package common
import (
func DoSysctrl (mib string ) ([]string , error ) {
sysctl , err := exec .LookPath ("sysctl" )
if err != nil {
return []string {}, err
cmd := exec .Command (sysctl , "-n" , mib )
cmd .Env = getSysctrlEnv (os .Environ ())
out , err := cmd .Output ()
if err != nil {
return []string {}, err
v := strings .Replace (string (out ), "{ " , "" , 1 )
v = strings .Replace (string (v ), " }" , "" , 1 )
values := strings .Fields (string (v ))
return values , nil
func NumProcs () (uint64 , error ) {
f , err := os .Open (HostProc ())
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
defer func (f *os .File ) {
err := f .Close ()
if err != nil {
log .Fatalln (err )
}(f )
list , err := f .Readdirnames (-1 )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
var cnt uint64
for _ , v := range list {
if _, err = strconv .ParseUint (v , 10 , 64 ); err == nil {
cnt ++
return cnt , nil
func BootTimeWithContext (ctx context .Context ) (uint64 , error ) {
system , role , err := Virtualization ()
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
statFile := "stat"
if system == "lxc" && role == "guest" {
statFile = "uptime"
} else if system == "docker" && role == "guest" {
statFile = "uptime"
filename := HostProc (statFile )
lines , err := ReadLines (filename )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
if statFile == "stat" {
for _ , line := range lines {
if strings .HasPrefix (line , "btime" ) {
f := strings .Fields (line )
if len (f ) != 2 {
return 0 , fmt .Errorf ("wrong btime format" )
b , err := strconv .ParseInt (f [1 ], 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
t := uint64 (b )
return t , nil
} else if statFile == "uptime" {
if len (lines ) != 1 {
return 0 , fmt .Errorf ("wrong uptime format" )
f := strings .Fields (lines [0 ])
b , err := strconv .ParseFloat (f [0 ], 64 )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
t := uint64 (time .Now ().Unix ()) - uint64 (b )
return t , nil
return 0 , fmt .Errorf ("could not find btime" )
func Virtualization () (string , string , error ) {
return VirtualizationWithContext (context .Background ())
func VirtualizationWithContext (ctx context .Context ) (string , string , error ) {
var system string
var role string
filename := HostProc ("xen" )
if PathExists (filename ) {
system = "xen"
role = "guest"
if PathExists (filepath .Join (filename , "capabilities" )) {
contents , err := ReadLines (filepath .Join (filename , "capabilities" ))
if err == nil {
if StringsContains (contents , "control_d" ) {
role = "host"
filename = HostProc ("modules" )
if PathExists (filename ) {
contents , err := ReadLines (filename )
if err == nil {
if StringsContains (contents , "kvm" ) {
system = "kvm"
role = "host"
} else if StringsContains (contents , "vboxdrv" ) {
system = "vbox"
role = "host"
} else if StringsContains (contents , "vboxguest" ) {
system = "vbox"
role = "guest"
} else if StringsContains (contents , "vmware" ) {
system = "vmware"
role = "guest"
filename = HostProc ("cpuinfo" )
if PathExists (filename ) {
contents , err := ReadLines (filename )
if err == nil {
if StringsContains (contents , "QEMU Virtual CPU" ) ||
StringsContains (contents , "Common KVM processor" ) ||
StringsContains (contents , "Common 32-bit KVM processor" ) {
system = "kvm"
role = "guest"
filename = HostProc ("bus/pci/devices" )
if PathExists (filename ) {
contents , err := ReadLines (filename )
if err == nil {
if StringsContains (contents , "virtio-pci" ) {
role = "guest"
filename = HostProc ()
if PathExists (filepath .Join (filename , "bc" , "0" )) {
system = "openvz"
role = "host"
} else if PathExists (filepath .Join (filename , "vz" )) {
system = "openvz"
role = "guest"
if PathExists (filepath .Join (filename , "self" , "status" )) {
contents , err := ReadLines (filepath .Join (filename , "self" , "status" ))
if err == nil {
if StringsContains (contents , "s_context:" ) ||
StringsContains (contents , "VxID:" ) {
system = "linux-vserver"
if PathExists (filepath .Join (filename , "1" , "environ" )) {
contents , err := ReadFile (filepath .Join (filename , "1" , "environ" ))
if err == nil {
if strings .Contains (contents , "container=lxc" ) {
system = "lxc"
role = "guest"
if PathExists (filepath .Join (filename , "self" , "cgroup" )) {
contents , err := ReadLines (filepath .Join (filename , "self" , "cgroup" ))
if err == nil {
if StringsContains (contents , "lxc" ) {
system = "lxc"
role = "guest"
} else if StringsContains (contents , "docker" ) {
system = "docker"
role = "guest"
} else if StringsContains (contents , "machine-rkt" ) {
system = "rkt"
role = "guest"
} else if PathExists ("/usr/bin/lxc-version" ) {
system = "lxc"
role = "host"
if PathExists (HostEtc ("os-release" )) {
p , _ , err := GetOSRelease ()
if err == nil && p == "coreos" {
system = "rkt"
role = "host"
return system , role , nil
func GetOSRelease () (platform , version string , err error ) {
contents , err := ReadLines (HostEtc ("os-release" ))
if err != nil {
return "" , "" , nil
for _ , line := range contents {
field := strings .Split (line , "=" )
if len (field ) < 2 {
switch field [0 ] {
case "ID" :
platform = trimQuotes (field [1 ])
case "VERSION" :
version = trimQuotes (field [1 ])
return platform , version , nil
func trimQuotes(s string ) string {
if len (s ) >= 2 {
if s [0 ] == '"' && s [len (s )-1 ] == '"' {
return s [1 : len (s )-1 ]
return s
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @Go100and1 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .