package identifier
Import Path (on
Dependency Relation
imports 0 packages, and imported by 9 packages
Involved Source Files
Package identifier defines the contract between implementations of Encoding
and Index by defining identifiers that uniquely identify standardized coded
character sets (CCS) and character encoding schemes (CES), which we will
together refer to as encodings, for which Encoding implementations provide
converters to and from UTF-8. This package is typically only of concern to
implementers of Indexes and Encodings.
One part of the identifier is the MIB code, which is defined by IANA and
uniquely identifies a CCS or CES. Each code is associated with data that
references authorities, official documentation as well as aliases and MIME
Not all CESs are covered by the IANA registry. The "other" string that is
returned by ID can be used to identify other character sets or versions of
existing ones.
It is recommended that each package that provides a set of Encodings provide
the All and Common variables to reference all supported encodings and
commonly used subset. This allows Index implementations to include all
available encodings without explicitly referencing or knowing about them.
Package-Level Type Names (total 2)
Interface can be implemented by Encodings to define the CCS or CES for which
it implements conversions.
ID returns an encoding identifier. Exactly one of the mib and other
values should be non-zero.
In the usual case it is only necessary to indicate the MIB code. The
other string can be used to specify encodings for which there is no MIB,
such as "x-mac-dingbat".
The other string may only contain the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _.
A MIB identifies an encoding. It is derived from the IANA MIB codes and adds
some identifiers for some encodings that are not covered by the IANA
func Interface.ID() (mib MIB, other string)
func*Encoding).ID() (mib MIB, other string)
func*Charmap).ID() (mib MIB, other string)
const AdobeStandardEncoding
const Amiga1251
const ASCII
const Big5
const Big5HKSCS
const BOCU1
const BRF
const CESU8
const CP50220
const CP51932
const DECMCS
const DKUS
const EUCFixWidJapanese
const EUCKR
const EUCPkdFmtJapanese
const GB18030
const GB2312
const GBK
const HalfWidthKatakana
const HPDesktop
const HPLegal
const HPMath8
const HPPiFont
const HPPSMath
const HPRoman8
const HZGB2312
const IBBM904
const IBM00858
const IBM00924
const IBM01140
const IBM01141
const IBM01142
const IBM01143
const IBM01144
const IBM01145
const IBM01146
const IBM01147
const IBM01148
const IBM01149
const IBM037
const IBM038
const IBM1026
const IBM1047
const IBM273
const IBM274
const IBM275
const IBM277
const IBM278
const IBM280
const IBM281
const IBM284
const IBM285
const IBM290
const IBM297
const IBM420
const IBM423
const IBM424
const IBM500
const IBM851
const IBM855
const IBM857
const IBM860
const IBM861
const IBM863
const IBM864
const IBM865
const IBM866
const IBM868
const IBM869
const IBM870
const IBM871
const IBM880
const IBM891
const IBM903
const IBM905
const IBM918
const IBMSymbols
const IBMThai
const ISO102T617bit
const ISO10367Box
const ISO103T618bit
const ISO10646UTF1
const ISO10Swedish
const ISO111ECMACyrillic
const ISO115481
const ISO11SwedishForNames
const ISO121Canadian1
const ISO122Canadian2
const ISO123CSAZ24341985gr
const ISO128T101G2
const ISO139CSN369103
const ISO13JISC6220jp
const ISO141JUSIB1002
const ISO143IECP271
const ISO146Serbian
const ISO147Macedonian
const ISO14JISC6220ro
const ISO150GreekCCITT
const ISO151Cuba
const ISO153GOST1976874
const ISO158Lap
const ISO159JISX02121990
const ISO15Italian
const ISO16Portuguese
const ISO17Spanish
const ISO18Greek7Old
const ISO19LatinGreek
const ISO2022CN
const ISO2022CNEXT
const ISO2022JP
const ISO2022JP2
const ISO2022KR
const ISO2033
const ISO21German
const ISO25French
const ISO27LatinGreek1
const ISO2IntlRefVersion
const ISO42JISC62261978
const ISO47BSViewdata
const ISO49INIS
const ISO4UnitedKingdom
const ISO50INIS8
const ISO51INISCyrillic
const ISO54271981
const ISO5427Cyrillic
const ISO5428Greek
const ISO57GB1988
const ISO58GB231280
const ISO60Norwegian1
