package handlers
import (
func OpenTunnel (c *fiber .Ctx ) error {
params := []string {"remote_host" , "remote_port" , "username" , "password" }
for _ , param := range params {
if len (c .FormValue (param )) < 1 {
return logger .FiberError (fiber .StatusBadRequest , param +" parameter is missing" )
sshPort := c .FormValue ("ssh_port" )
if len (sshPort ) < 1 {
sshPort = "22"
port := bridge .CreateTunnel (
c .FormValue ("remote_host" ),
c .FormValue ("remote_port" ),
c .FormValue ("username" ),
c .FormValue ("password" ),
sshPort ,
return c .JSON (port )
func KeepTunnelAlive (c *fiber .Ctx ) error {
params := []string {"remote_host" , "remote_port" , "username" }
for _ , param := range params {
if len (c .FormValue (param )) < 1 {
return logger .FiberError (fiber .StatusBadRequest , param +" parameter is missing" )
_ , err := bridge .Tunnels .Get (
c .FormValue ("remote_host" ),
c .FormValue ("remote_port" ),
c .FormValue ("username" ),
if err != nil {
return logger .FiberError (fiber .StatusNotFound , "tunnel not found" )
return c .Type ("json" ).SendString (`{
"status": 200,
"message": "tunnel keep alive successfully"
}` )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
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