package app_logger
import (
func New () fiber .Handler {
return func (c *fiber .Ctx ) (err error ) {
c .Locals ("log_id" , uuid .NewString ())
log_level := helpers .Env ("NEW_LOG_LEVEL" , "2" )
switch log_level {
case "0" :
if !helpers .Contains (logger .ALL , c .Path ()) {
return c .Next ()
case "1" :
if !helpers .Contains (logger .MINIMAL , c .Path ()) {
return c .Next ()
case "2" :
if !helpers .Contains (logger .EXT_LOG , c .Path ()) {
return c .Next ()
case "3" :
if !helpers .Contains (logger .EXT_DETAIL , c .Path ()) {
return c .Next ()
default :
return c .Next ()
formData := helpers .GetFormData (c )
for k := range formData {
if strings .Contains (strings .ToLower (k ), "password" ) || strings .Contains (strings .ToLower (k ), "token" ) {
formData [k ] = ""
user_id := ""
if c .Locals ("user_id" ) != nil {
user_id = c .Locals ("user_id" ).(string )
logger .Sugar ().WithOptions (
zap .WithCaller (false ),
).Infow (
"render engine request" ,
"lmn_level" , "request" ,
"log_id" , c .Locals ("log_id" ).(string ),
"user_id" , user_id ,
"route" , c .Path (),
"ip_address" , c .IPs (),
"request_details" , formData ,
return c .Next ()
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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