const ISO61Norwegian2
const ISO646basic1983
const ISO646Danish
const ISO6937Add
const ISO69French
const ISO70VideotexSupp1
const ISO84Portuguese2
const ISO85Spanish2
const ISO86Hungarian
const ISO87JISX0208
const ISO885913
const ISO885914
const ISO885915
const ISO885916
const ISO88596E
const ISO88596I
const ISO88598E
const ISO88598I
const ISO8859Supp
const ISO88Greek7
const ISO89ASMO449
const ISO90
const ISO91JISC62291984a
const ISO92JISC62991984b
const ISO93JIS62291984badd
const ISO94JIS62291984hand
const ISO95JIS62291984handadd
const ISO96JISC62291984kana
const ISOLatin1
const ISOLatin2
const ISOLatin3
const ISOLatin4
const ISOLatin5
const ISOLatin6
const ISOLatinArabic
const ISOLatinCyrillic
const ISOLatinGreek
const ISOLatinHebrew
const ISOTextComm
const JISEncoding
const KOI7switched
const KOI8R
const KOI8U
const KSC56011987
const KSC5636
const KZ1048
const Macintosh
const MacintoshCyrillic
const MicrosoftPublishing
const Mnem
const Mnemonic
const PC775Baltic
const PC850Multilingual
const PC862LatinHebrew
const PC8CodePage437
const PC8DanishNorwegian
const PC8Turkish
const PCp852
const PTCP154
const Replacement
const SCSU
const ShiftJIS
const TIS620
const TSCII
const UCS4
const Unicode
const Unicode11
const Unicode11UTF7
const UnicodeASCII
const UnicodeIBM1261
const UnicodeIBM1264
const UnicodeIBM1265
const UnicodeIBM1268
const UnicodeIBM1276
const UnicodeJapanese
const UnicodeLatin1
const Unknown8BiT
const Unofficial
const USDK
const UTF16
const UTF16BE
const UTF16LE
const UTF32
const UTF32BE
const UTF32LE
const UTF7
const UTF7IMAP
const UTF8
const VenturaInternational
const VenturaMath
const VenturaUS
const VIQR
const VISCII
const Windows1250
const Windows1251
const Windows1252
const Windows1253
const Windows1254
const Windows1255
const Windows1256
const Windows1257
const Windows1258
const Windows30Latin1
const Windows31J
const Windows31Latin1
const Windows31Latin2
const Windows31Latin5
const Windows874
const XUserDefined
Package-Level Constants (total 262)
AdobeStandardEncoding is the MIB identifier with IANA name Adobe-Standard-Encoding.
PostScript Language Reference Manual
PCL Symbol Set id: 10J
Amiga1251 is the MIB identifier with IANA name Amiga-1251.
ASCII is the MIB identifier with IANA name US-ASCII (MIME: US-ASCII).
ANSI X3.4-1986
Reference: RFC2046
Big5 is the MIB identifier with IANA name Big5 (MIME: Big5).
Chinese for Taiwan Multi-byte set.
PCL Symbol Set Id: 18T
Big5HKSCS is the MIB identifier with IANA name Big5-HKSCS.
BOCU1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name BOCU-1.
BRF is the MIB identifier with IANA name BRF.
CESU8 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CESU-8.
CP50220 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CP50220.
CP51932 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CP51932.
DECMCS is the MIB identifier with IANA name DEC-MCS.
VAX/VMS User's Manual,
Order Number: AI-Y517A-TE, April 1986.
Reference: RFC1345
DKUS is the MIB identifier with IANA name dk-us.
Reference: RFC1345
EBCDICATDEA is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-AT-DE-A.
IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
Reference: RFC1345
EBCDICCAFR is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-CA-FR.
IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
Reference: RFC1345
EBCDICDKNO is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-DK-NO.
IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
Reference: RFC1345
EBCDICDKNOA is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-DK-NO-A.
IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
Reference: RFC1345
EBCDICES is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-ES.
IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
Reference: RFC1345
EBCDICESA is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-ES-A.
IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
Reference: RFC1345
EBCDICESS is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-ES-S.
IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
Reference: RFC1345
EBCDICFISE is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-FI-SE.
IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
Reference: RFC1345
EBCDICFISEA is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-FI-SE-A.
IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
Reference: RFC1345
EBCDICFR is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-FR.
IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
Reference: RFC1345
EBCDICIT is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-IT.
IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
Reference: RFC1345
EBCDICPT is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-PT.
IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
Reference: RFC1345
EBCDICUK is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-UK.
IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
Reference: RFC1345
EBCDICUS is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-US.
IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
Reference: RFC1345
EUCFixWidJapanese is the MIB identifier with IANA name Extended_UNIX_Code_Fixed_Width_for_Japanese.
Used in Japan. Each character is 2 octets.
code set 0: US-ASCII (a single 7-bit byte set)
1st byte = 00
2nd byte = 20-7E
code set 1: JIS X0208-1990 (a double 7-bit byte set)
restricted to A0-FF in both bytes
code set 2: Half Width Katakana (a single 7-bit byte set)
1st byte = 00
2nd byte = A0-FF
code set 3: JIS X0212-1990 (a double 7-bit byte set)
restricted to A0-FF in
the first byte
and 21-7E in the second byte
EUCKR is the MIB identifier with IANA name EUC-KR (MIME: EUC-KR).
rfc1557 (see also KS_C_5861-1992)
Reference: RFC1557
EUCPkdFmtJapanese is the MIB identifier with IANA name Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese (MIME: EUC-JP).
Standardized by OSF, UNIX International, and UNIX Systems
Laboratories Pacific. Uses ISO 2022 rules to select
code set 0: US-ASCII (a single 7-bit byte set)
code set 1: JIS X0208-1990 (a double 8-bit byte set)
restricted to A0-FF in both bytes
code set 2: Half Width Katakana (a single 7-bit byte set)
requiring SS2 as the character prefix
code set 3: JIS X0212-1990 (a double 7-bit byte set)
restricted to A0-FF in both bytes
requiring SS3 as the character prefix
GB18030 is the MIB identifier with IANA name GB18030.
Chinese IT Standardization Technical Committee
Please see:
GB2312 is the MIB identifier with IANA name GB2312 (MIME: GB2312).
Chinese for People's Republic of China (PRC) mixed one byte,
two byte set:
20-7E = one byte ASCII
A1-FE = two byte PRC Kanji
See GB 2312-80
PCL Symbol Set Id: 18C
GBK is the MIB identifier with IANA name GBK.
Chinese IT Standardization Technical Committee
Please see:
HalfWidthKatakana is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_X0201.
JIS X 0201-1976. One byte only, this is equivalent to
JIS/Roman (similar to ASCII) plus eight-bit half-width
Reference: RFC1345
HPDesktop is the MIB identifier with IANA name HP-DeskTop.
PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard,
HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992
PCL Symbol Set id: 7J
HPLegal is the MIB identifier with IANA name HP-Legal.
PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard,
HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992
PCL Symbol Set id: 1U
HPMath8 is the MIB identifier with IANA name HP-Math8.
PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard,
HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992
PCL Symbol Set id: 8M
HPPiFont is the MIB identifier with IANA name HP-Pi-font.
PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard,
HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992
PCL Symbol Set id: 15U
HPPSMath is the MIB identifier with IANA name Adobe-Symbol-Encoding.
PostScript Language Reference Manual
PCL Symbol Set id: 5M
HPRoman8 is the MIB identifier with IANA name hp-roman8.
LaserJet IIP Printer User's Manual,
HP part no 33471-90901, Hewlet-Packard, June 1989.
Reference: RFC1345
HZGB2312 is the MIB identifier with IANA name HZ-GB-2312.
rfc1842 , rfc1843 rfc1843 rfc1842
IBBM904 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM904.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM00858 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM00858.
IBM00924 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM00924.
IBM01140 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01140.
IBM01141 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01141.
IBM01142 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01142.
IBM01143 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01143.
IBM01144 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01144.
IBM01145 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01145.
IBM01146 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01146.
IBM01147 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01147.
IBM01148 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01148.
IBM01149 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM01149.
IBM037 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM037.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM038 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM038.
IBM 3174 Character Set Ref, GA27-3831-02, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM1026 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM1026.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM1047 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM1047.
IBM1047 (EBCDIC Latin 1/Open Systems)
IBM273 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM273.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM274 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM274.
IBM 3174 Character Set Ref, GA27-3831-02, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM275 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM275.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM277 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM277.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM278 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM278.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM280 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM280.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM281 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM281.
IBM 3174 Character Set Ref, GA27-3831-02, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM284 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM284.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM285 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM285.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM290 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM290.
IBM 3174 Character Set Ref, GA27-3831-02, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM297 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM297.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM420 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM420.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990,
IBM NLS RM p 11-11
Reference: RFC1345
IBM423 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM423.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM424 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM424.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM500 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM500.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM851 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM851.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM855 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM855.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM857 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM857.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM860 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM860.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM861 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM861.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM863 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM863.
IBM Keyboard layouts and code pages, PN 07G4586 June 1991
Reference: RFC1345
IBM864 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM864.
IBM Keyboard layouts and code pages, PN 07G4586 June 1991
Reference: RFC1345
IBM865 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM865.
IBM DOS 3.3 Ref (Abridged), 94X9575 (Feb 1987)
Reference: RFC1345
IBM866 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM866.
IBM NLDG Volume 2 (SE09-8002-03) August 1994
IBM868 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM868.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM869 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM869.
IBM Keyboard layouts and code pages, PN 07G4586 June 1991
Reference: RFC1345
IBM870 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM870.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM871 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM871.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM880 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM880.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM891 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM891.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM903 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM903.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM905 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM905.
IBM 3174 Character Set Ref, GA27-3831-02, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBM918 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM918.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
IBMEBCDICATDE is the MIB identifier with IANA name EBCDIC-AT-DE.
IBM 3270 Char Set Ref Ch 10, GA27-2837-9, April 1987
Reference: RFC1345
IBMSymbols is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM-Symbols.
Presentation Set, CPGID: 259
IBMThai is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM-Thai.
Presentation Set, CPGID: 838
INVARIANT is the MIB identifier with IANA name INVARIANT.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO102T617bit is the MIB identifier with IANA name T.61-7bit.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO10367Box is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_10367-box.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO103T618bit is the MIB identifier with IANA name T.61-8bit.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO10646UTF1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-UTF-1.
Universal Transfer Format (1), this is the multibyte
encoding, that subsets ASCII-7. It does not have byte
ordering issues.
ISO10Swedish is the MIB identifier with IANA name SEN_850200_B.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO111ECMACyrillic is the MIB identifier with IANA name ECMA-cyrillic.
ISO registry
ISO115481 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-11548-1.
ISO11SwedishForNames is the MIB identifier with IANA name SEN_850200_C.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO121Canadian1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CSA_Z243.4-1985-1.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO122Canadian2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CSA_Z243.4-1985-2.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO123CSAZ24341985gr is the MIB identifier with IANA name CSA_Z243.4-1985-gr.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO128T101G2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name T.101-G2.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO139CSN369103 is the MIB identifier with IANA name CSN_369103.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO13JISC6220jp is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6220-1969-jp.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO141JUSIB1002 is the MIB identifier with IANA name JUS_I.B1.002.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO143IECP271 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IEC_P27-1.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO146Serbian is the MIB identifier with IANA name JUS_I.B1.003-serb.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO147Macedonian is the MIB identifier with IANA name JUS_I.B1.003-mac.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO14JISC6220ro is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6220-1969-ro.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO150GreekCCITT is the MIB identifier with IANA name greek-ccitt.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO151Cuba is the MIB identifier with IANA name NC_NC00-10:81.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO153GOST1976874 is the MIB identifier with IANA name GOST_19768-74.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO158Lap is the MIB identifier with IANA name latin-lap.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO159JISX02121990 is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_X0212-1990.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO15Italian is the MIB identifier with IANA name IT.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO16Portuguese is the MIB identifier with IANA name PT.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO17Spanish is the MIB identifier with IANA name ES.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO18Greek7Old is the MIB identifier with IANA name greek7-old.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO19LatinGreek is the MIB identifier with IANA name latin-greek.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO2022CN is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-2022-CN.
Reference: RFC1922
ISO2022CNEXT is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-2022-CN-EXT.
