package net
import (
const (
func IOCounters (pernic bool ) ([]IOCountersStat , error ) {
return IOCountersWithContext (context .Background (), pernic )
func IOCountersWithContext (ctx context .Context , pernic bool ) ([]IOCountersStat , error ) {
filename := common .HostProc ("net/dev" )
return IOCountersByFileWithContext (ctx , pernic , filename )
func IOCountersByFile (pernic bool , filename string ) ([]IOCountersStat , error ) {
return IOCountersByFileWithContext (context .Background (), pernic , filename )
func IOCountersByFileWithContext (ctx context .Context , pernic bool , filename string ) ([]IOCountersStat , error ) {
lines , err := common .ReadLines (filename )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
parts := make ([]string , 2 )
statlen := len (lines ) - 1
ret := make ([]IOCountersStat , 0 , statlen )
for _ , line := range lines [2 :] {
separatorPos := strings .LastIndex (line , ":" )
if separatorPos == -1 {
parts [0 ] = line [0 :separatorPos ]
parts [1 ] = line [separatorPos +1 :]
interfaceName := strings .TrimSpace (parts [0 ])
if interfaceName == "" {
fields := strings .Fields (strings .TrimSpace (parts [1 ]))
bytesRecv , err := strconv .ParseUint (fields [0 ], 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
packetsRecv , err := strconv .ParseUint (fields [1 ], 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
errIn , err := strconv .ParseUint (fields [2 ], 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
dropIn , err := strconv .ParseUint (fields [3 ], 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
fifoIn , err := strconv .ParseUint (fields [4 ], 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
bytesSent , err := strconv .ParseUint (fields [8 ], 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
packetsSent , err := strconv .ParseUint (fields [9 ], 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
errOut , err := strconv .ParseUint (fields [10 ], 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
dropOut , err := strconv .ParseUint (fields [11 ], 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
fifoOut , err := strconv .ParseUint (fields [12 ], 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
nic := IOCountersStat {
Name : interfaceName ,
BytesRecv : bytesRecv ,
PacketsRecv : packetsRecv ,
Errin : errIn ,
Dropin : dropIn ,
Fifoin : fifoIn ,
BytesSent : bytesSent ,
PacketsSent : packetsSent ,
Errout : errOut ,
Dropout : dropOut ,
Fifoout : fifoOut ,
ret = append (ret , nic )
if !pernic {
return getIOCountersAll (ret )
return ret , nil
var netProtocols = []string {
"ip" ,
"icmp" ,
"icmpmsg" ,
"tcp" ,
"udp" ,
"udplite" ,
func ProtoCounters (protocols []string ) ([]ProtoCountersStat , error ) {
return ProtoCountersWithContext (context .Background (), protocols )
func ProtoCountersWithContext (ctx context .Context , protocols []string ) ([]ProtoCountersStat , error ) {
if len (protocols ) == 0 {
protocols = netProtocols
stats := make ([]ProtoCountersStat , 0 , len (protocols ))
protos := make (map [string ]bool , len (protocols ))
for _ , p := range protocols {
protos [p ] = true
filename := common .HostProc ("net/snmp" )
lines , err := common .ReadLines (filename )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
linecount := len (lines )
for i := 0 ; i < linecount ; i ++ {
line := lines [i ]
r := strings .IndexRune (line , ':' )
if r == -1 {
return nil , errors .New (filename + " is not fomatted correctly, expected ':'." )
proto := strings .ToLower (line [:r ])
if !protos [proto ] {
i ++
statNames := strings .Split (line [r +2 :], " " )
i ++
statValues := strings .Split (lines [i ][r +2 :], " " )
if len (statNames ) != len (statValues ) {
return nil , errors .New (filename + " is not fomatted correctly, expected same number of columns." )
stat := ProtoCountersStat {
Protocol : proto ,
