package flate
import (
const (
NoCompression = 0
BestSpeed = 1
BestCompression = 9
DefaultCompression = -1
HuffmanOnly = -2
ConstantCompression = HuffmanOnly
logWindowSize = 15
windowSize = 1 << logWindowSize
windowMask = windowSize - 1
logMaxOffsetSize = 15
minMatchLength = 4
maxMatchLength = 258
minOffsetSize = 1
maxFlateBlockTokens = 1 << 15
maxStoreBlockSize = 65535
hashBits = 17
hashSize = 1 << hashBits
hashMask = (1 << hashBits ) - 1
hashShift = (hashBits + minMatchLength - 1 ) / minMatchLength
maxHashOffset = 1 << 28
skipNever = math .MaxInt32
debugDeflate = false
type compressionLevel struct {
good, lazy, nice, chain, fastSkipHashing, level int
var levels = []compressionLevel {
{0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 },
{0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 2 },
{0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 3 },
{0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 4 },
{0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 5 },
{0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 6 },
{8 , 12 , 16 , 24 , skipNever , 7 },
{16 , 30 , 40 , 64 , skipNever , 8 },
{32 , 258 , 258 , 1024 , skipNever , 9 },
type advancedState struct {
length int
offset int
maxInsertIndex int
chainHead int
hashOffset int
ii uint16
index int
hashMatch [maxMatchLength + minMatchLength ]uint32
hashHead [hashSize ]uint32
hashPrev [windowSize ]uint32
type compressor struct {
h *huffmanEncoder
w *huffmanBitWriter
fill func (*compressor , []byte ) int
step func (*compressor )
window []byte
windowEnd int
blockStart int
err error
tokens tokens
fast fastEnc
state *advancedState
sync bool
byteAvailable bool
func (d *compressor ) fillDeflate (b []byte ) int {
s := d .state
if s .index >= 2 *windowSize -(minMatchLength +maxMatchLength ) {
*(*[windowSize ]byte )(d .window ) = *(*[windowSize ]byte )(d .window [windowSize :])
s .index -= windowSize
d .windowEnd -= windowSize
if d .blockStart >= windowSize {
d .blockStart -= windowSize
} else {
d .blockStart = math .MaxInt32
s .hashOffset += windowSize
if s .hashOffset > maxHashOffset {
delta := s .hashOffset - 1
s .hashOffset -= delta
s .chainHead -= delta
for i , v := range s .hashPrev [:] {
if int (v ) > delta {
s .hashPrev [i ] = uint32 (int (v ) - delta )
} else {
s .hashPrev [i ] = 0
for i , v := range s .hashHead [:] {
if int (v ) > delta {
s .hashHead [i ] = uint32 (int (v ) - delta )
} else {
s .hashHead [i ] = 0
n := copy (d .window [d .windowEnd :], b )
d .windowEnd += n
return n
func (d *compressor ) writeBlock (tok *tokens , index int , eof bool ) error {
if index > 0 || eof {
var window []byte
if d .blockStart <= index {
window = d .window [d .blockStart :index ]
d .blockStart = index
d .w .writeBlockDynamic (tok , eof , window , d .sync )
return d .w .err
return nil
func (d *compressor ) writeBlockSkip (tok *tokens , index int , eof bool ) error {
if index > 0 || eof {
if d .blockStart <= index {
window := d .window [d .blockStart :index ]
if int (tok .n ) > len (window )-int (tok .n >>6 ) {
d .w .writeBlockHuff (eof , window , d .sync )
} else {
d .w .writeBlockDynamic (tok , eof , window , d .sync )
} else {
d .w .writeBlock (tok , eof , nil )
d .blockStart = index
return d .w .err
return nil
func (d *compressor ) fillWindow (b []byte ) {
if d .level <= 0 {
if d .fast != nil {
if len (b ) > maxMatchOffset {
b = b [len (b )-maxMatchOffset :]
d .fast .Encode (&d .tokens , b )
d .tokens .Reset ()
s := d .state
if len (b ) > windowSize {
b = b [len (b )-windowSize :]