Reference: RFC1922
ISO2022JP is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-2022-JP (MIME: ISO-2022-JP).
rfc1468 (see also rfc2237 )
Reference: RFC1468
ISO2022JP2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-2022-JP-2 (MIME: ISO-2022-JP-2).
Reference: RFC1554
ISO2022KR is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-2022-KR (MIME: ISO-2022-KR).
rfc1557 (see also KS_C_5601-1987)
Reference: RFC1557
ISO2033 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_2033-1983.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO21German is the MIB identifier with IANA name DIN_66003.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO25French is the MIB identifier with IANA name NF_Z_62-010_(1973).
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO27LatinGreek1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name Latin-greek-1.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO2IntlRefVersion is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_646.irv:1983.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO42JISC62261978 is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6226-1978.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO47BSViewdata is the MIB identifier with IANA name BS_viewdata.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO49INIS is the MIB identifier with IANA name INIS.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO4UnitedKingdom is the MIB identifier with IANA name BS_4730.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO50INIS8 is the MIB identifier with IANA name INIS-8.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO51INISCyrillic is the MIB identifier with IANA name INIS-cyrillic.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO54271981 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_5427:1981.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO5427Cyrillic is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_5427.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO5428Greek is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_5428:1980.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO57GB1988 is the MIB identifier with IANA name GB_1988-80.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO58GB231280 is the MIB identifier with IANA name GB_2312-80.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO60Norwegian1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name NS_4551-1.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO61Norwegian2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name NS_4551-2.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO646basic1983 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_646.basic:1983.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO646Danish is the MIB identifier with IANA name DS_2089.
Danish Standard, DS 2089, February 1974
Reference: RFC1345
ISO6937Add is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_6937-2-25.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO69French is the MIB identifier with IANA name NF_Z_62-010.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO70VideotexSupp1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name videotex-suppl.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO84Portuguese2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name PT2.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO85Spanish2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ES2.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO86Hungarian is the MIB identifier with IANA name MSZ_7795.3.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO87JISX0208 is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6226-1983.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO885913 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-13.
ISO885914 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-14.
ISO885915 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-15.
Please see:
ISO885916 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-16.
ISO88596E is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-6-E (MIME: ISO-8859-6-E).
Reference: RFC1556
ISO88596I is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-6-I (MIME: ISO-8859-6-I).
Reference: RFC1556
ISO88598E is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-8-E (MIME: ISO-8859-8-E).
Reference: RFC1556
ISO88598I is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-8-I (MIME: ISO-8859-8-I).
Reference: RFC1556
ISO8859Supp is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-supp.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO88Greek7 is the MIB identifier with IANA name greek7.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO89ASMO449 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ASMO_449.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO90 is the MIB identifier with IANA name iso-ir-90.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO91JISC62291984a is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-a.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO92JISC62991984b is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-b.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO93JIS62291984badd is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-b-add.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO94JIS62291984hand is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-hand.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO95JIS62291984handadd is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-hand-add.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO96JISC62291984kana is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_C6229-1984-kana.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISO99NAPLPS is the MIB identifier with IANA name ANSI_X3.110-1983.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISOLatin1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-1:1987 (MIME: ISO-8859-1).
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISOLatin2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-2:1987 (MIME: ISO-8859-2).
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISOLatin3 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-3:1988 (MIME: ISO-8859-3).
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISOLatin4 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-4:1988 (MIME: ISO-8859-4).
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISOLatin5 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-9:1989 (MIME: ISO-8859-9).
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISOLatin6 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-10 (MIME: ISO-8859-10).
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISOLatinArabic is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-6:1987 (MIME: ISO-8859-6).
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISOLatinCyrillic is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-5:1988 (MIME: ISO-8859-5).
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISOLatinGreek is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-7:1987 (MIME: ISO-8859-7).
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1947
Reference: RFC1345
ISOLatinHebrew is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_8859-8:1988 (MIME: ISO-8859-8).
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
ISOTextComm is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO_6937-2-add.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences and ISO 6937-2:1983
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
JISEncoding is the MIB identifier with IANA name JIS_Encoding.
JIS X 0202-1991. Uses ISO 2022 escape sequences to
shift code sets as documented in JIS X 0202-1991.
KOI7switched is the MIB identifier with IANA name KOI7-switched.
