package brotli
import "math"
const numHistogramDistanceSymbols = 544
type histogramLiteral struct {
data_ [numLiteralSymbols ]uint32
total_count_ uint
bit_cost_ float64
func histogramClearLiteral(self *histogramLiteral ) {
self .data_ = [numLiteralSymbols ]uint32 {}
self .total_count_ = 0
self .bit_cost_ = math .MaxFloat64
func clearHistogramsLiteral(array []histogramLiteral , length uint ) {
var i uint
for i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ {
histogramClearLiteral (&array [i :][0 ])
func histogramAddLiteral(self *histogramLiteral , val uint ) {
self .data_ [val ]++
self .total_count_ ++
func histogramAddVectorLiteral(self *histogramLiteral , p []byte , n uint ) {
self .total_count_ += n
n += 1
for {
n --
if n == 0 {
self .data_ [p [0 ]]++
p = p [1 :]
func histogramAddHistogramLiteral(self *histogramLiteral , v *histogramLiteral ) {
var i uint
self .total_count_ += v .total_count_
for i = 0 ; i < numLiteralSymbols ; i ++ {
self .data_ [i ] += v .data_ [i ]
func histogramDataSizeLiteral() uint {
return numLiteralSymbols
type histogramCommand struct {
data_ [numCommandSymbols ]uint32
total_count_ uint
bit_cost_ float64
func histogramClearCommand(self *histogramCommand ) {
self .data_ = [numCommandSymbols ]uint32 {}
self .total_count_ = 0
self .bit_cost_ = math .MaxFloat64
func clearHistogramsCommand(array []histogramCommand , length uint ) {
var i uint
for i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ {
histogramClearCommand (&array [i :][0 ])
func histogramAddCommand(self *histogramCommand , val uint ) {
self .data_ [val ]++
self .total_count_ ++
func histogramAddVectorCommand(self *histogramCommand , p []uint16 , n uint ) {
self .total_count_ += n
n += 1
for {
n --
if n == 0 {
self .data_ [p [0 ]]++
p = p [1 :]
func histogramAddHistogramCommand(self *histogramCommand , v *histogramCommand ) {
var i uint
self .total_count_ += v .total_count_
for i = 0 ; i < numCommandSymbols ; i ++ {
self .data_ [i ] += v .data_ [i ]
func histogramDataSizeCommand() uint {
return numCommandSymbols
type histogramDistance struct {
data_ [numDistanceSymbols ]uint32
total_count_ uint
bit_cost_ float64
func histogramClearDistance(self *histogramDistance ) {
self .data_ = [numDistanceSymbols ]uint32 {}
self .total_count_ = 0
self .bit_cost_ = math .MaxFloat64
func clearHistogramsDistance(array []histogramDistance , length uint ) {
var i uint
for i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ {
histogramClearDistance (&array [i :][0 ])
func histogramAddDistance(self *histogramDistance , val uint ) {
self .data_ [val ]++
self .total_count_ ++
func histogramAddVectorDistance(self *histogramDistance , p []uint16 , n uint ) {
self .total_count_ += n
n += 1
for {
n --
if n == 0 {
self .data_ [p [0 ]]++
p = p [1 :]
func histogramAddHistogramDistance(self *histogramDistance , v *histogramDistance ) {
var i uint
self .total_count_ += v .total_count_
for i = 0 ; i < numDistanceSymbols ; i ++ {
self .data_ [i ] += v .data_ [i ]
func histogramDataSizeDistance() uint {
return numDistanceSymbols
type blockSplitIterator struct {
split_ *blockSplit
idx_ uint
type_ uint
length_ uint
func initBlockSplitIterator(self *blockSplitIterator , split *blockSplit ) {
self .split_ = split
self .idx_ = 0
self .type_ = 0
if len (split .lengths ) > 0 {
self .length_ = uint (split .lengths [0 ])
} else {
self .length_ = 0
func blockSplitIteratorNext(self *blockSplitIterator ) {
if self .length_ == 0 {
self .idx_ ++
self .type_ = uint (self .split_ .types [self .idx_ ])
self .length_ = uint (self .split_ .lengths [self .idx_ ])
self .length_ --
func buildHistogramsWithContext(cmds []command , literal_split *blockSplit , insert_and_copy_split *blockSplit , dist_split *blockSplit , ringbuffer []byte , start_pos uint , mask uint , prev_byte byte , prev_byte2 byte , context_modes []int , literal_histograms []histogramLiteral , insert_and_copy_histograms []histogramCommand , copy_dist_histograms []histogramDistance ) {
var pos uint = start_pos
var literal_it blockSplitIterator
var insert_and_copy_it blockSplitIterator
var dist_it blockSplitIterator
initBlockSplitIterator (&literal_it , literal_split )
initBlockSplitIterator (&insert_and_copy_it , insert_and_copy_split )
initBlockSplitIterator (&dist_it , dist_split )
for i := range cmds {
var cmd *command = &cmds [i ]
var j uint
blockSplitIteratorNext (&insert_and_copy_it )
histogramAddCommand (&insert_and_copy_histograms [insert_and_copy_it .type_ ], uint (cmd .cmd_prefix_ ))
for j = uint (cmd .insert_len_ ); j != 0 ; j -- {
var context uint
blockSplitIteratorNext (&literal_it )
context = literal_it .type_
if context_modes != nil {
var lut contextLUT = getContextLUT (context_modes [context ])
context = (context << literalContextBits ) + uint (getContext (prev_byte , prev_byte2 , lut ))
histogramAddLiteral (&literal_histograms [context ], uint (ringbuffer [pos &mask ]))
prev_byte2 = prev_byte
prev_byte = ringbuffer [pos &mask ]
pos ++
pos += uint (commandCopyLen (cmd ))
if commandCopyLen (cmd ) != 0 {
prev_byte2 = ringbuffer [(pos -2 )&mask ]
prev_byte = ringbuffer [(pos -1 )&mask ]
if cmd .cmd_prefix_ >= 128 {
var context uint
blockSplitIteratorNext (&dist_it )
context = uint (uint32 (dist_it .type_ <<distanceContextBits ) + commandDistanceContext (cmd ))
histogramAddDistance (©_dist_histograms [context ], uint (cmd .dist_prefix_ )&0x3FF )
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