n := copy (d .window [d .windowEnd :], b )
loops := (n + 256 - minMatchLength ) / 256
for j := 0 ; j < loops ; j ++ {
startindex := j * 256
end := startindex + 256 + minMatchLength - 1
if end > n {
end = n
tocheck := d .window [startindex :end ]
dstSize := len (tocheck ) - minMatchLength + 1
if dstSize <= 0 {
dst := s .hashMatch [:dstSize ]
bulkHash4 (tocheck , dst )
var newH uint32
for i , val := range dst {
di := i + startindex
newH = val & hashMask
s .hashPrev [di &windowMask ] = s .hashHead [newH ]
s .hashHead [newH ] = uint32 (di + s .hashOffset )
d .windowEnd += n
s .index = n
func (d *compressor ) findMatch (pos int , prevHead int , lookahead int ) (length , offset int , ok bool ) {
minMatchLook := maxMatchLength
if lookahead < minMatchLook {
minMatchLook = lookahead
win := d .window [0 : pos +minMatchLook ]
nice := len (win ) - pos
if d .nice < nice {
nice = d .nice
tries := d .chain
length = minMatchLength - 1
wEnd := win [pos +length ]
wPos := win [pos :]
minIndex := pos - windowSize
if minIndex < 0 {
minIndex = 0
offset = 0
if d .chain < 100 {
for i := prevHead ; tries > 0 ; tries -- {
if wEnd == win [i +length ] {
n := matchLen (win [i :i +minMatchLook ], wPos )
if n > length {
length = n
offset = pos - i
ok = true
if n >= nice {
wEnd = win [pos +n ]
if i <= minIndex {
i = int (d .state .hashPrev [i &windowMask ]) - d .state .hashOffset
if i < minIndex {
cGain := 4
const baseCost = 3
for i := prevHead ; tries > 0 ; tries -- {
if wEnd == win [i +length ] {
n := matchLen (win [i :i +minMatchLook ], wPos )
if n > length {
newGain := d .h .bitLengthRaw (wPos [:n ]) - int (offsetExtraBits [offsetCode (uint32 (pos -i ))]) - baseCost - int (lengthExtraBits [lengthCodes [(n -3 )&255 ]])
if newGain > cGain {
length = n
offset = pos - i
cGain = newGain
ok = true
if n >= nice {
wEnd = win [pos +n ]
if i <= minIndex {
i = int (d .state .hashPrev [i &windowMask ]) - d .state .hashOffset
if i < minIndex {
func (d *compressor ) writeStoredBlock (buf []byte ) error {
if d .w .writeStoredHeader (len (buf ), false ); d .w .err != nil {
return d .w .err
d .w .writeBytes (buf )
return d .w .err
func hash4(b []byte ) uint32 {
return hash4u (binary .LittleEndian .Uint32 (b ), hashBits )
func hash4u(u uint32 , h uint8 ) uint32 {
return (u * prime4bytes ) >> (32 - h )
func bulkHash4(b []byte , dst []uint32 ) {
if len (b ) < 4 {
hb := binary .LittleEndian .Uint32 (b )
dst [0 ] = hash4u (hb , hashBits )
end := len (b ) - 4 + 1
for i := 1 ; i < end ; i ++ {
hb = (hb >> 8 ) | uint32 (b [i +3 ])<<24
dst [i ] = hash4u (hb , hashBits )
func (d *compressor ) initDeflate () {
d .window = make ([]byte , 2 *windowSize )
d .byteAvailable = false
d .err = nil
if d .state == nil {
s := d .state
s .index = 0
s .hashOffset = 1
s .length = minMatchLength - 1
s .offset = 0
s .chainHead = -1
func (d *compressor ) deflateLazy () {
s := d .state
const sanity = debugDeflate
if d .windowEnd -s .index < minMatchLength +maxMatchLength && !d .sync {
if d .windowEnd != s .index && d .chain > 100 {
if d .h == nil {
d .h = newHuffmanEncoder (maxFlateBlockTokens )
var tmp [256 ]uint16
for _ , v := range d .window [s .index :d .windowEnd ] {
tmp [v ]++
d .h .generate (tmp [:], 15 )
s .maxInsertIndex = d .windowEnd - (minMatchLength - 1 )
for {
if sanity && s .index > d .windowEnd {
panic ("index > windowEnd" )
lookahead := d .windowEnd - s .index
if lookahead < minMatchLength +maxMatchLength {
if !d .sync {
if sanity && s .index > d .windowEnd {
panic ("index > windowEnd" )
if lookahead == 0 {
if d .byteAvailable {
