package fiber

import (



// Request represents HTTP request.
// It is forbidden copying Request instances. Create new instances
// and use CopyTo instead.
// Request instance MUST NOT be used from concurrently running goroutines.
// Copy from fasthttp
type Request = fasthttp.Request

// Response represents HTTP response.
// It is forbidden copying Response instances. Create new instances
// and use CopyTo instead.
// Response instance MUST NOT be used from concurrently running goroutines.
// Copy from fasthttp
type Response = fasthttp.Response

// Args represents query arguments.
// It is forbidden copying Args instances. Create new instances instead
// and use CopyTo().
// Args instance MUST NOT be used from concurrently running goroutines.
// Copy from fasthttp
type Args = fasthttp.Args

// RetryIfFunc signature of retry if function
// Request argument passed to RetryIfFunc, if there are any request errors.
// Copy from fasthttp
type RetryIfFunc = fasthttp.RetryIfFunc

var defaultClient Client

// Client implements http client.
// It is safe calling Client methods from concurrently running goroutines.
type Client struct {
	mutex sync.RWMutex
	// UserAgent is used in User-Agent request header.
	UserAgent string

	// NoDefaultUserAgentHeader when set to true, causes the default
	// User-Agent header to be excluded from the Request.
	NoDefaultUserAgentHeader bool

	// When set by an external client of Fiber it will use the provided implementation of a
	// JSONMarshal
	// Allowing for flexibility in using another json library for encoding
	JSONEncoder utils.JSONMarshal

	// When set by an external client of Fiber it will use the provided implementation of a
	// JSONUnmarshal
	// Allowing for flexibility in using another json library for decoding
	JSONDecoder utils.JSONUnmarshal

// Get returns an agent with http method GET.
func ( string) *Agent { return defaultClient.Get() }

// Get returns an agent with http method GET.
func ( *Client) ( string) *Agent {
	return .createAgent(MethodGet, )

// Head returns an agent with http method HEAD.
func ( string) *Agent { return defaultClient.Head() }

// Head returns an agent with http method GET.
func ( *Client) ( string) *Agent {
	return .createAgent(MethodHead, )

// Post sends POST request to the given URL.
func ( string) *Agent { return defaultClient.Post() }

// Post sends POST request to the given URL.
func ( *Client) ( string) *Agent {
	return .createAgent(MethodPost, )

// Put sends PUT request to the given URL.
func ( string) *Agent { return defaultClient.Put() }

// Put sends PUT request to the given URL.
func ( *Client) ( string) *Agent {
	return .createAgent(MethodPut, )

// Patch sends PATCH request to the given URL.
func ( string) *Agent { return defaultClient.Patch() }

// Patch sends PATCH request to the given URL.
func ( *Client) ( string) *Agent {
	return .createAgent(MethodPatch, )

// Delete sends DELETE request to the given URL.
func ( string) *Agent { return defaultClient.Delete() }

// Delete sends DELETE request to the given URL.
func ( *Client) ( string) *Agent {
	return .createAgent(MethodDelete, )

func ( *Client) (,  string) *Agent {
	 := AcquireAgent()

	.Name = .UserAgent
	.NoDefaultUserAgentHeader = .NoDefaultUserAgentHeader
	.jsonDecoder = .JSONDecoder
	.jsonEncoder = .JSONEncoder
	if .jsonDecoder == nil {
		.jsonDecoder = json.Unmarshal

	if  := .Parse();  != nil {
		.errs = append(.errs, )


// Agent is an object storing all request data for client.
// Agent instance MUST NOT be used from concurrently running goroutines.
type Agent struct {
	// Name is used in User-Agent request header.
	Name string

	// NoDefaultUserAgentHeader when set to true, causes the default
	// User-Agent header to be excluded from the Request.
	NoDefaultUserAgentHeader bool

	// HostClient is an embedded fasthttp HostClient

	req               *Request
	resp              *Response
	dest              []byte
	args              *Args
	timeout           time.Duration
	errs              []error
	formFiles         []*FormFile
	debugWriter       io.Writer
	mw                multipartWriter
	jsonEncoder       utils.JSONMarshal
	jsonDecoder       utils.JSONUnmarshal
	maxRedirectsCount int
	boundary          string
	reuse             bool
	parsed            bool

// Parse initializes URI and HostClient.
func ( *Agent) () error {
	if .parsed {
		return nil
	.parsed = true

	 := .req.URI()

	var  bool
	 := .Scheme()
	if bytes.Equal(, []byte(schemeHTTPS)) {
		 = true
	} else if !bytes.Equal(, []byte(schemeHTTP)) {
		return fmt.Errorf("unsupported protocol %q. http and https are supported", )

	 := .Name
	if  == "" && !.NoDefaultUserAgentHeader {
		 = defaultUserAgent

	.HostClient = &fasthttp.HostClient{
		Addr:                     fasthttp.AddMissingPort(string(.Host()), ),
		Name:                     ,
		NoDefaultUserAgentHeader: .NoDefaultUserAgentHeader,
		IsTLS:                    ,

	return nil

/************************** Header Setting **************************/

// Set sets the given 'key: value' header.
// Use Add for setting multiple header values under the same key.
func ( *Agent) (,  string) *Agent {
	.req.Header.Set(, )


// SetBytesK sets the given 'key: value' header.
// Use AddBytesK for setting multiple header values under the same key.
func ( *Agent) ( []byte,  string) *Agent {
	.req.Header.SetBytesK(, )


// SetBytesV sets the given 'key: value' header.
// Use AddBytesV for setting multiple header values under the same key.
func ( *Agent) ( string,  []byte) *Agent {
	.req.Header.SetBytesV(, )


// SetBytesKV sets the given 'key: value' header.
// Use AddBytesKV for setting multiple header values under the same key.
func ( *Agent) (,  []byte) *Agent {
	.req.Header.SetBytesKV(, )


// Add adds the given 'key: value' header.
// Multiple headers with the same key may be added with this function.
// Use Set for setting a single header for the given key.
func ( *Agent) (,  string) *Agent {
	.req.Header.Add(, )


// AddBytesK adds the given 'key: value' header.
// Multiple headers with the same key may be added with this function.
// Use SetBytesK for setting a single header for the given key.
func ( *Agent) ( []byte,  string) *Agent {
	.req.Header.AddBytesK(, )


// AddBytesV adds the given 'key: value' header.
// Multiple headers with the same key may be added with this function.
// Use SetBytesV for setting a single header for the given key.
func ( *Agent) ( string,  []byte) *Agent {
	.req.Header.AddBytesV(, )


// AddBytesKV adds the given 'key: value' header.
// Multiple headers with the same key may be added with this function.
// Use SetBytesKV for setting a single header for the given key.
func ( *Agent) (,  []byte) *Agent {
	.req.Header.AddBytesKV(, )


// ConnectionClose sets 'Connection: close' header.
func ( *Agent) () *Agent {


// UserAgent sets User-Agent header value.
func ( *Agent) ( string) *Agent {


// UserAgentBytes sets User-Agent header value.
func ( *Agent) ( []byte) *Agent {


// Cookie sets one 'key: value' cookie.
func ( *Agent) (,  string) *Agent {
	.req.Header.SetCookie(, )


// CookieBytesK sets one 'key: value' cookie.
func ( *Agent) ( []byte,  string) *Agent {
	.req.Header.SetCookieBytesK(, )


// CookieBytesKV sets one 'key: value' cookie.
func ( *Agent) (,  []byte) *Agent {
	.req.Header.SetCookieBytesKV(, )


// Cookies sets multiple 'key: value' cookies.
func ( *Agent) ( ...string) *Agent {
	for  := 1;  < len();  += 2 {
		.req.Header.SetCookie([-1], [])


// CookiesBytesKV sets multiple 'key: value' cookies.
func ( *Agent) ( ...[]byte) *Agent {
	for  := 1;  < len();  += 2 {
		.req.Header.SetCookieBytesKV([-1], [])


// Referer sets Referer header value.
func ( *Agent) ( string) *Agent {


// RefererBytes sets Referer header value.
func ( *Agent) ( []byte) *Agent {


// ContentType sets Content-Type header value.
func ( *Agent) ( string) *Agent {


// ContentTypeBytes sets Content-Type header value.
func ( *Agent) ( []byte) *Agent {


