package winrm
import (
type ExecuteCommandError struct {
Inner error
Body string
func (e *ExecuteCommandError ) Error () string {
if e .Inner == nil {
return "error"
return e .Inner .Error()
func (e *ExecuteCommandError ) Is (err error ) bool {
_ , ok := err .(*ExecuteCommandError )
return ok
func (b *ExecuteCommandError ) Unwrap () error {
return b .Inner
func first(node tree .Node , xpath string ) (string , error ) {
nodes , err := xPath (node , xpath )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
if len (nodes ) < 1 {
return "" , err
return nodes [0 ].ResValue (), nil
func any(node tree .Node , xpath string ) (bool , error ) {
nodes , err := xPath (node , xpath )
if err != nil {
return false , err
if len (nodes ) > 0 {
return true , nil
return false , nil
func xPath(node tree .Node , xpath string ) (tree .NodeSet , error ) {
xpExec := goxpath .MustParse (xpath )
nodes , err := xpExec .ExecNode (node , soap .GetAllXPathNamespaces ())
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return nodes , nil
func ParseOpenShellResponse (response string ) (string , error ) {
doc , err := xmltree .ParseXML (strings .NewReader (response ))
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return first (doc , "//w:Selector[@Name='ShellId']" )
func ParseExecuteCommandResponse (response string ) (commandId string , err error ) {
defer func () {
if err != nil {
err = &ExecuteCommandError {Inner : err , Body : response }
doc , err := xmltree .ParseXML (strings .NewReader (response ))
if err != nil {
return "" , fmt .Errorf ("parsing xml response: %w" , err )
action , err := first (doc , "//a:Action" )
if err != nil {
return "" , fmt .Errorf ("getting response action: %w" , err )
switch action {
case "" :
commandId , err = first (doc , "//rsp:CommandId" )
if err != nil {
return "" , fmt .Errorf ("finding command id: %w" , err )
return commandId , nil
default :
return "" , fmt .Errorf ("unsupported action: %v" , action )
func ParseSlurpOutputErrResponse (response string , stdout , stderr io .Writer ) (bool , int , error ) {
var (
finished bool
exitCode int
doc , err := xmltree .ParseXML (strings .NewReader (response ))
stdouts , _ := xPath (doc , "//rsp:Stream[@Name='stdout']" )
for _ , node := range stdouts {
content , _ := base64 .StdEncoding .DecodeString (node .ResValue ())
stdout .Write (content )
stderrs , _ := xPath (doc , "//rsp:Stream[@Name='stderr']" )
for _ , node := range stderrs {
content , _ := base64 .StdEncoding .DecodeString (node .ResValue ())
stderr .Write (content )
ended , _ := any (doc , "//*[@State='']" )
if ended {
finished = ended
if exitBool , _ := any (doc , "//rsp:ExitCode" ); exitBool {
exit , _ := first (doc , "//rsp:ExitCode" )
exitCode , _ = strconv .Atoi (exit )
} else {
finished = false
return finished , exitCode , err
func ParseSlurpOutputResponse (response string , stream io .Writer , streamType string ) (bool , int , error ) {
var (
finished bool
exitCode int
doc , err := xmltree .ParseXML (strings .NewReader (response ))
nodes , _ := xPath (doc , fmt .Sprintf ("//rsp:Stream[@Name='%s']" , streamType ))
for _ , node := range nodes {
content , _ := base64 .StdEncoding .DecodeString (node .ResValue ())
_, _ = stream .Write (content )
ended , _ := any (doc , "//*[@State='']" )
if ended {
finished = ended
if exitBool , _ := any (doc , "//rsp:ExitCode" ); exitBool {
exit , _ := first (doc , "//rsp:ExitCode" )
exitCode , _ = strconv .Atoi (exit )
} else {
finished = false
return finished , exitCode , err
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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