d .tokens .AddLiteral (d .window [s .index -1 ])
d .byteAvailable = false
if d .tokens .n > 0 {
if d .err = d .writeBlock (&d .tokens , s .index , false ); d .err != nil {
d .tokens .Reset ()
if s .index < s .maxInsertIndex {
hash := hash4 (d .window [s .index :])
ch := s .hashHead [hash ]
s .chainHead = int (ch )
s .hashPrev [s .index &windowMask ] = ch
s .hashHead [hash ] = uint32 (s .index + s .hashOffset )
prevLength := s .length
prevOffset := s .offset
s .length = minMatchLength - 1
s .offset = 0
minIndex := s .index - windowSize
if minIndex < 0 {
minIndex = 0
if s .chainHead -s .hashOffset >= minIndex && lookahead > prevLength && prevLength < d .lazy {
if newLength , newOffset , ok := d .findMatch (s .index , s .chainHead -s .hashOffset , lookahead ); ok {
s .length = newLength
s .offset = newOffset
if prevLength >= minMatchLength && s .length <= prevLength {
const checkOff = 2
if prevLength < maxMatchLength -checkOff {
prevIndex := s .index - 1
if prevIndex +prevLength < s .maxInsertIndex {
end := lookahead
if lookahead > maxMatchLength +checkOff {
end = maxMatchLength + checkOff
end += prevIndex
h := hash4 (d .window [prevIndex +prevLength :])
ch2 := int (s .hashHead [h ]) - s .hashOffset - prevLength
if prevIndex -ch2 != prevOffset && ch2 > minIndex +checkOff {
length := matchLen (d .window [prevIndex +checkOff :end ], d .window [ch2 +checkOff :])
if length > prevLength {
prevLength = length
prevOffset = prevIndex - ch2
for i := checkOff - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
if prevLength >= maxMatchLength || d .window [prevIndex +i ] != d .window [ch2 +i ] {
for j := 0 ; j <= i ; j ++ {
d .tokens .AddLiteral (d .window [prevIndex +j ])
if d .tokens .n == maxFlateBlockTokens {
if d .err = d .writeBlock (&d .tokens , s .index , false ); d .err != nil {
d .tokens .Reset ()
s .index ++
if s .index < s .maxInsertIndex {
h := hash4 (d .window [s .index :])
ch := s .hashHead [h ]
s .chainHead = int (ch )
s .hashPrev [s .index &windowMask ] = ch
s .hashHead [h ] = uint32 (s .index + s .hashOffset )
} else {
prevLength ++
} else if false {
prevIndex ++
h := hash4 (d .window [prevIndex +prevLength :])
ch2 := int (s .hashHead [h ]) - s .hashOffset - prevLength
if prevIndex -ch2 != prevOffset && ch2 > minIndex +checkOff {
length := matchLen (d .window [prevIndex +checkOff :end ], d .window [ch2 +checkOff :])
if length > prevLength +checkOff {
prevLength = length
prevOffset = prevIndex - ch2
prevIndex --
for i := checkOff ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
if prevLength >= maxMatchLength || d .window [prevIndex +i ] != d .window [ch2 +i -1 ] {
for j := 0 ; j <= i ; j ++ {
d .tokens .AddLiteral (d .window [prevIndex +j ])
if d .tokens .n == maxFlateBlockTokens {
if d .err = d .writeBlock (&d .tokens , s .index , false ); d .err != nil {
d .tokens .Reset ()
s .index ++
if s .index < s .maxInsertIndex {
h := hash4 (d .window [s .index :])
ch := s .hashHead [h ]
s .chainHead = int (ch )
s .hashPrev [s .index &windowMask ] = ch
s .hashHead [h ] = uint32 (s .index + s .hashOffset )
} else {
prevLength ++
d .tokens .AddMatch (uint32 (prevLength -3 ), uint32 (prevOffset -minOffsetSize ))
newIndex := s .index + prevLength - 1
end := newIndex
if end > s .maxInsertIndex {
end = s .maxInsertIndex
end += minMatchLength - 1
startindex := s .index + 1
if startindex > s .maxInsertIndex {
startindex = s .maxInsertIndex
tocheck := d .window [startindex :end ]
dstSize := len (tocheck ) - minMatchLength + 1
if dstSize > 0 {
dst := s .hashMatch [:dstSize ]
