package fiber
import (
const (
globalIpv4Addr = ""
func (app *App ) Listener (ln net .Listener ) error {
app .startupProcess ()
app .runOnListenHooks (app .prepareListenData (ln .Addr ().String (), getTLSConfig (ln ) != nil ))
if !app .config .DisableStartupMessage {
app .startupMessage (ln .Addr ().String (), getTLSConfig (ln ) != nil , "" )
if app .config .EnablePrintRoutes {
app .printRoutesMessage ()
if app .config .Prefork {
log .Warn ("Prefork isn't supported for custom listeners." )
return app .server .Serve (ln )
func (app *App ) Listen (addr string ) error {
if app .config .Prefork {
return app .prefork (app .config .Network , addr , nil )
ln , err := net .Listen (app .config .Network , addr )
if err != nil {
return fmt .Errorf ("failed to listen: %w" , err )
app .startupProcess ()
app .runOnListenHooks (app .prepareListenData (ln .Addr ().String (), false ))
if !app .config .DisableStartupMessage {
app .startupMessage (ln .Addr ().String (), false , "" )
if app .config .EnablePrintRoutes {
app .printRoutesMessage ()
return app .server .Serve (ln )
func (app *App ) ListenTLS (addr , certFile , keyFile string ) error {
if len (certFile ) == 0 || len (keyFile ) == 0 {
return errors .New ("tls: provide a valid cert or key path" )
cert , err := tls .LoadX509KeyPair (certFile , keyFile )
if err != nil {
return fmt .Errorf ("tls: cannot load TLS key pair from certFile=%q and keyFile=%q: %w" , certFile , keyFile , err )
return app .ListenTLSWithCertificate (addr , cert )
func (app *App ) ListenTLSWithCertificate (addr string , cert tls .Certificate ) error {
tlsHandler := &TLSHandler {}
config := &tls .Config {
MinVersion : tls .VersionTLS12 ,
Certificates : []tls .Certificate {
cert ,
GetCertificate : tlsHandler .GetClientInfo ,
if app .config .Prefork {
return app .prefork (app .config .Network , addr , config )
ln , err := net .Listen (app .config .Network , addr )
ln = tls .NewListener (ln , config )
if err != nil {
return fmt .Errorf ("failed to listen: %w" , err )
app .startupProcess ()
app .runOnListenHooks (app .prepareListenData (ln .Addr ().String (), getTLSConfig (ln ) != nil ))
if !app .config .DisableStartupMessage {
app .startupMessage (ln .Addr ().String (), true , "" )
if app .config .EnablePrintRoutes {
app .printRoutesMessage ()
app .SetTLSHandler (tlsHandler )
return app .server .Serve (ln )
func (app *App ) ListenMutualTLS (addr , certFile , keyFile , clientCertFile string ) error {
if len (certFile ) == 0 || len (keyFile ) == 0 {
return errors .New ("tls: provide a valid cert or key path" )
cert , err := tls .LoadX509KeyPair (certFile , keyFile )
if err != nil {
return fmt .Errorf ("tls: cannot load TLS key pair from certFile=%q and keyFile=%q: %w" , certFile , keyFile , err )
clientCACert , err := os .ReadFile (filepath .Clean (clientCertFile ))
if err != nil {
return fmt .Errorf ("failed to read file: %w" , err )
clientCertPool := x509 .NewCertPool ()
clientCertPool .AppendCertsFromPEM (clientCACert )
return app .ListenMutualTLSWithCertificate (addr , cert , clientCertPool )
func (app *App ) ListenMutualTLSWithCertificate (addr string , cert tls .Certificate , clientCertPool *x509 .CertPool ) error {
tlsHandler := &TLSHandler {}
config := &tls .Config {
MinVersion : tls .VersionTLS12 ,
ClientAuth : tls .RequireAndVerifyClientCert ,
ClientCAs : clientCertPool ,
Certificates : []tls .Certificate {
cert ,
GetCertificate : tlsHandler .GetClientInfo ,
if app .config .Prefork {
return app .prefork (app .config .Network , addr , config )
ln , err := tls .Listen (app .config .Network , addr , config )
if err != nil {
return fmt .Errorf ("failed to listen: %w" , err )
app .startupProcess ()
app .runOnListenHooks (app .prepareListenData (ln .Addr ().String (), getTLSConfig (ln ) != nil ))
if !app .config .DisableStartupMessage {
app .startupMessage (ln .Addr ().String (), true , "" )
if app .config .EnablePrintRoutes {
app .printRoutesMessage ()
app .SetTLSHandler (tlsHandler )
return app .server .Serve (ln )
func (app *App ) prepareListenData (addr string , isTLS bool ) ListenData {
host , port := parseAddr (addr )
if host == "" {
if app .config .Network == NetworkTCP6 {
host = "[::1]"
} else {
host = globalIpv4Addr
return ListenData {
Host : host ,
Port : port ,
TLS : isTLS ,
func (app *App ) startupMessage (addr string , isTLS bool , pids string ) {
if IsChild () {
colors := app .config .ColorScheme
value := func (s string , width int ) string {
pad := width - len (s )
str := ""
for i := 0 ; i < pad ; i ++ {
str += "."
if s == "Disabled" {
str += " " + s
} else {
str += fmt .Sprintf (" %s%s%s" , colors .Cyan , s , colors .Black )
return str
center := func (s string , width int ) string {
const padDiv = 2
pad := strconv .Itoa ((width - len (s )) / padDiv )
str := fmt .Sprintf ("%" +pad +"s" , " " )
str += s
str += fmt .Sprintf ("%" +pad +"s" , " " )
if len (str ) < width {
str += " "
return str
centerValue := func (s string , width int ) string {
const padDiv = 2
pad := strconv .Itoa ((width - runewidth .StringWidth (s )) / padDiv )
str := fmt .Sprintf ("%" +pad +"s" , " " )
str += fmt .Sprintf ("%s%s%s" , colors .Cyan , s , colors .Black )
str += fmt .Sprintf ("%" +pad +"s" , " " )
if runewidth .StringWidth (s )-10 < width && runewidth .StringWidth (s )%2 == 0 {
str += " "
return str
pad := func (s string , width int ) string {
toAdd := width - len (s )
str := s
for i := 0 ; i < toAdd ; i ++ {
str += " "
return str
host , port := parseAddr (addr )
if host == "" {
if app .config .Network == NetworkTCP6 {
host = "[::1]"
} else {
host = globalIpv4Addr
scheme := schemeHTTP
if isTLS {
scheme = schemeHTTPS
isPrefork := "Disabled"
if app .config .Prefork {
isPrefork = "Enabled"
procs := strconv .Itoa (runtime .GOMAXPROCS (0 ))
if !app .config .Prefork {
procs = "1"
const lineLen = 49
mainLogo := colors .Black + " ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐\n"
if app .config .AppName != "" {
mainLogo += " │ " + centerValue (app .config .AppName , lineLen ) + " │\n"
mainLogo += " │ " + centerValue ("Fiber v" +Version , lineLen ) + " │\n"
if host == globalIpv4Addr {
mainLogo += " │ " + center (fmt .Sprintf ("%s://" , scheme , port ), lineLen ) + " │\n" +
" │ " + center (fmt .Sprintf ("(bound on host and port %s)" , port ), lineLen ) + " │\n"
} else {
mainLogo += " │ " + center (fmt .Sprintf ("%s://%s:%s" , scheme , host , port ), lineLen ) + " │\n"
mainLogo += fmt .Sprintf (
" │ │\n" +
" │ Handlers %s Processes %s │\n" +
" │ Prefork .%s PID ....%s │\n" +
" └───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘" +
colors .Reset ,
value (strconv .Itoa (int (app .handlersCount )), 14 ), value (procs , 12 ),
value (isPrefork , 14 ), value (strconv .Itoa (os .Getpid ()), 14 ),
var childPidsLogo string
if app .config .Prefork {
var childPidsTemplate string
childPidsTemplate += "%s"
childPidsTemplate += " ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐\n%s"
childPidsTemplate += " └───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘"
childPidsTemplate += "%s"
newLine := " │ %s%s%s │"
var pidSlice []string
for _ , v := range strings .Split (pids , "," ) {
if v != "" {
pidSlice = append (pidSlice , v )
var lines []string
thisLine := "Child PIDs ... "
var itemsOnThisLine []string
const maxLineLen = 49
addLine := func () {
lines = append (lines ,
fmt .Sprintf (
newLine ,
colors .Black ,
thisLine +colors .Cyan +pad (strings .Join (itemsOnThisLine , ", " ), maxLineLen -len (thisLine )),
colors .Black ,
for _ , pid := range pidSlice {