KOI8R is the MIB identifier with IANA name KOI8-R (MIME: KOI8-R).
rfc1489 , based on GOST-19768-74, ISO-6937/8,
INIS-Cyrillic, ISO-5427.
Reference: RFC1489
KOI8U is the MIB identifier with IANA name KOI8-U.
Reference: RFC2319
KSC56011987 is the MIB identifier with IANA name KS_C_5601-1987.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
KSC5636 is the MIB identifier with IANA name KSC5636.
Reference: RFC1345
KZ1048 is the MIB identifier with IANA name KZ-1048.
Macintosh is the MIB identifier with IANA name macintosh.
The Unicode Standard ver1.0, ISBN 0-201-56788-1, Oct 1991
Reference: RFC1345
MacintoshCyrillic is the code for x-mac-cyrillic.
MicrosoftPublishing is the MIB identifier with IANA name Microsoft-Publishing.
PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard,
HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992
PCL Symbol Set id: 6J
Mnem is the MIB identifier with IANA name MNEM.
rfc1345 , also known as "mnemonic+ascii+8200"
Reference: RFC1345
Mnemonic is the MIB identifier with IANA name MNEMONIC.
rfc1345 , also known as "mnemonic+ascii+38"
Reference: RFC1345
NATSDANO is the MIB identifier with IANA name NATS-DANO.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
NATSDANOADD is the MIB identifier with IANA name NATS-DANO-ADD.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
NATSSEFI is the MIB identifier with IANA name NATS-SEFI.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
NATSSEFIADD is the MIB identifier with IANA name NATS-SEFI-ADD.
ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences
Note: The current registration authority is IPSJ/ITSCJ, Japan.
Reference: RFC1345
OSDEBCDICDF03IRV is the MIB identifier with IANA name OSD_EBCDIC_DF03_IRV.
Fujitsu-Siemens standard mainframe EBCDIC encoding
Please see:
OSDEBCDICDF041 is the MIB identifier with IANA name OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_1.
Fujitsu-Siemens standard mainframe EBCDIC encoding
Please see:
OSDEBCDICDF0415 is the MIB identifier with IANA name OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_15.
Fujitsu-Siemens standard mainframe EBCDIC encoding
Please see:
PC775Baltic is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM775.
HP PCL 5 Comparison Guide (P/N 5021-0329) pp B-13, 1996
PC850Multilingual is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM850.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
PC862LatinHebrew is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM862.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
PC8CodePage437 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM437.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
PC8DanishNorwegian is the MIB identifier with IANA name PC8-Danish-Norwegian.
PC Danish Norwegian
8-bit PC set for Danish Norwegian
PCL Symbol Set id: 11U
PC8Turkish is the MIB identifier with IANA name PC8-Turkish.
PC Latin Turkish. PCL Symbol Set id: 9T
PCp852 is the MIB identifier with IANA name IBM852.
IBM NLS RM Vol2 SE09-8002-01, March 1990
Reference: RFC1345
PTCP154 is the MIB identifier with IANA name PTCP154.
Replacement is the WhatWG replacement encoding.
SCSU is the MIB identifier with IANA name SCSU.
ShiftJIS is the MIB identifier with IANA name Shift_JIS (MIME: Shift_JIS).
This charset is an extension of csHalfWidthKatakana by
adding graphic characters in JIS X 0208. The CCS's are
JIS X0201:1997 and JIS X0208:1997. The
complete definition is shown in Appendix 1 of JIS
This charset can be used for the top-level media type "text".
TIS620 is the MIB identifier with IANA name TIS-620.
Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI)
TSCII is the MIB identifier with IANA name TSCII.
UCS4 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-UCS-4.
the full code space. (same comment about byte order,
these are 31-bit numbers.
Unicode is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-UCS-2.
the 2-octet Basic Multilingual Plane, aka Unicode
this needs to specify network byte order: the standard
does not specify (it is a 16-bit integer space)
Unicode11 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UNICODE-1-1.
Reference: RFC1641
Unicode11UTF7 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7.
Reference: RFC1642
UnicodeASCII is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-UCS-Basic.
ASCII subset of Unicode. Basic Latin = collection 1
See ISO 10646, Appendix A
UnicodeIBM1261 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-Unicode-IBM-1261.
