package pgx
import (
func CopyFromRows (rows [][]any ) CopyFromSource {
return ©FromRows {rows : rows , idx : -1 }
type copyFromRows struct {
rows [][]any
idx int
func (ctr *copyFromRows ) Next () bool {
ctr .idx ++
return ctr .idx < len (ctr .rows )
func (ctr *copyFromRows ) Values () ([]any , error ) {
return ctr .rows [ctr .idx ], nil
func (ctr *copyFromRows ) Err () error {
return nil
func CopyFromSlice (length int , next func (int ) ([]any , error )) CopyFromSource {
return ©FromSlice {next : next , idx : -1 , len : length }
type copyFromSlice struct {
next func (int ) ([]any , error )
idx int
len int
err error
func (cts *copyFromSlice ) Next () bool {
cts .idx ++
return cts .idx < cts .len
func (cts *copyFromSlice ) Values () ([]any , error ) {
values , err := cts .next (cts .idx )
if err != nil {
cts .err = err
return values , err
func (cts *copyFromSlice ) Err () error {
return cts .err
type CopyFromSource interface {
Next () bool
Values () ([]any , error )
Err () error
type copyFrom struct {
conn *Conn
tableName Identifier
columnNames []string
rowSrc CopyFromSource
readerErrChan chan error
mode QueryExecMode
func (ct *copyFrom ) run (ctx context .Context ) (int64 , error ) {
if ct .conn .copyFromTracer != nil {
ctx = ct .conn .copyFromTracer .TraceCopyFromStart (ctx , ct .conn , TraceCopyFromStartData {
TableName : ct .tableName ,
ColumnNames : ct .columnNames ,
quotedTableName := ct .tableName .Sanitize ()
cbuf := &bytes .Buffer {}
for i , cn := range ct .columnNames {
if i != 0 {
cbuf .WriteString (", " )
cbuf .WriteString (quoteIdentifier (cn ))
quotedColumnNames := cbuf .String ()
var sd *pgconn .StatementDescription
switch ct .mode {
case QueryExecModeExec , QueryExecModeSimpleProtocol :
ct .mode = QueryExecModeDescribeExec
case QueryExecModeCacheStatement , QueryExecModeCacheDescribe , QueryExecModeDescribeExec :
var err error
sd , err = ct .conn .getStatementDescription (
ctx ,
ct .mode ,
fmt .Sprintf ("select %s from %s" , quotedColumnNames , quotedTableName ),
if err != nil {
return 0 , fmt .Errorf ("statement description failed: %w" , err )
default :
return 0 , fmt .Errorf ("unknown QueryExecMode: %v" , ct .mode )
r , w := io .Pipe ()
doneChan := make (chan struct {})
go func () {
defer close (doneChan )
buf := ct .conn .wbuf
buf = append (buf , "PGCOPY\n\377\r\n\000" ...)
buf = pgio .AppendInt32 (buf , 0 )
buf = pgio .AppendInt32 (buf , 0 )
moreRows := true
for moreRows {
var err error
moreRows , buf , err = ct .buildCopyBuf (buf , sd )
if err != nil {
w .CloseWithError (err )
if ct .rowSrc .Err () != nil {
w .CloseWithError (ct .rowSrc .Err ())
if len (buf ) > 0 {
_, err = w .Write (buf )
if err != nil {
w .Close ()
buf = buf [:0 ]
w .Close ()
commandTag , err := ct .conn .pgConn .CopyFrom (ctx , r , fmt .Sprintf ("copy %s ( %s ) from stdin binary;" , quotedTableName , quotedColumnNames ))
r .Close ()
if ct .conn .copyFromTracer != nil {
ct .conn .copyFromTracer .TraceCopyFromEnd (ctx , ct .conn , TraceCopyFromEndData {
CommandTag : commandTag ,
Err : err ,
return commandTag .RowsAffected (), err
func (ct *copyFrom ) buildCopyBuf (buf []byte , sd *pgconn .StatementDescription ) (bool , []byte , error ) {
const sendBufSize = 65536 - 5
lastBufLen := 0
largestRowLen := 0
for ct .rowSrc .Next () {
lastBufLen = len (buf )
values , err := ct .rowSrc .Values ()
if err != nil {
return false , nil , err
if len (values ) != len (ct .columnNames ) {
return false , nil , fmt .Errorf ("expected %d values, got %d values" , len (ct .columnNames ), len (values ))
buf = pgio .AppendInt16 (buf , int16 (len (ct .columnNames )))
for i , val := range values {
buf , err = encodeCopyValue (ct .conn .typeMap , buf , sd .Fields [i ].DataTypeOID , val )
if err != nil {
return false , nil , err
rowLen := len (buf ) - lastBufLen
if rowLen > largestRowLen {
largestRowLen = rowLen
if len (buf ) > sendBufSize -largestRowLen {
return true , buf , nil
return false , buf , nil
func (c *Conn ) CopyFrom (ctx context .Context , tableName Identifier , columnNames []string , rowSrc CopyFromSource ) (int64 , error ) {
ct := ©From {
conn : c ,
tableName : tableName ,
columnNames : columnNames ,
rowSrc : rowSrc ,
readerErrChan : make (chan error ),
mode : c .config .DefaultQueryExecMode ,
return ct .run (ctx )
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