package retry

import (

// Function signature of retry if function
type RetryIfFunc func(error) bool

// Function signature of OnRetry function
// n = count of attempts
type OnRetryFunc func(n uint, err error)

// DelayTypeFunc is called to return the next delay to wait after the retriable function fails on `err` after `n` attempts.
type DelayTypeFunc func(n uint, err error, config *Config) time.Duration

type Config struct {
	attempts      uint
	delay         time.Duration
	maxDelay      time.Duration
	maxJitter     time.Duration
	onRetry       OnRetryFunc
	retryIf       RetryIfFunc
	delayType     DelayTypeFunc
	lastErrorOnly bool
	context       context.Context

	maxBackOffN uint

// Option represents an option for retry.
type Option func(*Config)

// return the direct last error that came from the retried function
// default is false (return wrapped errors with everything)
func ( bool) Option {
	return func( *Config) {
		.lastErrorOnly = 

// Attempts set count of retry
// default is 10
func ( uint) Option {
	return func( *Config) {
		.attempts = 

// Delay set delay between retry
// default is 100ms
func ( time.Duration) Option {
	return func( *Config) {
		.delay = 

// MaxDelay set maximum delay between retry
// does not apply by default
func ( time.Duration) Option {
	return func( *Config) {
		.maxDelay = 

// MaxJitter sets the maximum random Jitter between retries for RandomDelay
func ( time.Duration) Option {
	return func( *Config) {
		.maxJitter = 

// DelayType set type of the delay between retries
// default is BackOff
func ( DelayTypeFunc) Option {
	return func( *Config) {
		.delayType = 

// BackOffDelay is a DelayType which increases delay between consecutive retries
func ( uint,  error,  *Config) time.Duration {
	// 1 << 63 would overflow signed int64 (time.Duration), thus 62.
	const  uint = 62

	if .maxBackOffN == 0 {
		if .delay <= 0 {
			.delay = 1

		.maxBackOffN =  - uint(math.Floor(math.Log2(float64(.delay))))

	if  > .maxBackOffN {
		 = .maxBackOffN

	return .delay << 

// FixedDelay is a DelayType which keeps delay the same through all iterations
func ( uint,  error,  *Config) time.Duration {
	return .delay

// RandomDelay is a DelayType which picks a random delay up to config.maxJitter
func ( uint,  error,  *Config) time.Duration {
	return time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(.maxJitter)))

// CombineDelay is a DelayType the combines all of the specified delays into a new DelayTypeFunc
func ( ...DelayTypeFunc) DelayTypeFunc {
	const  = uint64(math.MaxInt64)

	return func( uint,  error,  *Config) time.Duration {
		var  uint64
		for ,  := range  {
			 += uint64((, , ))
			if  >  {

		return time.Duration()

// OnRetry function callback are called each retry
// log each retry example:
//	retry.Do(
//		func() error {
//			return errors.New("some error")
//		},
//		retry.OnRetry(func(n uint, err error) {
//			log.Printf("#%d: %s\n", n, err)
//		}),
//	)
func ( OnRetryFunc) Option {
	return func( *Config) {
		.onRetry = 

// RetryIf controls whether a retry should be attempted after an error
// (assuming there are any retry attempts remaining)
// skip retry if special error example:
//	retry.Do(
//		func() error {
//			return errors.New("special error")
//		},
//		retry.RetryIf(func(err error) bool {
//			if err.Error() == "special error" {
//				return false
//			}
//			return true
//		})
//	)
// By default RetryIf stops execution if the error is wrapped using `retry.Unrecoverable`,
// so above example may also be shortened to:
//	retry.Do(
//		func() error {
//			return retry.Unrecoverable(errors.New("special error"))
//		}
//	)
func ( RetryIfFunc) Option {
	return func( *Config) {
		.retryIf = 

// Context allow to set context of retry
// default are Background context
// example of immediately cancellation (maybe it isn't the best example, but it describes behavior enough; I hope)
//	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
//	cancel()
//	retry.Do(
//		func() error {
//			...
//		},
//		retry.Context(ctx),
//	)
func ( context.Context) Option {
	return func( *Config) {
		.context = 