Stats : make (map [string ]int64 , len (statNames )),
for j := range statNames {
value , err := strconv .ParseInt (statValues [j ], 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
stat .Stats [statNames [j ]] = value
stats = append (stats , stat )
return stats , nil
func FilterCounters () ([]FilterStat , error ) {
return FilterCountersWithContext (context .Background ())
func FilterCountersWithContext (ctx context .Context ) ([]FilterStat , error ) {
countfile := common .HostProc ("sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_count" )
maxfile := common .HostProc ("sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_max" )
count , err := common .ReadInts (countfile )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
stats := make ([]FilterStat , 0 , 1 )
max , err := common .ReadInts (maxfile )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
payload := FilterStat {
ConnTrackCount : count [0 ],
ConnTrackMax : max [0 ],
stats = append (stats , payload )
return stats , nil
func ConntrackStats (percpu bool ) ([]ConntrackStat , error ) {
return ConntrackStatsWithContext (context .Background (), percpu )
func ConntrackStatsWithContext (ctx context .Context , percpu bool ) ([]ConntrackStat , error ) {
return conntrackStatsFromFile (common .HostProc ("net/stat/nf_conntrack" ), percpu )
func conntrackStatsFromFile(filename string , percpu bool ) ([]ConntrackStat , error ) {
lines , err := common .ReadLines (filename )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
statlist := NewConntrackStatList ()
for _ , line := range lines {
fields := strings .Fields (line )
if len (fields ) == 17 && fields [0 ] != "entries" {
statlist .Append (NewConntrackStat (
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_ENTRIES ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_SEARCHED ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_FOUND ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_NEW ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_INVALID ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_IGNORE ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_DELETE ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_DELETE_LIST ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_INSERT ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_INSERT_FAILED ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_DROP ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_EARLY_DROP ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_ICMP_ERROR ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_EXPECT_NEW ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_EXPECT_CREATE ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_EXPECT_DELETE ]),
common .HexToUint32 (fields [CT_SEARCH_RESTART ]),
if percpu {
return statlist .Items (), nil
return statlist .Summary (), nil
var TCPStatuses = map [string ]string {
"01" : "ESTABLISHED" ,
"02" : "SYN_SENT" ,
"03" : "SYN_RECV" ,
"04" : "FIN_WAIT1" ,
"05" : "FIN_WAIT2" ,
"06" : "TIME_WAIT" ,
"07" : "CLOSE" ,
"08" : "CLOSE_WAIT" ,
"09" : "LAST_ACK" ,
"0A" : "LISTEN" ,
"0B" : "CLOSING" ,
type netConnectionKindType struct {
family uint32
sockType uint32
filename string
var kindTCP4 = netConnectionKindType {
family : syscall .AF_INET ,
sockType : syscall .SOCK_STREAM ,
filename : "tcp" ,
var kindTCP6 = netConnectionKindType {
family : syscall .AF_INET6 ,
sockType : syscall .SOCK_STREAM ,
filename : "tcp6" ,
var kindUDP4 = netConnectionKindType {
family : syscall .AF_INET ,
sockType : syscall .SOCK_DGRAM ,
filename : "udp" ,
var kindUDP6 = netConnectionKindType {
family : syscall .AF_INET6 ,
sockType : syscall .SOCK_DGRAM ,
filename : "udp6" ,
var kindUNIX = netConnectionKindType {
family : syscall .AF_UNIX ,
filename : "unix" ,
var netConnectionKindMap = map [string ][]netConnectionKindType {
"all" : {kindTCP4 , kindTCP6 , kindUDP4 , kindUDP6 , kindUNIX },
