package tls
import (
func verifyHandshakeSignature(sigType uint8 , pubkey crypto .PublicKey , hashFunc crypto .Hash , signed , sig []byte ) error {
switch sigType {
case signatureECDSA :
pubKey , ok := pubkey .(*ecdsa .PublicKey )
if !ok {
return fmt .Errorf ("expected an ECDSA public key, got %T" , pubkey )
if !ecdsa .VerifyASN1 (pubKey , signed , sig ) {
return errors .New ("ECDSA verification failure" )
case signatureEd25519 :
pubKey , ok := pubkey .(ed25519 .PublicKey )
if !ok {
return fmt .Errorf ("expected an Ed25519 public key, got %T" , pubkey )
if !ed25519 .Verify (pubKey , signed , sig ) {
return errors .New ("Ed25519 verification failure" )
case signaturePKCS1v15 :
pubKey , ok := pubkey .(*rsa .PublicKey )
if !ok {
return fmt .Errorf ("expected an RSA public key, got %T" , pubkey )
if err := rsa .VerifyPKCS1v15 (pubKey , hashFunc , signed , sig ); err != nil {
return err
case signatureRSAPSS :
pubKey , ok := pubkey .(*rsa .PublicKey )
if !ok {
return fmt .Errorf ("expected an RSA public key, got %T" , pubkey )
signOpts := &rsa .PSSOptions {SaltLength : rsa .PSSSaltLengthEqualsHash }
if err := rsa .VerifyPSS (pubKey , hashFunc , signed , sig , signOpts ); err != nil {
return err
default :
return errors .New ("internal error: unknown signature type" )
return nil
const (
serverSignatureContext = "TLS 1.3, server CertificateVerify\x00"
clientSignatureContext = "TLS 1.3, client CertificateVerify\x00"
var signaturePadding = []byte {
0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 ,
0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 ,
0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 ,
0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 ,
0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 ,
0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 ,
0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 ,
0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 , 0x20 ,
func signedMessage(sigHash crypto .Hash , context string , transcript hash .Hash ) []byte {
if sigHash == directSigning {
b := &bytes .Buffer {}
b .Write (signaturePadding )
io .WriteString (b , context )
b .Write (transcript .Sum (nil ))
return b .Bytes ()
h := sigHash .New ()
h .Write (signaturePadding )
io .WriteString (h , context )
h .Write (transcript .Sum (nil ))
return h .Sum (nil )
func typeAndHashFromSignatureScheme(signatureAlgorithm SignatureScheme ) (sigType uint8 , hash crypto .Hash , err error ) {
switch signatureAlgorithm {
case PKCS1WithSHA1 , PKCS1WithSHA256 , PKCS1WithSHA384 , PKCS1WithSHA512 :
sigType = signaturePKCS1v15
case PSSWithSHA256 , PSSWithSHA384 , PSSWithSHA512 :
sigType = signatureRSAPSS
case ECDSAWithSHA1 , ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256 , ECDSAWithP384AndSHA384 , ECDSAWithP521AndSHA512 :
sigType = signatureECDSA
case Ed25519 :
sigType = signatureEd25519
default :
return 0 , 0 , fmt .Errorf ("unsupported signature algorithm: %v" , signatureAlgorithm )
switch signatureAlgorithm {
case PKCS1WithSHA1 , ECDSAWithSHA1 :
hash = crypto .SHA1
case PKCS1WithSHA256 , PSSWithSHA256 , ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256 :
hash = crypto .SHA256
case PKCS1WithSHA384 , PSSWithSHA384 , ECDSAWithP384AndSHA384 :
hash = crypto .SHA384
case PKCS1WithSHA512 , PSSWithSHA512 , ECDSAWithP521AndSHA512 :
hash = crypto .SHA512
case Ed25519 :
hash = directSigning
default :
return 0 , 0 , fmt .Errorf ("unsupported signature algorithm: %v" , signatureAlgorithm )
return sigType , hash , nil
func legacyTypeAndHashFromPublicKey(pub crypto .PublicKey ) (sigType uint8 , hash crypto .Hash , err error ) {
switch pub .(type ) {
case *rsa .PublicKey :
return signaturePKCS1v15 , crypto .MD5SHA1 , nil
case *ecdsa .PublicKey :
return signatureECDSA , crypto .SHA1 , nil
case ed25519 .PublicKey :
return 0 , 0 , fmt .Errorf ("tls: Ed25519 public keys are not supported before TLS 1.2" )
default :
return 0 , 0 , fmt .Errorf ("tls: unsupported public key: %T" , pub )
var rsaSignatureSchemes = []struct {
scheme SignatureScheme