/************************** End Header Setting **************************/

/************************** URI Setting **************************/

// Host sets host for the URI.
func ( *Agent) ( string) *Agent {


// HostBytes sets host for the URI.
func ( *Agent) ( []byte) *Agent {


// QueryString sets URI query string.
func ( *Agent) ( string) *Agent {


// QueryStringBytes sets URI query string.
func ( *Agent) ( []byte) *Agent {


// BasicAuth sets URI username and password.
func ( *Agent) (,  string) *Agent {


// BasicAuthBytes sets URI username and password.
func ( *Agent) (,  []byte) *Agent {


/************************** End URI Setting **************************/

/************************** Request Setting **************************/

// BodyString sets request body.
func ( *Agent) ( string) *Agent {


// Body sets request body.
func ( *Agent) ( []byte) *Agent {


// BodyStream sets request body stream and, optionally body size.
// If bodySize is >= 0, then the bodyStream must provide exactly bodySize bytes
// before returning io.EOF.
// If bodySize < 0, then bodyStream is read until io.EOF.
// bodyStream.Close() is called after finishing reading all body data
// if it implements io.Closer.
// Note that GET and HEAD requests cannot have body.
func ( *Agent) ( io.Reader,  int) *Agent {
	.req.SetBodyStream(, )


// JSON sends a JSON request.
func ( *Agent) ( interface{}) *Agent {
	if .jsonEncoder == nil {
		.jsonEncoder = json.Marshal


	if ,  := .jsonEncoder();  != nil {
		.errs = append(.errs, )
	} else {


// XML sends an XML request.
func ( *Agent) ( interface{}) *Agent {

	if ,  := xml.Marshal();  != nil {
		.errs = append(.errs, )
	} else {


// Form sends form request with body if args is non-nil.
// It is recommended obtaining args via AcquireArgs and release it
// manually in performance-critical code.
func ( *Agent) ( *Args) *Agent {

	if  != nil {


// FormFile represents multipart form file
type FormFile struct {
	// Fieldname is form file's field name
	Fieldname string
	// Name is form file's name
	Name string
	// Content is form file's content
	Content []byte
	// autoRelease indicates if returns the object
	// acquired via AcquireFormFile to the pool.
	autoRelease bool

// FileData appends files for multipart form request.
// It is recommended obtaining formFile via AcquireFormFile and release it
// manually in performance-critical code.
func ( *Agent) ( ...*FormFile) *Agent {
	.formFiles = append(.formFiles, ...)


// SendFile reads file and appends it to multipart form request.
func ( *Agent) ( string,  ...string) *Agent {
	,  := os.ReadFile(filepath.Clean())
	if  != nil {
		.errs = append(.errs, )

	 := AcquireFormFile()
	if len() > 0 && [0] != "" {
		.Fieldname = [0]
	} else {
		.Fieldname = "file" + strconv.Itoa(len(.formFiles)+1)
	.Name = filepath.Base()
	.Content = append(.Content, ...)
	.autoRelease = true

	.formFiles = append(.formFiles, )


// SendFiles reads files and appends them to multipart form request.
// Examples:
//	SendFile("/path/to/file1", "fieldname1", "/path/to/file2")
func ( *Agent) ( ...string) *Agent {
	 := len()
	if &1 == 1 {
		 = append(, "")

	for  := 0;  < ;  += 2 {
		.SendFile([], [+1])


// Boundary sets boundary for multipart form request.
func ( *Agent) ( string) *Agent {
	.boundary = 


// MultipartForm sends multipart form request with k-v and files.
// It is recommended obtaining args via AcquireArgs and release it
// manually in performance-critical code.
func ( *Agent) ( *Args) *Agent {
	if .mw == nil {
		.mw = multipart.NewWriter(.req.BodyWriter())

	if .boundary != "" {
		if  := .mw.SetBoundary(.boundary);  != nil {
			.errs = append(.errs, )


	if  != nil {
		.VisitAll(func(,  []byte) {
			if  := .mw.WriteField(utils.UnsafeString(), utils.UnsafeString());  != nil {
				.errs = append(.errs, )

	for ,  := range .formFiles {
		,  := .mw.CreateFormFile(.Fieldname, .Name)
		if  != nil {
			.errs = append(.errs, )
		if _,  = .Write(.Content);  != nil {
			.errs = append(.errs, )

	if  := .mw.Close();  != nil {
		.errs = append(.errs, )


/************************** End Request Setting **************************/

/************************** Agent Setting **************************/

// Debug mode enables logging request and response detail
func ( *Agent) ( *Agent {
	.debugWriter = os.Stdout
	if len() > 0 {
		.debugWriter = [0]


