel Atom = 343052
const Onoffline Atom = 346121
const Ononline Atom = 348424
const Onpagehide Atom = 350474
const Onpageshow Atom = 357130
const Onpaste Atom = 360199
const Onpause Atom = 367111
const Onplay Atom = 369670
const Onplaying Atom = 369673
const Onpopstate Atom = 371978
const Onprogress Atom = 374538
const Onratechange Atom = 379916
const Onrejectionhandled Atom = 382994
const Onreset Atom = 387591
const Onresize Atom = 389384
const Onscroll Atom = 393224
const Onseeked Atom = 403720
const Onseeking Atom = 405769
const Onselect Atom = 408072
const Onshow Atom = 410630
const Onsort Atom = 413446
const Onstalled Atom = 416009
const Onstorage Atom = 418313
const Onsubmit Atom = 420616
const Onsuspend Atom = 424713
const Ontimeupdate Atom = 16396
const Ontoggle Atom = 427016
const Onunhandledrejection Atom = 429076
const Onunload Atom = 437000
const Onvolumechange Atom = 439054
const Onwaiting Atom = 442633
const Onwheel Atom = 444935
const Open Atom = 107268
const Optgroup Atom = 24328
const Optimum Atom = 446727
const Option Atom = 451334
const Output Atom = 335110
const P Atom = 3073
const Param Atom = 3077
const Pattern Atom = 26119
const Picture Atom = 31495
const Ping Atom = 61188
const Placeholder Atom = 78091
const Plaintext Atom = 111113
const Playsinline Atom = 81931
const Poster Atom = 184070
const Pre Atom = 290819
const Preload Atom = 296455
const Progress Atom = 375048
const Prompt Atom = 341510
const Public Atom = 361990
const Q Atom = 52993
const Radiogroup Atom = 778
const Rb Atom = 14850
const Readonly Atom = 218888
const Referrerpolicy Atom = 250126
const Rel Atom = 296707
const Required Atom = 150536
const Reversed Atom = 32776
const Rows Atom = 39940
const Rowspan Atom = 39943
const Rp Atom = 146434
const Rt Atom = 104962
const Rtc Atom = 104963
const Ruby Atom = 64260
const S Atom = 9473
const Samp Atom = 30724
const Sandbox Atom = 76039
const Scope Atom = 423173
const Scoped Atom = 423174
const Script Atom = 137222
const Seamless Atom = 225544
const Section Atom = 354311
const Select Atom = 408582
const Selected Atom = 408584
const Shape Atom = 124165
const Size Atom = 390404
const Sizes Atom = 390405
const Slot Atom = 126724
const Small Atom = 132613
const Sortable Atom = 413960
const Sorted Atom = 210694
const Source Atom = 227334
const Spacer Atom = 276230
const Span Atom = 40708
const Spellcheck Atom = 291850
const Src Atom = 376835
const Srcdoc Atom = 376838
const Srclang Atom = 391431
const Srcset Atom = 456966
const Start Atom = 260613
const Step Atom = 361220
const Strike Atom = 53766
const Strong Atom = 449798
const Style Atom = 458501
const Sub Atom = 421123
const Summary Atom = 459783
const Sup Atom = 461571
const Svg Atom = 462339
const System Atom = 463110
const Tabindex Atom = 310792
const Table Atom = 365829
const Target Atom = 181254
const Tbody Atom = 9989
const Td Atom = 37378
const Template Atom = 463880
const Textarea Atom = 217608
const Tfoot Atom = 62725
const Th Atom = 87554
const Thead Atom = 208901
const Time Atom = 16900
const Title Atom = 69637
const Tr Atom = 52226
const Track Atom = 113157
const Translate Atom = 127497
const Tt Atom = 26626
const Type Atom = 55556
const Typemustmatch Atom = 167949
const U Atom = 2817
const Ul Atom = 42754
const Updateviacache Atom = 17934
const Usemap Atom = 368134
const Value Atom = 5381
const Var Atom = 93443
const Video Atom = 192773
const Wbr Atom = 359427
const Width Atom = 411909
const Workertype Atom = 465930
const Wrap Atom = 468484
const Xmp Atom = 77571