package utils
import (
func CopyString (s string ) string {
return string (UnsafeBytes (s ))
func CopyBytes (b []byte ) []byte {
tmp := make ([]byte , len (b ))
copy (tmp , b )
return tmp
const (
uByte = 1 << (10 * iota )
func ByteSize (bytes uint64 ) string {
unit := ""
value := float64 (bytes )
switch {
case bytes >= uExabyte :
unit = "EB"
value /= uExabyte
case bytes >= uPetabyte :
unit = "PB"
value /= uPetabyte
case bytes >= uTerabyte :
unit = "TB"
value /= uTerabyte
case bytes >= uGigabyte :
unit = "GB"
value /= uGigabyte
case bytes >= uMegabyte :
unit = "MB"
value /= uMegabyte
case bytes >= uKilobyte :
unit = "KB"
value /= uKilobyte
case bytes >= uByte :
unit = "B"
default :
return "0B"
result := strconv .FormatFloat (value , 'f' , 1 , 64 )
result = strings .TrimSuffix (result , ".0" )
return result + unit
func ToString (arg interface {}, timeFormat ...string ) string {
tmp := reflect .Indirect (reflect .ValueOf (arg )).Interface ()
switch v := tmp .(type ) {
case int :
return strconv .Itoa (v )
case int8 :
return strconv .FormatInt (int64 (v ), 10 )
case int16 :
return strconv .FormatInt (int64 (v ), 10 )
case int32 :
return strconv .FormatInt (int64 (v ), 10 )
case int64 :
return strconv .FormatInt (v , 10 )
case uint :
return strconv .Itoa (int (v ))
case uint8 :
return strconv .FormatInt (int64 (v ), 10 )
case uint16 :
return strconv .FormatInt (int64 (v ), 10 )
case uint32 :
return strconv .FormatInt (int64 (v ), 10 )
case uint64 :
return strconv .FormatInt (int64 (v ), 10 )
case string :
return v
case []byte :
return string (v )
case bool :
return strconv .FormatBool (v )
case float32 :
return strconv .FormatFloat (float64 (v ), 'f' , -1 , 32 )
case float64 :
return strconv .FormatFloat (v , 'f' , -1 , 64 )
case time .Time :
if len (timeFormat ) > 0 {
return v .Format (timeFormat [0 ])
return v .Format ("2006-01-02 15:04:05" )
case reflect .Value :
return ToString (v .Interface (), timeFormat ...)
case fmt .Stringer :
return v .String ()
default :
return ""
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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