package dnsutilsimport ()// OrderedSRV returns a count of the results and a map keyed on the order they should be used.// This based on the records' priority and randomised selection based on their relative weighting.// The function's inputs are the same as those for net.LookupSRV// To use in the correct order://// count, orderedSRV, err := OrderedSRV(service, proto, name)// i := 1// for i <= count {// srv := orderedSRV[i]// // Do something such as dial this SRV. If fails move on the the next or break if it succeeds.// i += 1// }func (, , string) (int, map[int]*net.SRV, error) { , , := net.LookupSRV(, , )if != nil {return0, make(map[int]*net.SRV), } , := orderSRV()return , , nil}func orderSRV( []*net.SRV) (int, map[int]*net.SRV) {// Initialise the ordered mapvarint := make(map[int]*net.SRV) := make(map[int][]*net.SRV, 0)for , := range { [int(.Priority)] = append([int(.Priority)], ) } := make([]int, 0)for := range { = append(, ) }varintsort.Ints()for , := range { := weightedOrder([])for , := range { += 1 [+] = } += len() }return , }func weightedOrder( []*net.SRV) map[int]*net.SRV {// Get the total weightvarintfor , := range { += int(.Weight) }// Initialise the ordered map := 1 := make(map[int]*net.SRV)// Whilst there are still entries to be ordered := len()for > 0 { := rand.Intn() := []varintif > 0 {// Greater the weight the more likely this will be zero or less = rand.Intn() - int(.Weight) }if <= 0 {// Put entry in position [] = iflen() > 1 {// Remove the entry from the source slice by swapping with the last entry and truncating [len()-1], [] = [], [len()-1] = [:len()-1] = len() } else { = 0 } += 1 = - int(.Weight) } }return}
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