package sftp
import (
sshfx ""
func lsFormatID(id uint32 ) string {
return strconv .FormatUint (uint64 (id ), 10 )
type osIDLookup struct {}
func (osIDLookup ) Filelist (*Request ) (ListerAt , error ) {
return nil , errors .New ("unimplemented stub" )
func (osIDLookup ) LookupUserName (uid string ) string {
u , err := user .LookupId (uid )
if err != nil {
return uid
return u .Username
func (osIDLookup ) LookupGroupName (gid string ) string {
g , err := user .LookupGroupId (gid )
if err != nil {
return gid
return g .Name
func runLs(idLookup NameLookupFileLister , dirent os .FileInfo ) string {
symPerms := sshfx .FileMode (fromFileMode (dirent .Mode ())).String ()
var numLinks uint64 = 1
uid , gid := "0" , "0"
switch sys := dirent .Sys ().(type ) {
case *sshfx .Attributes :
uid = lsFormatID (sys .UID )
gid = lsFormatID (sys .GID )
case *FileStat :
uid = lsFormatID (sys .UID )
gid = lsFormatID (sys .GID )
default :
if fiExt , ok := dirent .(FileInfoUidGid ); ok {
uid = lsFormatID (fiExt .Uid ())
gid = lsFormatID (fiExt .Gid ())
numLinks , uid , gid = lsLinksUIDGID (dirent )
if idLookup != nil {
uid , gid = idLookup .LookupUserName (uid ), idLookup .LookupGroupName (gid )
mtime := dirent .ModTime ()
date := mtime .Format ("Jan 2" )
var yearOrTime string
if mtime .Before (time .Now ().AddDate (0 , -6 , 0 )) {
yearOrTime = mtime .Format ("2006" )
} else {
yearOrTime = mtime .Format ("15:04" )
return fmt .Sprintf ("%s %4d %-8s %-8s %8d %s %5s %s" , symPerms , numLinks , uid , gid , dirent .Size (), date , yearOrTime , dirent .Name ())
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