"tcp" : {kindTCP4 , kindTCP6 },
"tcp4" : {kindTCP4 },
"tcp6" : {kindTCP6 },
"udp" : {kindUDP4 , kindUDP6 },
"udp4" : {kindUDP4 },
"udp6" : {kindUDP6 },
"unix" : {kindUNIX },
"inet" : {kindTCP4 , kindTCP6 , kindUDP4 , kindUDP6 },
"inet4" : {kindTCP4 , kindUDP4 },
"inet6" : {kindTCP6 , kindUDP6 },
type inodeMap struct {
pid int32
fd uint32
type connTmp struct {
fd uint32
family uint32
sockType uint32
laddr Addr
raddr Addr
status string
pid int32
boundPid int32
path string
func Connections (kind string ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
return ConnectionsWithContext (context .Background (), kind )
func ConnectionsWithContext (ctx context .Context , kind string ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
return ConnectionsPid (kind , 0 )
func ConnectionsMax (kind string , max int ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
return ConnectionsMaxWithContext (context .Background (), kind , max )
func ConnectionsMaxWithContext (ctx context .Context , kind string , max int ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
return ConnectionsPidMax (kind , 0 , max )
func ConnectionsWithoutUids (kind string ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
return ConnectionsWithoutUidsWithContext (context .Background (), kind )
func ConnectionsWithoutUidsWithContext (ctx context .Context , kind string ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
return ConnectionsMaxWithoutUidsWithContext (ctx , kind , 0 )
func ConnectionsMaxWithoutUidsWithContext (ctx context .Context , kind string , max int ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
return ConnectionsPidMaxWithoutUidsWithContext (ctx , kind , 0 , max )
func ConnectionsPid (kind string , pid int32 ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
return ConnectionsPidWithContext (context .Background (), kind , pid )
func ConnectionsPidWithoutUids (kind string , pid int32 ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
return ConnectionsPidWithoutUidsWithContext (context .Background (), kind , pid )
func ConnectionsPidWithContext (ctx context .Context , kind string , pid int32 ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
return ConnectionsPidMaxWithContext (ctx , kind , pid , 0 )
func ConnectionsPidWithoutUidsWithContext (ctx context .Context , kind string , pid int32 ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
return ConnectionsPidMaxWithoutUidsWithContext (ctx , kind , pid , 0 )
func ConnectionsPidMax (kind string , pid int32 , max int ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
return ConnectionsPidMaxWithContext (context .Background (), kind , pid , max )
func ConnectionsPidMaxWithoutUids (kind string , pid int32 , max int ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
return ConnectionsPidMaxWithoutUidsWithContext (context .Background (), kind , pid , max )
func ConnectionsPidMaxWithContext (ctx context .Context , kind string , pid int32 , max int ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
return connectionsPidMaxWithoutUidsWithContext (ctx , kind , pid , max , false )
func ConnectionsPidMaxWithoutUidsWithContext (ctx context .Context , kind string , pid int32 , max int ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
return connectionsPidMaxWithoutUidsWithContext (ctx , kind , pid , max , true )
func connectionsPidMaxWithoutUidsWithContext(ctx context .Context , kind string , pid int32 , max int , skipUids bool ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
tmap , ok := netConnectionKindMap [kind ]
if !ok {
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("invalid kind, %s" , kind )
root := common .HostProc ()
var err error
var inodes map [string ][]inodeMap
if pid == 0 {
inodes , err = getProcInodesAll (root , max )
} else {
inodes , err = getProcInodes (root , pid , max )