IBM Latin-2, -3, -5, Extended Presentation Set, GCSGID: 1261
UnicodeIBM1264 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-Unicode-IBM-1264.
IBM Arabic Presentation Set, GCSGID: 1264
UnicodeIBM1265 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-Unicode-IBM-1265.
IBM Hebrew Presentation Set, GCSGID: 1265
UnicodeIBM1268 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-Unicode-IBM-1268.
IBM Latin-4 Extended Presentation Set, GCSGID: 1268
UnicodeIBM1276 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-Unicode-IBM-1276.
IBM Cyrillic Greek Extended Presentation Set, GCSGID: 1276
UnicodeJapanese is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-J-1.
ISO 10646 Japanese, see rfc1815 .
UnicodeLatin1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-10646-Unicode-Latin1.
ISO Latin-1 subset of Unicode. Basic Latin and Latin-1
Supplement = collections 1 and 2. See ISO 10646,
Appendix A. See rfc1815 .
Unknown8BiT is the MIB identifier with IANA name UNKNOWN-8BIT.
Reference: RFC1428
Unofficial marks the start of encodings not registered by IANA.
USDK is the MIB identifier with IANA name us-dk.
Reference: RFC1345
UTF16 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-16.
Reference: RFC2781
UTF16BE is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-16BE.
Reference: RFC2781
UTF16LE is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-16LE.
Reference: RFC2781
UTF32 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-32.
UTF32BE is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-32BE.
UTF32LE is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-32LE.
UTF7 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-7.
Reference: RFC2152
UTF7IMAP is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-7-IMAP.
Note: This charset is used to encode Unicode in IMAP mailbox names;
see section 5.1.3 of rfc3501 . It should never be used
outside this context. A name has been assigned so that charset processing
implementations can refer to it in a consistent way.
UTF8 is the MIB identifier with IANA name UTF-8.
Reference: RFC3629
VenturaInternational is the MIB identifier with IANA name Ventura-International.
Ventura International. ASCII plus coded characters similar
to Roman8.
PCL Symbol Set id: 13J
VenturaMath is the MIB identifier with IANA name Ventura-Math.
PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Hewlett-Packard,
HP part number 5961-0510, October 1992
PCL Symbol Set id: 6M
VenturaUS is the MIB identifier with IANA name Ventura-US.
Ventura US. ASCII plus characters typically used in
publishing, like pilcrow, copyright, registered, trade mark,
section, dagger, and double dagger in the range A0 (hex)
to FF (hex).
PCL Symbol Set id: 14J
VIQR is the MIB identifier with IANA name VIQR.
Reference: RFC1456
VISCII is the MIB identifier with IANA name VISCII.
Reference: RFC1456
Windows1250 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1250.
Windows1251 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1251.
Windows1252 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1252.
Windows1253 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1253.
Windows1254 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1254.
Windows1255 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1255.
Windows1256 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1256.
Windows1257 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1257.
Windows1258 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-1258.
Windows30Latin1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.0-Latin-1.
Extended ISO 8859-1 Latin-1 for Windows 3.0.
PCL Symbol Set id: 9U
Windows31J is the MIB identifier with IANA name Windows-31J.
Windows Japanese. A further extension of Shift_JIS
to include NEC special characters (Row 13), NEC
selection of IBM extensions (Rows 89 to 92), and IBM
extensions (Rows 115 to 119). The CCS's are
JIS X0201:1997, JIS X0208:1997, and these extensions.
This charset can be used for the top-level media type "text",
but it is of limited or specialized use (see rfc2278 ).
PCL Symbol Set id: 19K
Windows31Latin1 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.1-Latin-1.
Extended ISO 8859-1 Latin-1 for Windows 3.1.
PCL Symbol Set id: 19U
Windows31Latin2 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-2-Windows-Latin-2.
Extended ISO 8859-2. Latin-2 for Windows 3.1.
PCL Symbol Set id: 9E
Windows31Latin5 is the MIB identifier with IANA name ISO-8859-9-Windows-Latin-5.
Extended ISO 8859-9. Latin-5 for Windows 3.1
PCL Symbol Set id: 5T
Windows874 is the MIB identifier with IANA name windows-874.
XUserDefined is the code for x-user-defined.
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