package jwt

// ParserOption is used to implement functional-style options that modify the behavior of the parser. To add
// new options, just create a function (ideally beginning with With or Without) that returns an anonymous function that
// takes a *Parser type as input and manipulates its configuration accordingly.
type ParserOption func(*Parser)

// WithValidMethods is an option to supply algorithm methods that the parser will check. Only those methods will be considered valid.
// It is heavily encouraged to use this option in order to prevent attacks such as
func ( []string) ParserOption {
	return func( *Parser) {
		.ValidMethods = 

// WithJSONNumber is an option to configure the underlying JSON parser with UseNumber
func () ParserOption {
	return func( *Parser) {
		.UseJSONNumber = true

// WithoutClaimsValidation is an option to disable claims validation. This option should only be used if you exactly know
// what you are doing.
func () ParserOption {
	return func( *Parser) {
		.SkipClaimsValidation = true