package soap
import (
type HeaderOption struct {
key string
value string
func NewHeaderOption (name string , value string ) *HeaderOption {
return &HeaderOption {key : name , value : value }
type SoapHeader struct {
to string
replyTo string
maxEnvelopeSize string
timeout string
locale string
id string
action string
shellID string
resourceURI string
options []HeaderOption
message *SoapMessage
type HeaderBuilder interface {
To (string ) *SoapHeader
ReplyTo (string ) *SoapHeader
MaxEnvelopeSize (int ) *SoapHeader
Timeout (string ) *SoapHeader
Locale (string ) *SoapHeader
Id (string ) *SoapHeader
Action (string ) *SoapHeader
ShellId (string ) *SoapHeader
resourceURI(string ) *SoapHeader
AddOption (*HeaderOption ) *SoapHeader
Options ([]HeaderOption ) *SoapHeader
Build (*SoapMessage ) *SoapMessage
func (sh *SoapHeader ) To (uri string ) *SoapHeader {
sh .to = uri
return sh
func (sh *SoapHeader ) ReplyTo (uri string ) *SoapHeader {
sh .replyTo = uri
return sh
func (sh *SoapHeader ) MaxEnvelopeSize (size int ) *SoapHeader {
sh .maxEnvelopeSize = strconv .Itoa (size )
return sh
func (sh *SoapHeader ) Timeout (timeout string ) *SoapHeader {
sh .timeout = timeout
return sh
func (sh *SoapHeader ) Id (id string ) *SoapHeader {
sh .id = id
return sh
func (sh *SoapHeader ) Action (action string ) *SoapHeader {
sh .action = action
return sh
func (sh *SoapHeader ) Locale (locale string ) *SoapHeader {
sh .locale = locale
return sh
func (sh *SoapHeader ) ShellId (shellId string ) *SoapHeader {
sh .shellID = shellId
return sh
func (sh *SoapHeader ) ResourceURI (resourceURI string ) *SoapHeader {
sh .resourceURI = resourceURI
return sh
func (sh *SoapHeader ) AddOption (option *HeaderOption ) *SoapHeader {
sh .options = append (sh .options , *option )
return sh
func (sh *SoapHeader ) Options (options []HeaderOption ) *SoapHeader {
sh .options = options
return sh
func (sh *SoapHeader ) Build () *SoapMessage {
header := sh .createElement (sh .message .envelope , "Header" , DOM_NS_SOAP_ENV )
if sh .to != "" {
to := sh .createElement (header , "To" , DOM_NS_ADDRESSING )
to .SetContent (sh .to )
if sh .replyTo != "" {
replyTo := sh .createElement (header , "ReplyTo" , DOM_NS_ADDRESSING )
a := sh .createMUElement (replyTo , "Address" , DOM_NS_ADDRESSING , true )
a .SetContent (sh .replyTo )
if sh .maxEnvelopeSize != "" {
envelope := sh .createMUElement (header , "MaxEnvelopeSize" , DOM_NS_WSMAN_DMTF , true )
envelope .SetContent (sh .maxEnvelopeSize )
if sh .timeout != "" {
timeout := sh .createElement (header , "OperationTimeout" , DOM_NS_WSMAN_DMTF )
timeout .SetContent (sh .timeout )
if sh .id != "" {
id := sh .createElement (header , "MessageID" , DOM_NS_ADDRESSING )
id .SetContent (sh .id )
if sh .locale != "" {
locale := sh .createMUElement (header , "Locale" , DOM_NS_WSMAN_DMTF , false )
locale .SetAttr ("xml:lang" , sh .locale )
datalocale := sh .createMUElement (header , "DataLocale" , DOM_NS_WSMAN_MSFT , false )
datalocale .SetAttr ("xml:lang" , sh .locale )
if sh .action != "" {
action := sh .createMUElement (header , "Action" , DOM_NS_ADDRESSING , true )
action .SetContent (sh .action )
if sh .shellID != "" {
selectorSet := sh .createElement (header , "SelectorSet" , DOM_NS_WSMAN_DMTF )
selector := sh .createElement (selectorSet , "Selector" , DOM_NS_WSMAN_DMTF )
selector .SetAttr ("Name" , "ShellId" )
selector .SetContent (sh .shellID )
if sh .resourceURI != "" {
resource := sh .createMUElement (header , "ResourceURI" , DOM_NS_WSMAN_DMTF , true )
resource .SetContent (sh .resourceURI )
if len (sh .options ) > 0 {
set := sh .createElement (header , "OptionSet" , DOM_NS_WSMAN_DMTF )
for _ , option := range sh .options {
e := sh .createElement (set , "Option" , DOM_NS_WSMAN_DMTF )
e .SetAttr ("Name" , option .key )
e .SetContent (option .value )
return sh .message
func (sh *SoapHeader ) createElement (parent *dom .Element , name string , ns dom .Namespace ) (element *dom .Element ) {
element = dom .CreateElement (name )
parent .AddChild (element )
ns .SetTo (element )
func (sh *SoapHeader ) createMUElement (parent *dom .Element , name string , ns dom .Namespace , mustUnderstand bool ) (element *dom .Element ) {
element = sh .createElement (parent , name , ns )
value := "false"
if mustUnderstand {
value = "true"
element .SetAttr ("mustUnderstand" , value )
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