package cron_jobs
import (
b64 "encoding/base64"
func RegisterAndRun (cj *models .CronJob ) error {
_ , err := constants .GLOBAL_SCHEDULER .Tag (cj .ID .String ()).Every (1 ).Week ().Weekday (time .Weekday (cj .Day )).At (cj .Time ).Do (func () {
cj .UpdateAsProcessing ()
extension , err := liman .GetExtension (&models .Extension {
ID : cj .ExtensionID .String (),
if err != nil {
cj .UpdateAsFailed (err .Error())
if extension .Status == "0" {
cj .UpdateAsFailed ("extension is unavailable" )
credentials := &models .Credentials {}
if extension .RequireKey == "true" {
credentials , err = liman .GetCredentials (
&models .User {
ID : cj .UserID .String (),
&models .Server {
ID : cj .ServerID .String (),
if err != nil || len (credentials .Username ) < 1 {
cj .UpdateAsFailed ("you need a key to use this extension" )
formValues := make (map [string ]string )
formValues ["data" ] = b64 .StdEncoding .EncodeToString ([]byte (cj .Payload ))
token , err := user_token .Create (cj .UserID .String ())
if err != nil {
cj .UpdateAsFailed (err .Error())
log_id := uuid .New ()
command , err := sandbox .GenerateCommand (
extension ,
credentials ,
&models .CommandParams {
TargetFunction : cj .Target ,
Locale : helpers .Env ("APP_LANG" , "tr" ),
Extension : cj .ExtensionID .String (),
Server : cj .ServerID .String (),
User : cj .UserID .String (),
LogID : log_id .String (),
RequestData : formValues ,
BaseURL : cj .BaseURL ,
Token : token ,
if err != nil {
cj .UpdateAsFailed (err .Error())
output := linux .Execute (command )
cj .UpdateAsDone (output )
if err != nil {
return err
constants .GLOBAL_SCHEDULER .StartAsync ()
return nil
func Delete (id *uuid .UUID ) error {
if err := constants .GLOBAL_SCHEDULER .RemoveByTag (id .String ()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func InitCronJobs () error {
var cronjobs []*models .CronJob
if err := database .Connection ().Find (&cronjobs ).Error ; err != nil {
return err
for _ , cronjob := range cronjobs {
if err := RegisterAndRun (cronjob ); err != nil {
cronjob .UpdateAsFailed (err .Error())
return nil
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