package sha256
import (
func init() {
crypto .RegisterHash (crypto .SHA224 , New224 )
crypto .RegisterHash (crypto .SHA256 , New )
const Size = 32
const Size224 = 28
const BlockSize = 64
const (
chunk = 64
init0 = 0x6A09E667
init1 = 0xBB67AE85
init2 = 0x3C6EF372
init3 = 0xA54FF53A
init4 = 0x510E527F
init5 = 0x9B05688C
init6 = 0x1F83D9AB
init7 = 0x5BE0CD19
init0_224 = 0xC1059ED8
init1_224 = 0x367CD507
init2_224 = 0x3070DD17
init3_224 = 0xF70E5939
init4_224 = 0xFFC00B31
init5_224 = 0x68581511
init6_224 = 0x64F98FA7
init7_224 = 0xBEFA4FA4
type digest struct {
h [8 ]uint32
x [chunk ]byte
nx int
len uint64
is224 bool
const (
magic224 = "sha\x02"
magic256 = "sha\x03"
marshaledSize = len (magic256 ) + 8 *4 + chunk + 8
func (d *digest ) MarshalBinary () ([]byte , error ) {
b := make ([]byte , 0 , marshaledSize )
if d .is224 {
b = append (b , magic224 ...)
} else {
b = append (b , magic256 ...)
b = binary .BigEndian .AppendUint32 (b , d .h [0 ])
b = binary .BigEndian .AppendUint32 (b , d .h [1 ])
b = binary .BigEndian .AppendUint32 (b , d .h [2 ])
b = binary .BigEndian .AppendUint32 (b , d .h [3 ])
b = binary .BigEndian .AppendUint32 (b , d .h [4 ])
b = binary .BigEndian .AppendUint32 (b , d .h [5 ])
b = binary .BigEndian .AppendUint32 (b , d .h [6 ])
b = binary .BigEndian .AppendUint32 (b , d .h [7 ])
b = append (b , d .x [:d .nx ]...)
b = b [:len (b )+len (d .x )-d .nx ]
b = binary .BigEndian .AppendUint64 (b , d .len )
return b , nil
func (d *digest ) UnmarshalBinary (b []byte ) error {
if len (b ) < len (magic224 ) || (d .is224 && string (b [:len (magic224 )]) != magic224 ) || (!d .is224 && string (b [:len (magic256 )]) != magic256 ) {
return errors .New ("crypto/sha256: invalid hash state identifier" )
if len (b ) != marshaledSize {
return errors .New ("crypto/sha256: invalid hash state size" )
b = b [len (magic224 ):]
b , d .h [0 ] = consumeUint32 (b )
b , d .h [1 ] = consumeUint32 (b )
b , d .h [2 ] = consumeUint32 (b )
b , d .h [3 ] = consumeUint32 (b )
b , d .h [4 ] = consumeUint32 (b )
b , d .h [5 ] = consumeUint32 (b )
b , d .h [6 ] = consumeUint32 (b )
b , d .h [7 ] = consumeUint32 (b )
b = b [copy (d .x [:], b ):]
b , d .len = consumeUint64 (b )
d .nx = int (d .len % chunk )
return nil
func consumeUint64(b []byte ) ([]byte , uint64 ) {
_ = b [7 ]
x := uint64 (b [7 ]) | uint64 (b [6 ])<<8 | uint64 (b [5 ])<<16 | uint64 (b [4 ])<<24 |
uint64 (b [3 ])<<32 | uint64 (b [2 ])<<40 | uint64 (b [1 ])<<48 | uint64 (b [0 ])<<56
return b [8 :], x
func consumeUint32(b []byte ) ([]byte , uint32 ) {
_ = b [3 ]
x := uint32 (b [3 ]) | uint32 (b [2 ])<<8 | uint32 (b [1 ])<<16 | uint32 (b [0 ])<<24
return b [4 :], x
func (d *digest ) Reset () {
if !d .is224 {
d .h [0 ] = init0
d .h [1 ] = init1
d .h [2 ] = init2
d .h [3 ] = init3
d .h [4 ] = init4
d .h [5 ] = init5
d .h [6 ] = init6
d .h [7 ] = init7
} else {
d .h [0 ] = init0_224
d .h [1 ] = init1_224
d .h [2 ] = init2_224
d .h [3 ] = init3_224
d .h [4 ] = init4_224
d .h [5 ] = init5_224
d .h [6 ] = init6_224
d .h [7 ] = init7_224
d .nx = 0
d .len = 0
func New () hash .Hash {
if boring .Enabled {
return boring .NewSHA256 ()
d := new (digest )
d .Reset ()
return d
func New224 () hash .Hash {
if boring .Enabled {
return boring .NewSHA224 ()
d := new (digest )
d .is224 = true
d .Reset ()
return d
func (d *digest ) Size () int {
if !d .is224 {
return Size
return Size224
func (d *digest ) BlockSize () int { return BlockSize }
func (d *digest ) Write (p []byte ) (nn int , err error ) {
boring .Unreachable ()
nn = len (p )
d .len += uint64 (nn )
if d .nx > 0 {
n := copy (d .x [d .nx :], p )
d .nx += n
if d .nx == chunk {
block (d , d .x [:])
d .nx = 0
p = p [n :]
if len (p ) >= chunk {
n := len (p ) &^ (chunk - 1 )
block (d , p [:n ])
p = p [n :]
if len (p ) > 0 {
d .nx = copy (d .x [:], p )
func (d *digest ) Sum (in []byte ) []byte {
boring .Unreachable ()
d0 := *d
hash := d0 .checkSum ()
if d0 .is224 {
return append (in , hash [:Size224 ]...)
return append (in , hash [:]...)
func (d *digest ) checkSum () [Size ]byte {
len := d .len
var tmp [64 + 8 ]byte
tmp [0 ] = 0x80
var t uint64
if len %64 < 56 {
t = 56 - len %64
} else {
t = 64 + 56 - len %64
len <<= 3
padlen := tmp [:t +8 ]
binary .BigEndian .PutUint64 (padlen [t +0 :], len )
d .Write (padlen )
if d .nx != 0 {
panic ("d.nx != 0" )
var digest [Size ]byte
binary .BigEndian .PutUint32 (digest [0 :], d .h [0 ])
binary .BigEndian .PutUint32 (digest [4 :], d .h [1 ])
binary .BigEndian .PutUint32 (digest [8 :], d .h [2 ])
binary .BigEndian .PutUint32 (digest [12 :], d .h [3 ])
binary .BigEndian .PutUint32 (digest [16 :], d .h [4 ])
binary .BigEndian .PutUint32 (digest [20 :], d .h [5 ])
binary .BigEndian .PutUint32 (digest [24 :], d .h [6 ])
if !d .is224 {
binary .BigEndian .PutUint32 (digest [28 :], d .h [7 ])
return digest
func Sum256 (data []byte ) [Size ]byte {
if boring .Enabled {
return boring .SHA256 (data )
var d digest
d .Reset ()
d .Write (data )
return d .checkSum ()
func Sum224 (data []byte ) [Size224 ]byte {
if boring .Enabled {
return boring .SHA224 (data )
var d digest
d .is224 = true
d .Reset ()
d .Write (data )
sum := d .checkSum ()
ap := (*[Size224 ]byte )(sum [:])
return *ap
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