if len (inodes ) == 0 {
return []ConnectionStat {}, nil
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("cound not get pid(s), %d: %s" , pid , err )
return statsFromInodes (root , pid , tmap , inodes , skipUids )
func statsFromInodes(root string , pid int32 , tmap []netConnectionKindType , inodes map [string ][]inodeMap , skipUids bool ) ([]ConnectionStat , error ) {
dupCheckMap := make (map [string ]struct {})
var ret []ConnectionStat
var err error
for _ , t := range tmap {
var path string
var connKey string
var ls []connTmp
if pid == 0 {
path = fmt .Sprintf ("%s/net/%s" , root , t .filename )
} else {
path = fmt .Sprintf ("%s/%d/net/%s" , root , pid , t .filename )
switch t .family {
case syscall .AF_INET , syscall .AF_INET6 :
ls , err = processInet (path , t , inodes , pid )
case syscall .AF_UNIX :
ls , err = processUnix (path , t , inodes , pid )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
for _ , c := range ls {
connKey = fmt .Sprintf ("%d-%s:%d-%s:%d-%s" , c .sockType , c .laddr .IP , c .laddr .Port , c .raddr .IP , c .raddr .Port , c .status )
if _ , ok := dupCheckMap [connKey ]; ok {
conn := ConnectionStat {
Fd : c .fd ,
Family : c .family ,
Type : c .sockType ,
Laddr : c .laddr ,
Raddr : c .raddr ,
Status : c .status ,
Pid : c .pid ,
if c .pid == 0 {
conn .Pid = c .boundPid
} else {
conn .Pid = c .pid
if !skipUids {
proc := process {Pid : conn .Pid }
conn .Uids , _ = proc .getUids ()
ret = append (ret , conn )
dupCheckMap [connKey ] = struct {}{}
return ret , nil
func getProcInodes(root string , pid int32 , max int ) (map [string ][]inodeMap , error ) {
ret := make (map [string ][]inodeMap )
dir := fmt .Sprintf ("%s/%d/fd" , root , pid )
f , err := os .Open (dir )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
defer f .Close ()
files , err := f .Readdir (max )
if err != nil {
return ret , err
for _ , fd := range files {
inodePath := fmt .Sprintf ("%s/%d/fd/%s" , root , pid , fd .Name ())
inode , err := os .Readlink (inodePath )
if err != nil {
if !strings .HasPrefix (inode , "socket:[" ) {
l := len (inode )
inode = inode [8 : l -1 ]
_ , ok := ret [inode ]
if !ok {
ret [inode ] = make ([]inodeMap , 0 )
fd , err := strconv .Atoi (fd .Name ())
if err != nil {
i := inodeMap {
pid : pid ,
fd : uint32 (fd ),
ret [inode ] = append (ret [inode ], i )
return ret , nil
func Pids () ([]int32 , error ) {
return PidsWithContext (context .Background ())
func PidsWithContext (ctx context .Context ) ([]int32 , error ) {
var ret []int32
d , err := os .Open (common .HostProc ())
if err != nil {
return nil , err
defer d .Close ()
fnames , err := d .Readdirnames (-1 )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
for _ , fname := range fnames {
pid , err := strconv .ParseInt (fname , 10 , 32 )
if err != nil {
ret = append (ret , int32 (pid ))
return ret , nil
type process struct {
Pid int32 `json:"pid"`
uids []int32
func (p *process ) getUids () ([]int32 , error ) {
err := p .fillFromStatus ()
if err != nil {
return []int32 {}, err
return p .uids , nil
func (p *process ) fillFromStatus () error {
pid := p .Pid
statPath := common .HostProc (strconv .Itoa (int (pid )), "status" )
contents , err := os .ReadFile (statPath )
if err != nil {
return err
lines := strings .Split (string (contents ), "\n" )
for _ , line := range lines {
tabParts := strings .SplitN (line , "\t" , 2 )
if len (tabParts ) < 2 {
value := tabParts [1 ]
switch strings .TrimRight (tabParts [0 ], ":" ) {
case "Uid" :
p .uids = make ([]int32 , 0 , 4 )
for _ , i := range strings .Split (value , "\t" ) {
v , err := strconv .ParseInt (i , 10 , 32 )
if err != nil {
return err
p .uids = append (p .uids , int32 (v ))
return nil
func getProcInodesAll(root string , max int ) (map [string ][]inodeMap , error ) {
pids , err := Pids ()
if err != nil {
return nil , err
ret := make (map [string ][]inodeMap )
