package handlers
import (
func ExtensionRunner (c *fiber .Ctx ) error {
if len (c .FormValue ("extension_id" )) < 1 {
return logger .FiberError (fiber .StatusBadRequest , "extension not found" )
extension , err := liman .GetExtension (&models .Extension {
ID : c .FormValue ("extension_id" ),
if err != nil {
return err
if extension .Status == "0" {
return logger .FiberError (fiber .StatusServiceUnavailable , "extension is unavailable" )
credentials := &models .Credentials {}
if extension .RequireKey == "true" {
credentials , err = liman .GetCredentials (
&models .User {
ID : c .Locals ("user_id" ).(string ),
&models .Server {
ID : c .FormValue ("server_id" ),
if err != nil || len (credentials .Username ) < 1 {
return logger .FiberError (fiber .StatusForbidden , "you need a key to use this extension" )
formValues := helpers .GetFormData (c )
token := c .FormValue ("token" )
if len (c .FormValue ("liman-token" )) > 0 {
token = c .FormValue ("liman-token" )
command , err := sandbox .GenerateCommand (
extension ,
credentials ,
&models .CommandParams {
TargetFunction : c .FormValue ("lmntargetFunction" ),
User : c .Locals ("user_id" ).(string ),
Extension : c .FormValue ("extension_id" ),
Server : c .FormValue ("server_id" ),
RequestData : formValues ,
Token : token ,
BaseURL : c .FormValue ("lmnbaseurl" , c .Get ("origin" )),
Locale : c .FormValue ("locale" , helpers .Env ("APP_LANG" , "tr" )),
LogID : c .Locals ("log_id" ).(string ),
if err != nil {
return err
output := linux .Execute (command )
if helpers .IsJSON (output ) {
type LimanMessage struct {
Message any `json:"message"`
Status int `json:"status"`
msg := &LimanMessage {}
err := json .Unmarshal ([]byte (output ), &msg )
if err != nil {
return c .Type ("json" ).SendString (output )
if msg != nil && msg .Status > 399 {
return c .Status (201 ).Type ("json" ).SendString (output )
if msg != nil {
return c .Status (msg .Status ).Type ("json" ).SendString (output )
return c .Type ("json" ).SendString (output )
return c .SendString (output )
func ExtensionLogger (c *fiber .Ctx ) error {
params := []string {
"title" ,
"message" ,
for _ , param := range params {
if len (c .FormValue (param )) < 1 {
return logger .FiberError (fiber .StatusBadRequest , param +" parameter is missing" )
formData := helpers .GetFormData (c )
user_id := ""
if c .Locals ("user_id" ) != nil {
user_id = c .Locals ("user_id" ).(string )
logger .Sugar ().WithOptions (
zap .WithCaller (false ),
).Infow (
"send log handler" ,
"lmn_level" , "high_level" ,
"log_id" , c .Locals ("log_id" ).(string ),
"user_id" , user_id ,
"route" , "/" ,
"ip_address" , c .IP (),
"request_details" , formData ,
return c .Type ("json" ).SendString (`{
"status": 200,
"message": "log added successfully"
}` )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @Go100and1 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .