package ecdh
import (
var (
x25519PublicKeySize = 32
x25519PrivateKeySize = 32
x25519SharedSecretSize = 32
func X25519 () Curve { return x25519 }
var x25519 = &x25519Curve {}
type x25519Curve struct {}
func (c *x25519Curve ) String () string {
return "X25519"
func (c *x25519Curve ) GenerateKey (rand io .Reader ) (*PrivateKey , error ) {
key := make ([]byte , x25519PrivateKeySize )
randutil .MaybeReadByte (rand )
if _ , err := io .ReadFull (rand , key ); err != nil {
return nil , err
return c .NewPrivateKey (key )
func (c *x25519Curve ) NewPrivateKey (key []byte ) (*PrivateKey , error ) {
if len (key ) != x25519PrivateKeySize {
return nil , errors .New ("crypto/ecdh: invalid private key size" )
return &PrivateKey {
curve : c ,
privateKey : append ([]byte {}, key ...),
}, nil
func (c *x25519Curve ) privateKeyToPublicKey (key *PrivateKey ) *PublicKey {
if key .curve != c {
panic ("crypto/ecdh: internal error: converting the wrong key type" )
k := &PublicKey {
curve : key .curve ,
publicKey : make ([]byte , x25519PublicKeySize ),
x25519Basepoint := [32 ]byte {9 }
x25519ScalarMult (k .publicKey , key .privateKey , x25519Basepoint [:])
return k
func (c *x25519Curve ) NewPublicKey (key []byte ) (*PublicKey , error ) {
if len (key ) != x25519PublicKeySize {
return nil , errors .New ("crypto/ecdh: invalid public key" )
return &PublicKey {
curve : c ,
publicKey : append ([]byte {}, key ...),
}, nil
func (c *x25519Curve ) ecdh (local *PrivateKey , remote *PublicKey ) ([]byte , error ) {
out := make ([]byte , x25519SharedSecretSize )
x25519ScalarMult (out , local .privateKey , remote .publicKey )
if isZero (out ) {
return nil , errors .New ("crypto/ecdh: bad X25519 remote ECDH input: low order point" )
return out , nil
func x25519ScalarMult(dst , scalar , point []byte ) {
var e [32 ]byte
copy (e [:], scalar [:])
e [0 ] &= 248
e [31 ] &= 127
e [31 ] |= 64
var x1 , x2 , z2 , x3 , z3 , tmp0 , tmp1 field .Element
x1 .SetBytes (point [:])
x2 .One ()
x3 .Set (&x1 )
z3 .One ()
swap := 0
for pos := 254 ; pos >= 0 ; pos -- {
b := e [pos /8 ] >> uint (pos &7 )
b &= 1
swap ^= int (b )
x2 .Swap (&x3 , swap )
z2 .Swap (&z3 , swap )
swap = int (b )
tmp0 .Subtract (&x3 , &z3 )
tmp1 .Subtract (&x2 , &z2 )
x2 .Add (&x2 , &z2 )
z2 .Add (&x3 , &z3 )
z3 .Multiply (&tmp0 , &x2 )
z2 .Multiply (&z2 , &tmp1 )
tmp0 .Square (&tmp1 )
tmp1 .Square (&x2 )
x3 .Add (&z3 , &z2 )
z2 .Subtract (&z3 , &z2 )
x2 .Multiply (&tmp1 , &tmp0 )
tmp1 .Subtract (&tmp1 , &tmp0 )
z2 .Square (&z2 )
z3 .Mult32 (&tmp1 , 121666 )
x3 .Square (&x3 )
tmp0 .Add (&tmp0 , &z3 )
z3 .Multiply (&x1 , &z2 )
z2 .Multiply (&tmp1 , &tmp0 )
x2 .Swap (&x3 , swap )
z2 .Swap (&z3 , swap )
z2 .Invert (&z2 )
x2 .Multiply (&x2 , &z2 )
copy (dst [:], x2 .Bytes ())
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