// ⚡️ Fiber is an Express inspired web framework written in Go with ☕️// 🤖 Github Repository: https://github.com/gofiber/fiber// 📌 API Documentation: https://docs.gofiber.iopackage utilsimport ()// AssertEqual checks if values are equalfunc ( testing.TB, , interface{}, ...string) { //nolint:thelper // TODO: Verify if tb can be nilif != nil { .Helper() }ifreflect.DeepEqual(, ) {return } := "<nil>" := "<nil>"if != nil { = reflect.TypeOf().String() }if != nil { = reflect.TypeOf().String() } := "AssertEqual"if != nil { = .Name() } , , , := runtime.Caller(1)varbytes.Bufferconst = 5 := tabwriter.NewWriter(&, 0, 0, , ' ', 0) _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(, "\nTest:\t%s", ) _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(, "\nTrace:\t%s:%d", filepath.Base(), )iflen() > 0 { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(, "\nDescription:\t%s", [0]) } _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(, "\nExpect:\t%v\t(%s)", , ) _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(, "\nResult:\t%v\t(%s)", , )varstringif := .Flush(); != nil { = .Error() } else { = .String() }if != nil { .Fatal() } else {log.Fatal() //nolint:revive // tb might be nil, so we need a fallback }}
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Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu.
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