for _ , pid := range pids {
t , err := getProcInodes (root , pid , max )
if err != nil {
if os .IsPermission (err ) || errors .Is (err , fs .ErrNotExist ) || err == io .EOF {
return ret , err
if len (t ) == 0 {
ret = updateMap (ret , t )
return ret , nil
func decodeAddress(family uint32 , src string ) (Addr , error ) {
t := strings .Split (src , ":" )
if len (t ) != 2 {
return Addr {}, fmt .Errorf ("does not contain port, %s" , src )
addr := t [0 ]
port , err := strconv .ParseUint (t [1 ], 16 , 16 )
if err != nil {
return Addr {}, fmt .Errorf ("invalid port, %s" , src )
decoded , err := hex .DecodeString (addr )
if err != nil {
return Addr {}, fmt .Errorf ("decode error, %s" , err )
var ip net .IP
if family == syscall .AF_INET {
ip = net .IP (Reverse (decoded ))
} else {
ip , err = parseIPv6HexString (decoded )
if err != nil {
return Addr {}, err
return Addr {
IP : ip .String (),
Port : uint32 (port ),
}, nil
func Reverse (s []byte ) []byte {
return ReverseWithContext (context .Background (), s )
func ReverseWithContext (ctx context .Context , s []byte ) []byte {
for i , j := 0 , len (s )-1 ; i < j ; i , j = i +1 , j -1 {
s [i ], s [j ] = s [j ], s [i ]
return s
func parseIPv6HexString(src []byte ) (net .IP , error ) {
if len (src ) != 16 {
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("invalid IPv6 string" )
buf := make ([]byte , 0 , 16 )
for i := 0 ; i < len (src ); i += 4 {
r := Reverse (src [i : i +4 ])
buf = append (buf , r ...)
return net .IP (buf ), nil
func processInet(file string , kind netConnectionKindType , inodes map [string ][]inodeMap , filterPid int32 ) ([]connTmp , error ) {
if strings .HasSuffix (file , "6" ) && !common .PathExists (file ) {
return []connTmp {}, nil
contents , err := os .ReadFile (file )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
lines := bytes .Split (contents , []byte ("\n" ))
var ret []connTmp
for _ , line := range lines [1 :] {
l := strings .Fields (string (line ))
if len (l ) < 10 {
laddr := l [1 ]
raddr := l [2 ]
status := l [3 ]
inode := l [9 ]
pid := int32 (0 )
fd := uint32 (0 )
i , exists := inodes [inode ]
if exists {
pid = i [0 ].pid
fd = i [0 ].fd
if filterPid > 0 && filterPid != pid {
if kind .sockType == syscall .SOCK_STREAM {
status = TCPStatuses [status ]
} else {
status = "NONE"
la , err := decodeAddress (kind .family , laddr )
if err != nil {
ra , err := decodeAddress (kind .family , raddr )
if err != nil {
ret = append (ret , connTmp {
fd : fd ,
family : kind .family ,
sockType : kind .sockType ,
laddr : la ,
raddr : ra ,
status : status ,
pid : pid ,
return ret , nil
func processUnix(file string , kind netConnectionKindType , inodes map [string ][]inodeMap , filterPid int32 ) ([]connTmp , error ) {
contents , err := os .ReadFile (file )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
lines := bytes .Split (contents , []byte ("\n" ))
var ret []connTmp
for _ , line := range lines [1 :] {
tokens := strings .Fields (string (line ))
if len (tokens ) < 6 {
st , err := strconv .Atoi (tokens [4 ])
if err != nil {
return nil , err
inode := tokens [6 ]
var pairs []inodeMap
pairs , exists := inodes [inode ]
if !exists {
pairs = []inodeMap {
for _ , pair := range pairs {
if filterPid > 0 && filterPid != pair .pid {
var path string
if len (tokens ) == 8 {
path = tokens [len (tokens )-1 ]
ret = append (ret , connTmp {
fd : pair .fd ,
family : kind .family ,
sockType : uint32 (st ),
laddr : Addr {
IP : path ,
pid : pair .pid ,
status : "NONE" ,
path : path ,
return ret , nil
func updateMap(src , add map [string ][]inodeMap ) map [string ][]inodeMap {
for key , value := range add {
a , exists := src [key ]
if !exists {
src [key ] = value
src [key ] = append (a , value ...)
return src
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @Go100and1 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .