package asn1
import (
const (
TagBoolean = 1
TagInteger = 2
TagBitString = 3
TagOctetString = 4
TagOID = 6
TagEnum = 10
TagUTF8String = 12
TagSequence = 16
TagSet = 17
TagPrintableString = 19
TagT61String = 20
TagIA5String = 22
TagUTCTime = 23
TagGeneralizedTime = 24
TagGeneralString = 27
const (
ClassUniversal = 0
ClassApplication = 1
ClassContextSpecific = 2
ClassPrivate = 3
type tagAndLength struct {
class, tag, length int
isCompound bool
type fieldParameters struct {
optional bool
explicit bool
application bool
defaultValue *int64
tag *int
stringType int
timeType int
set bool
omitEmpty bool
func parseFieldParameters(str string ) (ret fieldParameters ) {
for _ , part := range strings .Split (str , "," ) {
switch {
case part == "optional" :
ret .optional = true
case part == "explicit" :
ret .explicit = true
if ret .tag == nil {
ret .tag = new (int )
case part == "generalized" :
ret .timeType = TagGeneralizedTime
case part == "utc" :
ret .timeType = TagUTCTime
case part == "ia5" :
ret .stringType = TagIA5String
case part == "generalstring" :
ret .stringType = TagGeneralString
case part == "printable" :
ret .stringType = TagPrintableString
case part == "utf8" :
ret .stringType = TagUTF8String
case strings .HasPrefix (part , "default:" ):
i , err := strconv .ParseInt (part [8 :], 10 , 64 )
if err == nil {
ret .defaultValue = new (int64 )
*ret .defaultValue = i
case strings .HasPrefix (part , "tag:" ):
i , err := strconv .Atoi (part [4 :])
if err == nil {
ret .tag = new (int )
*ret .tag = i
case part == "set" :
ret .set = true
case part == "application" :
ret .application = true
if ret .tag == nil {
ret .tag = new (int )
case part == "omitempty" :
ret .omitEmpty = true
func getUniversalType(t reflect .Type ) (tagNumber int , isCompound , ok bool ) {
switch t {
case objectIdentifierType :
return TagOID , false , true
case bitStringType :
return TagBitString , false , true
case timeType :
return TagUTCTime , false , true
case enumeratedType :
return TagEnum , false , true
case bigIntType :
return TagInteger , false , true
switch t .Kind () {
case reflect .Bool :
return TagBoolean , false , true
case reflect .Int , reflect .Int8 , reflect .Int16 , reflect .Int32 , reflect .Int64 :
return TagInteger , false , true
case reflect .Struct :
return TagSequence , true , true
case reflect .Slice :
if t .Elem ().Kind () == reflect .Uint8 {
return TagOctetString , false , true
if strings .HasSuffix (t .Name (), "SET" ) {
return TagSet , true , true
return TagSequence , true , true
case reflect .String :
return TagPrintableString , false , true
return 0 , false , false
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Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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