bulkHash4 (tocheck , dst )
var newH uint32
for i , val := range dst {
di := i + startindex
newH = val & hashMask
s .hashPrev [di &windowMask ] = s .hashHead [newH ]
s .hashHead [newH ] = uint32 (di + s .hashOffset )
s .index = newIndex
d .byteAvailable = false
s .length = minMatchLength - 1
if d .tokens .n == maxFlateBlockTokens {
if d .err = d .writeBlock (&d .tokens , s .index , false ); d .err != nil {
d .tokens .Reset ()
s .ii = 0
} else {
if s .length >= minMatchLength {
s .ii = 0
if d .byteAvailable {
s .ii ++
d .tokens .AddLiteral (d .window [s .index -1 ])
if d .tokens .n == maxFlateBlockTokens {
if d .err = d .writeBlock (&d .tokens , s .index , false ); d .err != nil {
d .tokens .Reset ()
s .index ++
if n := int (s .ii ) - d .chain ; n > 0 {
n = 1 + int (n >>6 )
for j := 0 ; j < n ; j ++ {
if s .index >= d .windowEnd -1 {
d .tokens .AddLiteral (d .window [s .index -1 ])
if d .tokens .n == maxFlateBlockTokens {
if d .err = d .writeBlock (&d .tokens , s .index , false ); d .err != nil {
d .tokens .Reset ()
if s .index < s .maxInsertIndex {
h := hash4 (d .window [s .index :])
ch := s .hashHead [h ]
s .chainHead = int (ch )
s .hashPrev [s .index &windowMask ] = ch
s .hashHead [h ] = uint32 (s .index + s .hashOffset )
s .index ++
d .tokens .AddLiteral (d .window [s .index -1 ])
d .byteAvailable = false
if d .tokens .n == maxFlateBlockTokens {
if d .err = d .writeBlock (&d .tokens , s .index , false ); d .err != nil {
d .tokens .Reset ()
} else {
s .index ++
d .byteAvailable = true
func (d *compressor ) store () {
if d .windowEnd > 0 && (d .windowEnd == maxStoreBlockSize || d .sync ) {
d .err = d .writeStoredBlock (d .window [:d .windowEnd ])
d .windowEnd = 0
func (d *compressor ) fillBlock (b []byte ) int {
n := copy (d .window [d .windowEnd :], b )
d .windowEnd += n
return n
func (d *compressor ) storeHuff () {
if d .windowEnd < len (d .window ) && !d .sync || d .windowEnd == 0 {
d .w .writeBlockHuff (false , d .window [:d .windowEnd ], d .sync )
d .err = d .w .err
d .windowEnd = 0
func (d *compressor ) storeFast () {
if d .windowEnd < len (d .window ) {
if !d .sync {
if d .windowEnd < 128 {
if d .windowEnd == 0 {
if d .windowEnd <= 32 {
d .err = d .writeStoredBlock (d .window [:d .windowEnd ])
} else {
d .w .writeBlockHuff (false , d .window [:d .windowEnd ], true )
d .err = d .w .err
d .tokens .Reset ()
d .windowEnd = 0
d .fast .Reset ()
d .fast .Encode (&d .tokens , d .window [:d .windowEnd ])
if d .tokens .n == 0 {
d .err = d .writeStoredBlock (d .window [:d .windowEnd ])
} else if int (d .tokens .n ) > d .windowEnd -(d .windowEnd >>4 ) {
d .w .writeBlockHuff (false , d .window [:d .windowEnd ], d .sync )
d .err = d .w .err
} else {
d .w .writeBlockDynamic (&d .tokens , false , d .window [:d .windowEnd ], d .sync )
d .err = d .w .err
d .tokens .Reset ()
d .windowEnd = 0
func (d *compressor ) write (b []byte ) (n int , err error ) {
if d .err != nil {
return 0 , d .err
n = len (b )
for len (b ) > 0 {
if d .windowEnd == len (d .window ) || d .sync {
d .step (d )
b = b [d .fill (d , b ):]
if d .err != nil {
return 0 , d .err
return n , d .err
func (d *compressor ) syncFlush () error {
d .sync = true
if d .err != nil {
return d .err
d .step (d )
if d .err == nil {
d .w .writeStoredHeader (0 , false )
d .w .flush ()
d .err = d .w .err
d .sync = false
return d .err
func (d *compressor ) init (w io .Writer , level int ) (err error ) {
d .w = newHuffmanBitWriter (w )
switch {
case level == NoCompression :
d .window = make ([]byte , maxStoreBlockSize )
d .fill = (*compressor ).fillBlock
d .step = (*compressor ).store
case level == ConstantCompression :
d .w .logNewTablePenalty = 10
d .window = make ([]byte , 32 <<10 )
d .fill = (*compressor ).fillBlock
d .step = (*compressor ).storeHuff
case level == DefaultCompression :
level = 5
case level >= 1 && level <= 6 :
d .w .logNewTablePenalty = 7
d .fast = newFastEnc (level )
d .window = make ([]byte , maxStoreBlockSize )
d .fill = (*compressor ).fillBlock
d .step = (*compressor ).storeFast
case 7 <= level && level <= 9 :
d .w .logNewTablePenalty = 8
d .state = &advancedState {}
d .compressionLevel = levels [level ]
d .initDeflate ()
d .fill = (*compressor ).fillDeflate
d .step = (*compressor ).deflateLazy
case -level >= MinCustomWindowSize && -level <= MaxCustomWindowSize :
d .w .logNewTablePenalty = 7
d .fast = &fastEncL5Window {maxOffset : int32 (-level ), cur : maxStoreBlockSize }
d .window = make ([]byte , maxStoreBlockSize )
d .fill = (*compressor ).fillBlock
d .step = (*compressor ).storeFast
default :
return fmt .Errorf ("flate: invalid compression level %d: want value in range [-2, 9]" , level )
d .level = level
return nil
func (d *compressor ) reset (w io .Writer ) {
d .w .reset (w )
d .sync = false
d .err = nil
if d .fast != nil {
d .fast .Reset ()
d .windowEnd = 0
d .tokens .Reset ()
switch d .compressionLevel .chain {
case 0 :
d .windowEnd = 0
default :
s := d .state
s .chainHead = -1
for i := range s .hashHead {
s .hashHead [i ] = 0
for i := range s .hashPrev {
s .hashPrev [i ] = 0
s .hashOffset = 1
s .index , d .windowEnd = 0 , 0
d .blockStart , d .byteAvailable = 0 , false
d .tokens .Reset ()
s .length = minMatchLength - 1
s .offset = 0
s .ii = 0
s .maxInsertIndex = 0
func (d *compressor ) close () error {
if d .err != nil {
return d .err
d .sync = true
d .step (d )
if d .err != nil {
return d .err
if d .w .writeStoredHeader (0 , true ); d .w .err != nil {
return d .w .err
d .w .flush ()
d .w .reset (nil )
return d .w .err
func NewWriter (w io .Writer , level int ) (*Writer , error ) {
var dw Writer
if err := dw .d .init (w , level ); err != nil {
return nil , err
return &dw , nil
func NewWriterDict (w io .Writer , level int , dict []byte ) (*Writer , error ) {
zw , err := NewWriter (w , level )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
zw .d .fillWindow (dict )
zw .dict = append (zw .dict , dict ...)
return zw , err
const MinCustomWindowSize = 32
const MaxCustomWindowSize = windowSize
func NewWriterWindow (w io .Writer , windowSize int ) (*Writer , error ) {
if windowSize < MinCustomWindowSize {
return nil , errors .New ("flate: requested window size less than MinWindowSize" )
if windowSize > MaxCustomWindowSize {
return nil , errors .New ("flate: requested window size bigger than MaxCustomWindowSize" )
var dw Writer
if err := dw .d .init (w , -windowSize ); err != nil {
return nil , err
return &dw , nil
type Writer struct {
d compressor
dict []byte
func (w *Writer ) Write (data []byte ) (n int , err error ) {
return w .d .write (data )
func (w *Writer ) Flush () error {
return w .d .syncFlush ()
func (w *Writer ) Close () error {
return w .d .close ()
func (w *Writer ) Reset (dst io .Writer ) {
if len (w .dict ) > 0 {
w .d .reset (dst )
if dst != nil {
w .d .fillWindow (w .dict )
} else {
w .d .reset (dst )
func (w *Writer ) ResetDict (dst io .Writer , dict []byte ) {
w .dict = dict
w .d .reset (dst )
w .d .fillWindow (w .dict )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
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