minModulusBytes int
maxVersion uint16
{PSSWithSHA256 , crypto .SHA256 .Size ()*2 + 2 , VersionTLS13 },
{PSSWithSHA384 , crypto .SHA384 .Size ()*2 + 2 , VersionTLS13 },
{PSSWithSHA512 , crypto .SHA512 .Size ()*2 + 2 , VersionTLS13 },
{PKCS1WithSHA256 , 19 + crypto .SHA256 .Size () + 11 , VersionTLS12 },
{PKCS1WithSHA384 , 19 + crypto .SHA384 .Size () + 11 , VersionTLS12 },
{PKCS1WithSHA512 , 19 + crypto .SHA512 .Size () + 11 , VersionTLS12 },
{PKCS1WithSHA1 , 15 + crypto .SHA1 .Size () + 11 , VersionTLS12 },
func signatureSchemesForCertificate(version uint16 , cert *Certificate ) []SignatureScheme {
priv , ok := cert .PrivateKey .(crypto .Signer )
if !ok {
return nil
var sigAlgs []SignatureScheme
switch pub := priv .Public ().(type ) {
case *ecdsa .PublicKey :
if version != VersionTLS13 {
sigAlgs = []SignatureScheme {
ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256 ,
ECDSAWithP384AndSHA384 ,
ECDSAWithP521AndSHA512 ,
switch pub .Curve {
case elliptic .P256 ():
sigAlgs = []SignatureScheme {ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256 }
case elliptic .P384 ():
sigAlgs = []SignatureScheme {ECDSAWithP384AndSHA384 }
case elliptic .P521 ():
sigAlgs = []SignatureScheme {ECDSAWithP521AndSHA512 }
default :
return nil
case *rsa .PublicKey :
size := pub .Size ()
sigAlgs = make ([]SignatureScheme , 0 , len (rsaSignatureSchemes ))
for _ , candidate := range rsaSignatureSchemes {
if size >= candidate .minModulusBytes && version <= candidate .maxVersion {
sigAlgs = append (sigAlgs , candidate .scheme )
case ed25519 .PublicKey :
sigAlgs = []SignatureScheme {Ed25519 }
default :
return nil
if cert .SupportedSignatureAlgorithms != nil {
var filteredSigAlgs []SignatureScheme
for _ , sigAlg := range sigAlgs {
if isSupportedSignatureAlgorithm (sigAlg , cert .SupportedSignatureAlgorithms ) {
filteredSigAlgs = append (filteredSigAlgs , sigAlg )
return filteredSigAlgs
return sigAlgs
func selectSignatureScheme(vers uint16 , c *Certificate , peerAlgs []SignatureScheme ) (SignatureScheme , error ) {
supportedAlgs := signatureSchemesForCertificate (vers , c )
if len (supportedAlgs ) == 0 {
return 0 , unsupportedCertificateError (c )
if len (peerAlgs ) == 0 && vers == VersionTLS12 {
peerAlgs = []SignatureScheme {PKCS1WithSHA1 , ECDSAWithSHA1 }
for _ , preferredAlg := range peerAlgs {
if needFIPS () && !isSupportedSignatureAlgorithm (preferredAlg , fipsSupportedSignatureAlgorithms ) {
if isSupportedSignatureAlgorithm (preferredAlg , supportedAlgs ) {
return preferredAlg , nil
return 0 , errors .New ("tls: peer doesn't support any of the certificate's signature algorithms" )
func unsupportedCertificateError(cert *Certificate ) error {
switch cert .PrivateKey .(type ) {
case rsa .PrivateKey , ecdsa .PrivateKey :
return fmt .Errorf ("tls: unsupported certificate: private key is %T, expected *%T" ,
cert .PrivateKey , cert .PrivateKey )
case *ed25519 .PrivateKey :
return fmt .Errorf ("tls: unsupported certificate: private key is *ed25519.PrivateKey, expected ed25519.PrivateKey" )
signer , ok := cert .PrivateKey .(crypto .Signer )
if !ok {
return fmt .Errorf ("tls: certificate private key (%T) does not implement crypto.Signer" ,
cert .PrivateKey )
switch pub := signer .Public ().(type ) {
case *ecdsa .PublicKey :
switch pub .Curve {
case elliptic .P256 ():
case elliptic .P384 ():
case elliptic .P521 ():
default :
return fmt .Errorf ("tls: unsupported certificate curve (%s)" , pub .Curve .Params ().Name )
case *rsa .PublicKey :
return fmt .Errorf ("tls: certificate RSA key size too small for supported signature algorithms" )
case ed25519 .PublicKey :
default :
return fmt .Errorf ("tls: unsupported certificate key (%T)" , pub )
if cert .SupportedSignatureAlgorithms != nil {
return fmt .Errorf ("tls: peer doesn't support the certificate custom signature algorithms" )
return fmt .Errorf ("tls: internal error: unsupported key (%T)" , cert .PrivateKey )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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