package smb2
var zero [16 ]byte
type FileId struct {
Persistent [8 ]byte
Volatile [8 ]byte
func (fd *FileId ) IsZero () bool {
if fd == nil {
return true
for _ , b := range fd .Persistent [:] {
if b != 0 {
return false
for _ , b := range fd .Volatile [:] {
if b != 0 {
return false
return true
func (fd *FileId ) Size () int {
return 16
func (fd *FileId ) Encode (p []byte ) {
if fd == nil {
copy (p [:16 ], zero [:])
} else {
copy (p [:8 ], fd .Persistent [:])
copy (p [8 :16 ], fd .Volatile [:])
type FileIdDecoder []byte
func (fd FileIdDecoder ) Persistent () []byte {
return fd [:8 ]
func (fd FileIdDecoder ) Volatile () []byte {
return fd [8 :16 ]
func (fd FileIdDecoder ) Decode () *FileId {
var ret FileId
copy (ret .Persistent [:], fd [:8 ])
copy (ret .Volatile [:], fd [8 :16 ])
return &ret
type HashContext struct {
HashAlgorithms []uint16
HashSalt []byte
func (c *HashContext ) Size () int {
return 8 + 4 + len (c .HashAlgorithms )*2 + len (c .HashSalt )
func (c *HashContext ) Encode (p []byte ) {
le .PutUint16 (p [2 :4 ], uint16 (4 +len (c .HashAlgorithms )*2 +len (c .HashSalt )))
d := NegotiateContextDecoder (p ).Data ()
bs := d [4 :]
for i , alg := range c .HashAlgorithms {
le .PutUint16 (bs [2 *i :2 *i +2 ], alg )
le .PutUint16 (d [:2 ], uint16 (len (c .HashAlgorithms )))
off := 4 + len (c .HashAlgorithms )*2
copy (d [off :], c .HashSalt )
le .PutUint16 (d [2 :4 ], uint16 (len (c .HashSalt )))
type CipherContext struct {
Ciphers []uint16
func (c *CipherContext ) Size () int {
return 8 + 2 + len (c .Ciphers )*2
func (c *CipherContext ) Encode (p []byte ) {
le .PutUint16 (p [:2 ], SMB2_ENCRYPTION_CAPABILITIES )
le .PutUint16 (p [2 :4 ], uint16 (2 +len (c .Ciphers )*2 ))
d := NegotiateContextDecoder (p ).Data ()
bs := d [2 :]
for i , c := range c .Ciphers {
le .PutUint16 (bs [2 *i :2 *i +2 ], c )
le .PutUint16 (d [:2 ], uint16 (len (c .Ciphers )))
type NegotiateContextDecoder []byte
func (ctx NegotiateContextDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (ctx ) < 8 {
return true
if len (ctx ) < 8 +int (ctx .DataLength ()) {
return true
return false
func (ctx NegotiateContextDecoder ) ContextType () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (ctx [:2 ])
func (ctx NegotiateContextDecoder ) DataLength () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (ctx [2 :4 ])
func (ctx NegotiateContextDecoder ) Data () []byte {
len := ctx .DataLength ()
return ctx [8 : 8 +len ]
func (ctx NegotiateContextDecoder ) Next () int {
return Roundup (8 +int (ctx .DataLength ()), 8 )
type HashContextDataDecoder []byte
func (h HashContextDataDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (h ) < 4 {
return true
if len (h ) < 4 +int (h .HashAlgorithmCount ())*2 +int (h .SaltLength ()) {
return true
return false
func (h HashContextDataDecoder ) HashAlgorithmCount () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (h [:2 ])
func (h HashContextDataDecoder ) SaltLength () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (h [2 :4 ])
func (h HashContextDataDecoder ) HashAlgorithms () []uint16 {
bs := h [4 :]
algs := make ([]uint16 , h .HashAlgorithmCount ())
for i := range algs {
algs [i ] = le .Uint16 (bs [2 *i : 2 *i +2 ])
return algs
func (h HashContextDataDecoder ) Salt () []byte {
off := 4 + h .HashAlgorithmCount ()*2
len := h .SaltLength ()
return h [off : off +len ]
type CipherContextDataDecoder []byte
func (c CipherContextDataDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (c ) < 2 {
return true
if len (c ) < 2 +int (c .CipherCount ())*2 {
return true
return false
func (c CipherContextDataDecoder ) CipherCount () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (c [:2 ])
func (c CipherContextDataDecoder ) Ciphers () []uint16 {
bs := c [2 :]
cs := make ([]uint16 , c .CipherCount ())
for i := range cs {
cs [i ] = le .Uint16 (bs [2 *i : 2 *i +2 ])
return cs
type QueryQuotaInfo struct {
ReturnSingle bool
RestartScan bool
Sids []Sid
func (q *QueryQuotaInfo ) Size () int {
if len (q .Sids ) == 0 {
return 16
if len (q .Sids ) == 1 {
return 16 + q .Sids [0 ].Size ()
l := 16
for _ , sid := range q .Sids {
l += 8 + sid .Size ()
return l
func (q *QueryQuotaInfo ) Encode (p []byte ) {
if q .ReturnSingle {
p [0 ] = 1
if q .RestartScan {
p [1 ] = 1
if len (q .Sids ) > 0 {
if len (q .Sids ) == 1 {
sid := q .Sids [0 ]
sid .Encode (p [16 :])
le .PutUint32 (p [8 :12 ], uint32 (sid .Size ()))
le .PutUint32 (p [12 :16 ], 0 )
} else {
le .PutUint32 (p [4 :8 ], 1 )
off := 16
for _ , sid := range q .Sids {
size := sid .Size ()
sid .Encode (p [off +8 :])
le .PutUint32 (p [off :off +4 ], uint32 (off +size ))
le .PutUint32 (p [off +4 :off +8 ], uint32 (size ))
off += 8 + size
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