package sftp
import (
type allocator struct {
sync .Mutex
available [][]byte
used map [uint32 ][][]byte
func newAllocator() *allocator {
return &allocator {
available : make ([][]byte , 0 , SftpServerWorkerCount *2 ),
used : make (map [uint32 ][][]byte ),
func (a *allocator ) GetPage (requestOrderID uint32 ) []byte {
a .Lock ()
defer a .Unlock ()
var result []byte
if len (a .available ) > 0 {
truncLength := len (a .available ) - 1
result = a .available [truncLength ]
a .available [truncLength ] = nil
a .available = a .available [:truncLength ]
if result == nil {
result = make ([]byte , maxMsgLength )
a .used [requestOrderID ] = append (a .used [requestOrderID ], result )
return result
func (a *allocator ) ReleasePages (requestOrderID uint32 ) {
a .Lock ()
defer a .Unlock ()
if used := a .used [requestOrderID ]; len (used ) > 0 {
a .available = append (a .available , used ...)
delete (a .used , requestOrderID )
func (a *allocator ) Free () {
a .Lock ()
defer a .Unlock ()
a .available = nil
a .used = make (map [uint32 ][][]byte )
func (a *allocator ) countUsedPages () int {
a .Lock ()
defer a .Unlock ()
num := 0
for _ , p := range a .used {
num += len (p )
return num
func (a *allocator ) countAvailablePages () int {
a .Lock ()
defer a .Unlock ()
return len (a .available )
func (a *allocator ) isRequestOrderIDUsed (requestOrderID uint32 ) bool {
a .Lock ()
defer a .Unlock ()
_ , ok := a .used [requestOrderID ]
return ok
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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