package pgproto3
import (
type ErrorResponse struct {
Severity string
SeverityUnlocalized string
Code string
Message string
Detail string
Hint string
Position int32
InternalPosition int32
InternalQuery string
Where string
SchemaName string
TableName string
ColumnName string
DataTypeName string
ConstraintName string
File string
Line int32
Routine string
UnknownFields map [byte ]string
func (*ErrorResponse ) Backend () {}
func (dst *ErrorResponse ) Decode (src []byte ) error {
*dst = ErrorResponse {}
buf := bytes .NewBuffer (src )
for {
k , err := buf .ReadByte ()
if err != nil {
return err
if k == 0 {
vb , err := buf .ReadBytes (0 )
if err != nil {
return err
v := string (vb [:len (vb )-1 ])
switch k {
case 'S' :
dst .Severity = v
case 'V' :
dst .SeverityUnlocalized = v
case 'C' :
dst .Code = v
case 'M' :
dst .Message = v
case 'D' :
dst .Detail = v
case 'H' :
dst .Hint = v
case 'P' :
s := v
n , _ := strconv .ParseInt (s , 10 , 32 )
dst .Position = int32 (n )
case 'p' :
s := v
n , _ := strconv .ParseInt (s , 10 , 32 )
dst .InternalPosition = int32 (n )
case 'q' :
dst .InternalQuery = v
case 'W' :
dst .Where = v
case 's' :
dst .SchemaName = v
case 't' :
dst .TableName = v
case 'c' :
dst .ColumnName = v
case 'd' :
dst .DataTypeName = v
case 'n' :
dst .ConstraintName = v
case 'F' :
dst .File = v
case 'L' :
s := v
n , _ := strconv .ParseInt (s , 10 , 32 )
dst .Line = int32 (n )
case 'R' :
dst .Routine = v
default :
if dst .UnknownFields == nil {
dst .UnknownFields = make (map [byte ]string )
dst .UnknownFields [k ] = v
return nil
func (src *ErrorResponse ) Encode (dst []byte ) []byte {
return append (dst , src .marshalBinary ('E' )...)
func (src *ErrorResponse ) marshalBinary (typeByte byte ) []byte {
var bigEndian BigEndianBuf
buf := &bytes .Buffer {}
buf .WriteByte (typeByte )
buf .Write (bigEndian .Uint32 (0 ))
if src .Severity != "" {
buf .WriteByte ('S' )
buf .WriteString (src .Severity )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .SeverityUnlocalized != "" {
buf .WriteByte ('V' )
buf .WriteString (src .SeverityUnlocalized )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .Code != "" {
buf .WriteByte ('C' )
buf .WriteString (src .Code )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .Message != "" {
buf .WriteByte ('M' )
buf .WriteString (src .Message )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .Detail != "" {
buf .WriteByte ('D' )
buf .WriteString (src .Detail )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .Hint != "" {
buf .WriteByte ('H' )
buf .WriteString (src .Hint )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .Position != 0 {
buf .WriteByte ('P' )
buf .WriteString (strconv .Itoa (int (src .Position )))
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .InternalPosition != 0 {
buf .WriteByte ('p' )
buf .WriteString (strconv .Itoa (int (src .InternalPosition )))
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .InternalQuery != "" {
buf .WriteByte ('q' )
buf .WriteString (src .InternalQuery )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .Where != "" {
buf .WriteByte ('W' )
buf .WriteString (src .Where )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .SchemaName != "" {
buf .WriteByte ('s' )
buf .WriteString (src .SchemaName )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .TableName != "" {
buf .WriteByte ('t' )
buf .WriteString (src .TableName )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .ColumnName != "" {
buf .WriteByte ('c' )
buf .WriteString (src .ColumnName )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .DataTypeName != "" {
buf .WriteByte ('d' )
buf .WriteString (src .DataTypeName )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .ConstraintName != "" {
buf .WriteByte ('n' )
buf .WriteString (src .ConstraintName )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .File != "" {
buf .WriteByte ('F' )
buf .WriteString (src .File )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .Line != 0 {
buf .WriteByte ('L' )
buf .WriteString (strconv .Itoa (int (src .Line )))
buf .WriteByte (0 )
if src .Routine != "" {
buf .WriteByte ('R' )
buf .WriteString (src .Routine )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
for k , v := range src .UnknownFields {
buf .WriteByte (k )
buf .WriteString (v )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
buf .WriteByte (0 )
binary .BigEndian .PutUint32 (buf .Bytes ()[1 :5 ], uint32 (buf .Len ()-1 ))
return buf .Bytes ()
func (src ErrorResponse ) MarshalJSON () ([]byte , error ) {
return json .Marshal (struct {
Type string
Severity string
SeverityUnlocalized string
Code string
Message string
Detail string
Hint string
Position int32
InternalPosition int32
InternalQuery string
Where string
SchemaName string
TableName string
ColumnName string
DataTypeName string
ConstraintName string
File string
Line int32
Routine string
UnknownFields map [byte ]string
Type : "ErrorResponse" ,
Severity : src .Severity ,
SeverityUnlocalized : src .SeverityUnlocalized ,
Code : src .Code ,
Message : src .Message ,
Detail : src .Detail ,
Hint : src .Hint ,
Position : src .Position ,
InternalPosition : src .InternalPosition ,
InternalQuery : src .InternalQuery ,
Where : src .Where ,
SchemaName : src .SchemaName ,
TableName : src .TableName ,
ColumnName : src .ColumnName ,
DataTypeName : src .DataTypeName ,
ConstraintName : src .ConstraintName ,
File : src .File ,
Line : src .Line ,
Routine : src .Routine ,
UnknownFields : src .UnknownFields ,
func (dst *ErrorResponse ) UnmarshalJSON (data []byte ) error {
if string (data ) == "null" {
return nil
var msg struct {
Type string
Severity string
SeverityUnlocalized string
Code string
Message string
Detail string
Hint string
Position int32
InternalPosition int32
InternalQuery string
Where string
SchemaName string
TableName string
ColumnName string
DataTypeName string
ConstraintName string
File string
Line int32
Routine string
UnknownFields map [byte ]string
if err := json .Unmarshal (data , &msg ); err != nil {
return err
dst .Severity = msg .Severity
dst .SeverityUnlocalized = msg .SeverityUnlocalized
dst .Code = msg .Code
dst .Message = msg .Message
dst .Detail = msg .Detail
dst .Hint = msg .Hint
dst .Position = msg .Position
dst .InternalPosition = msg .InternalPosition
dst .InternalQuery = msg .InternalQuery
dst .Where = msg .Where
dst .SchemaName = msg .SchemaName
dst .TableName = msg .TableName
dst .ColumnName = msg .ColumnName
dst .DataTypeName = msg .DataTypeName
dst .ConstraintName = msg .ConstraintName
dst .File = msg .File
dst .Line = msg .Line
dst .Routine = msg .Routine
dst .UnknownFields = msg .UnknownFields
return nil
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