package cpu

import (


// TimesStat contains the amounts of time the CPU has spent performing different
// kinds of work. Time units are in seconds. It is based on linux /proc/stat file.
type TimesStat struct {
	CPU       string  `json:"cpu"`
	User      float64 `json:"user"`
	System    float64 `json:"system"`
	Idle      float64 `json:"idle"`
	Nice      float64 `json:"nice"`
	Iowait    float64 `json:"iowait"`
	Irq       float64 `json:"irq"`
	Softirq   float64 `json:"softirq"`
	Steal     float64 `json:"steal"`
	Guest     float64 `json:"guest"`
	GuestNice float64 `json:"guestNice"`

type InfoStat struct {
	CPU        int32    `json:"cpu"`
	VendorID   string   `json:"vendorId"`
	Family     string   `json:"family"`
	Model      string   `json:"model"`
	Stepping   int32    `json:"stepping"`
	PhysicalID string   `json:"physicalId"`
	CoreID     string   `json:"coreId"`
	Cores      int32    `json:"cores"`
	ModelName  string   `json:"modelName"`
	Mhz        float64  `json:"mhz"`
	CacheSize  int32    `json:"cacheSize"`
	Flags      []string `json:"flags"`
	Microcode  string   `json:"microcode"`

type lastPercent struct {
	lastCPUTimes    []TimesStat
	lastPerCPUTimes []TimesStat

var (
	lastCPUPercent lastPercent
	invoke         common.Invoker = common.Invoke{}

func init() {
	lastCPUPercent.lastCPUTimes, _ = Times(false)
	lastCPUPercent.lastPerCPUTimes, _ = Times(true)

// Counts returns the number of physical or logical cores in the system
func ( bool) (int, error) {
	return CountsWithContext(context.Background(), )

func ( TimesStat) () string {
	 := []string{
		`"cpu":"` + .CPU + `"`,
		`"user":` + strconv.FormatFloat(.User, 'f', 1, 64),
		`"system":` + strconv.FormatFloat(.System, 'f', 1, 64),
		`"idle":` + strconv.FormatFloat(.Idle, 'f', 1, 64),
		`"nice":` + strconv.FormatFloat(.Nice, 'f', 1, 64),
		`"iowait":` + strconv.FormatFloat(.Iowait, 'f', 1, 64),
		`"irq":` + strconv.FormatFloat(.Irq, 'f', 1, 64),
		`"softirq":` + strconv.FormatFloat(.Softirq, 'f', 1, 64),
		`"steal":` + strconv.FormatFloat(.Steal, 'f', 1, 64),
		`"guest":` + strconv.FormatFloat(.Guest, 'f', 1, 64),
		`"guestNice":` + strconv.FormatFloat(.GuestNice, 'f', 1, 64),

	return `{` + strings.Join(, ",") + `}`

// Total returns the total number of seconds in a CPUTimesStat
func ( TimesStat) () float64 {
	 := .User + .System + .Nice + .Iowait + .Irq + .Softirq +
		.Steal + .Idle

func ( InfoStat) () string {
	,  := json.Marshal()
	return string()

func getAllBusy( TimesStat) (float64, float64) {
	 := .User + .System + .Nice + .Iowait + .Irq +
		.Softirq + .Steal
	return  + .Idle, 

func calculateBusy(,  TimesStat) float64 {
	,  := getAllBusy()
	,  := getAllBusy()

	if  <=  {
		return 0
	if  <=  {
		return 100
	return math.Min(100, math.Max(0, (-)/(-)*100))

func calculateAllBusy(,  []TimesStat) ([]float64, error) {
	// Make sure the CPU measurements have the same length.
	if len() != len() {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf(
			"received two CPU counts: %d != %d",
			len(), len(),

	 := make([]float64, len())
	for ,  := range  {
		[] = calculateBusy([], )
	return , nil

// Percent calculates the percentage of cpu used either per CPU or combined.
// If an interval of 0 is given it will compare the current cpu times against the last call.
// Returns one value per cpu, or a single value if percpu is set to false.
func ( time.Duration,  bool) ([]float64, error) {
	return PercentWithContext(context.Background(), , )

func ( context.Context,  time.Duration,  bool) ([]float64, error) {
	if  <= 0 {
		return percentUsedFromLastCall()

	// Get CPU usage at the start of the interval.
	,  := Times()
	if  != nil {
		return nil, 

	if  := common.Sleep(, );  != nil {
		return nil, 

	// And at the end of the interval.
	,  := Times()
	if  != nil {
		return nil, 

	return calculateAllBusy(, )

func percentUsedFromLastCall( bool) ([]float64, error) {
	,  := Times()
	if  != nil {
		return nil, 
	defer lastCPUPercent.Unlock()
	var  []TimesStat
	if  {
		 = lastCPUPercent.lastPerCPUTimes
		lastCPUPercent.lastPerCPUTimes = 
	} else {
		 = lastCPUPercent.lastCPUTimes
		lastCPUPercent.lastCPUTimes = 

	if  == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting times for cpu percent. lastTimes was nil")
	return calculateAllBusy(, )