package handlers
import (
func SetExtensionDb (c *fiber .Ctx ) error {
params := []string {"target" , "new_param" , "server_id" , "extension_id" , "token" }
for _ , param := range params {
if len (c .FormValue (param )) < 1 {
return logger .FiberError (fiber .StatusBadRequest , param +" parameter is missing" )
extJson , err := liman .GetExtensionJSON (&models .Extension {ID : c .FormValue ("extension_id" )})
if err != nil {
return err
isGlobal , isWritable := false , false
for _ , setting := range extJson ["database" ].([]interface {}) {
option := setting .(map [string ]interface {})
if option ["variable" ] != c .FormValue ("target" ) {
if option ["global" ] != nil && option ["global" ].(bool ) {
isGlobal = true
if option ["writable" ] != nil && option ["writable" ].(bool ) {
isWritable = true
if !isWritable {
return c .SendString (c .FormValue ("new_param" ))
output , err := liman .SetExtensionDb (
c .FormValue ("new_param" ),
c .FormValue ("target" ),
c .Locals ("user_id" ).(string ),
c .FormValue ("server_id" ),
isGlobal ,
if err != nil {
return err
return c .SendString (output )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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