// Timeout sets request timeout duration.
func ( *Agent) ( time.Duration) *Agent {
	.timeout = 


// Reuse enables the Agent instance to be used again after one request.
// If agent is reusable, then it should be released manually when it is no
// longer used.
func ( *Agent) () *Agent {
	.reuse = true


// InsecureSkipVerify controls whether the Agent verifies the server
// certificate chain and host name.
func ( *Agent) () *Agent {
	if .HostClient.TLSConfig == nil {
		.HostClient.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true} //nolint:gosec // We explicitly let the user set insecure mode here
	} else {
		.HostClient.TLSConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = true


// TLSConfig sets tls config.
func ( *Agent) ( *tls.Config) *Agent {
	.HostClient.TLSConfig = 


// MaxRedirectsCount sets max redirect count for GET and HEAD.
func ( *Agent) ( int) *Agent {
	.maxRedirectsCount = 


// JSONEncoder sets custom json encoder.
func ( *Agent) ( utils.JSONMarshal) *Agent {
	.jsonEncoder = 


// JSONDecoder sets custom json decoder.
func ( *Agent) ( utils.JSONUnmarshal) *Agent {
	.jsonDecoder = 


// Request returns Agent request instance.
func ( *Agent) () *Request {
	return .req

// SetResponse sets custom response for the Agent instance.
// It is recommended obtaining custom response via AcquireResponse and release it
// manually in performance-critical code.
func ( *Agent) ( *Response) *Agent {
	.resp = 


// Dest sets custom dest.
// The contents of dest will be replaced by the response body, if the dest
// is too small a new slice will be allocated.
func ( *Agent) ( []byte) *Agent {
	.dest = 


// RetryIf controls whether a retry should be attempted after an error.
// By default, will use isIdempotent function from fasthttp
func ( *Agent) ( RetryIfFunc) *Agent {
	.HostClient.RetryIf = 

/************************** End Agent Setting **************************/

// Bytes returns the status code, bytes body and errors of url.
// it's not safe to use Agent after calling [Agent.Bytes]
func ( *Agent) () (int, []byte, []error) {
	defer .release()
	return .bytes()

func ( *Agent) () ( int,  []byte,  []error) { //nolint:nonamedreturns,revive // We want to overwrite the body in a deferred func. TODO: Check if we really need to do this. We eventually want to get rid of all named returns.
	if  = append(, .errs...); len() > 0 {
		return , , 

	var (
		     = .req

	if .resp == nil {
		 = AcquireResponse()
		 = true
	} else {
		 = .resp

	defer func() {
		if .debugWriter != nil {
			printDebugInfo(, , .debugWriter)

		if len() == 0 {
			 = .StatusCode()

		 = append(.dest, .Body()...) //nolint:gocritic // We want to append to the returned slice here

		if  {

	if .timeout > 0 {
		if  := .HostClient.DoTimeout(, , .timeout);  != nil {
			 = append(, )
			return , , 
	} else if .maxRedirectsCount > 0 && (string(.Header.Method()) == MethodGet || string(.Header.Method()) == MethodHead) {
		if  := .HostClient.DoRedirects(, , .maxRedirectsCount);  != nil {
			 = append(, )
			return , , 
	} else if  := .HostClient.Do(, );  != nil {
		 = append(, )

	return , , 

func printDebugInfo( *Request,  *Response,  io.Writer) {
	 := fmt.Sprintf("Connected to %s(%s)\r\n\r\n", .URI().Host(), .RemoteAddr())
	_, _ = .Write(utils.UnsafeBytes()) //nolint:errcheck // This will never fail
	_, _ = .WriteTo()                  //nolint:errcheck // This will never fail
	_, _ = .WriteTo()                 //nolint:errcheck // This will never fail

// String returns the status code, string body and errors of url.
// it's not safe to use Agent after calling [Agent.String]
func ( *Agent) () (int, string, []error) {
	defer .release()
	, ,  := .bytes()
	// TODO: There might be a data race here on body. Maybe use utils.CopyBytes on it?

	return , utils.UnsafeString(), 

// Struct returns the status code, bytes body and errors of URL.
// And bytes body will be unmarshalled to given v.
// it's not safe to use Agent after calling [Agent.Struct]
func ( *Agent) ( interface{}) (int, []byte, []error) {
	defer .release()

	, ,  := .bytes()
	if len() > 0 {
		return , , 

	// TODO: This should only be done once
	if .jsonDecoder == nil {
		.jsonDecoder = json.Unmarshal

	if  := .jsonDecoder(, );  != nil {
		 = append(, )

	return , , 

func ( *Agent) () {
	if !.reuse {
	} else {
		.errs = .errs[:0]

func ( *Agent) () {
	.HostClient = nil
	.resp = nil
	.dest = nil
	.timeout = 0
	.args = nil
	.errs = .errs[:0]
	.debugWriter = nil
	.mw = nil
	.reuse = false
	.parsed = false
	.maxRedirectsCount = 0
	.boundary = ""
	.Name = ""
	.NoDefaultUserAgentHeader = false
	for ,  := range .formFiles {
		if .autoRelease {
		.formFiles[] = nil
	.formFiles = .formFiles[:0]

var (
	clientPool sync.Pool
	agentPool  = sync.Pool{
		New: func() interface{} {
			return &Agent{req: &Request{}}
	responsePool sync.Pool
	argsPool     sync.Pool
	formFilePool sync.Pool

// AcquireClient returns an empty Client instance from client pool.
// The returned Client instance may be passed to ReleaseClient when it is
// no longer needed. This allows Client recycling, reduces GC pressure
// and usually improves performance.
func () *Client {
	 := clientPool.Get()
	if  == nil {
		return &Client{}
	,  := .(*Client)
	if ! {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to type-assert to *Client"))

// ReleaseClient returns c acquired via AcquireClient to client pool.
// It is forbidden accessing req and/or it's members after returning
// it to client pool.
func ( *Client) {
	.UserAgent = ""
	.NoDefaultUserAgentHeader = false
	.JSONEncoder = nil
	.JSONDecoder = nil


// AcquireAgent returns an empty Agent instance from Agent pool.
// The returned Agent instance may be passed to ReleaseAgent when it is
// no longer needed. This allows Agent recycling, reduces GC pressure
// and usually improves performance.
func () *Agent {
	,  := agentPool.Get().(*Agent)
	if ! {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to type-assert to *Agent"))

// ReleaseAgent returns an acquired via AcquireAgent to Agent pool.
// It is forbidden accessing req and/or it's members after returning
// it to Agent pool.
func ( *Agent) {

// AcquireResponse returns an empty Response instance from response pool.
// The returned Response instance may be passed to ReleaseResponse when it is
// no longer needed. This allows Response recycling, reduces GC pressure
// and usually improves performance.
// Copy from fasthttp
func () *Response {
	 := responsePool.Get()
	if  == nil {
		return &Response{}
	,  := .(*Response)
	if ! {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to type-assert to *Response"))

// ReleaseResponse return resp acquired via AcquireResponse to response pool.
// It is forbidden accessing resp and/or it's members after returning
// it to response pool.
// Copy from fasthttp
func ( *Response) {

// AcquireArgs returns an empty Args object from the pool.
// The returned Args may be returned to the pool with ReleaseArgs
// when no longer needed. This allows reducing GC load.
// Copy from fasthttp
func () *Args {
	 := argsPool.Get()
	if  == nil {
		return &Args{}
	,  := .(*Args)
	if ! {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to type-assert to *Args"))

// ReleaseArgs returns the object acquired via AcquireArgs to the pool.
// String not access the released Args object, otherwise data races may occur.
// Copy from fasthttp
func ( *Args) {

// AcquireFormFile returns an empty FormFile object from the pool.
// The returned FormFile may be returned to the pool with ReleaseFormFile
// when no longer needed. This allows reducing GC load.
func () *FormFile {
	 := formFilePool.Get()
	if  == nil {
		return &FormFile{}
	,  := .(*FormFile)
	if ! {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to type-assert to *FormFile"))

// ReleaseFormFile returns the object acquired via AcquireFormFile to the pool.
// String not access the released FormFile object, otherwise data races may occur.
func ( *FormFile) {
	.Fieldname = ""
	.Name = ""
	.Content = .Content[:0]
	.autoRelease = false


const (
	defaultUserAgent = "fiber"

type multipartWriter interface {
	Boundary() string
	SetBoundary(boundary string) error
	CreateFormFile(fieldname, filename string) (io.Writer, error)
	WriteField(fieldname, value string) error
	Close() error