if len (thisLine +strings .Join (append (itemsOnThisLine , pid ), ", " )) > maxLineLen {
addLine ()
thisLine = ""
itemsOnThisLine = []string {pid }
} else {
itemsOnThisLine = append (itemsOnThisLine , pid )
if len (itemsOnThisLine ) != 0 {
addLine ()
childPidsLogo = fmt .Sprintf (childPidsTemplate ,
colors .Black ,
strings .Join (lines , "\n" )+"\n" ,
colors .Reset ,
splitMainLogo := strings .Split (mainLogo , "\n" )
splitChildPidsLogo := strings .Split (childPidsLogo , "\n" )
mainLen := len (splitMainLogo )
childLen := len (splitChildPidsLogo )
if mainLen > childLen {
diff := mainLen - childLen
for i := 0 ; i < diff ; i ++ {
splitChildPidsLogo = append (splitChildPidsLogo , "" )
} else {
diff := childLen - mainLen
for i := 0 ; i < diff ; i ++ {
splitMainLogo = append (splitMainLogo , "" )
output := "\n"
for i := range splitMainLogo {
output += colors .Black + splitMainLogo [i ] + " " + splitChildPidsLogo [i ] + "\n"
out := colorable .NewColorableStdout ()
if os .Getenv ("TERM" ) == "dumb" || os .Getenv ("NO_COLOR" ) == "1" || (!isatty .IsTerminal (os .Stdout .Fd ()) && !isatty .IsCygwinTerminal (os .Stdout .Fd ())) {
out = colorable .NewNonColorable (os .Stdout )
_, _ = fmt .Fprintln (out , output )
func (app *App ) printRoutesMessage () {
if IsChild () {
colors := app .config .ColorScheme
var routes []RouteMessage
for _ , routeStack := range app .stack {
for _ , route := range routeStack {
var newRoute RouteMessage
newRoute .name = route .Name
newRoute .method = route .Method
newRoute .path = route .Path
for _ , handler := range route .Handlers {
newRoute .handlers += runtime .FuncForPC (reflect .ValueOf (handler ).Pointer ()).Name () + " "
routes = append (routes , newRoute )
out := colorable .NewColorableStdout ()
if os .Getenv ("TERM" ) == "dumb" || os .Getenv ("NO_COLOR" ) == "1" || (!isatty .IsTerminal (os .Stdout .Fd ()) && !isatty .IsCygwinTerminal (os .Stdout .Fd ())) {
out = colorable .NewNonColorable (os .Stdout )
w := tabwriter .NewWriter (out , 1 , 1 , 1 , ' ' , 0 )
sort .Slice (routes , func (i , j int ) bool {
return routes [i ].path < routes [j ].path
_, _ = fmt .Fprintf (w , "%smethod\t%s| %spath\t%s| %sname\t%s| %shandlers\t%s\n" , colors .Blue , colors .White , colors .Green , colors .White , colors .Cyan , colors .White , colors .Yellow , colors .Reset )
_, _ = fmt .Fprintf (w , "%s------\t%s| %s----\t%s| %s----\t%s| %s--------\t%s\n" , colors .Blue , colors .White , colors .Green , colors .White , colors .Cyan , colors .White , colors .Yellow , colors .Reset )
for _ , route := range routes {
_, _ = fmt .Fprintf (w , "%s%s\t%s| %s%s\t%s| %s%s\t%s| %s%s%s\n" , colors .Blue , route .method , colors .White , colors .Green , route .path , colors .White , colors .Cyan , route .name , colors .White , colors .Yellow , route .handlers , colors .Reset )
_ = w .Flush ()
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @Go100and1 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .