package uniseg


// Graphemes implements an iterator over Unicode grapheme clusters, or
// user-perceived characters. While iterating, it also provides information
// about word boundaries, sentence boundaries, line breaks, and monospace
// character widths.
// After constructing the class via [NewGraphemes] for a given string "str",
// [Graphemes.Next] is called for every grapheme cluster in a loop until it
// returns false. Inside the loop, information about the grapheme cluster as
// well as boundary information and character width is available via the various
// methods (see examples below).
// Using this class to iterate over a string is convenient but it is much slower
// than using this package's [Step] or [StepString] functions or any of the
// other specialized functions starting with "First".
type Graphemes struct {
	// The original string.
	original string

	// The remaining string to be parsed.
	remaining string

	// The current grapheme cluster.
	cluster string

	// The byte offset of the current grapheme cluster relative to the original
	// string.
	offset int

	// The current boundary information of the [Step] parser.
	boundaries int

	// The current state of the [Step] parser.
	state int

// NewGraphemes returns a new grapheme cluster iterator.
func ( string) *Graphemes {
	return &Graphemes{
		original:  ,
		remaining: ,
		state:     -1,

// Next advances the iterator by one grapheme cluster and returns false if no
// clusters are left. This function must be called before the first cluster is
// accessed.
func ( *Graphemes) () bool {
	if len(.remaining) == 0 {
		// We're already past the end.
		.state = -2
		.cluster = ""
		return false
	.offset += len(.cluster)
	.cluster, .remaining, .boundaries, .state = StepString(.remaining, .state)
	return true

// Runes returns a slice of runes (code points) which corresponds to the current
// grapheme cluster. If the iterator is already past the end or [Graphemes.Next]
// has not yet been called, nil is returned.
func ( *Graphemes) () []rune {
	if .state < 0 {
		return nil
	return []rune(.cluster)

// Str returns a substring of the original string which corresponds to the
// current grapheme cluster. If the iterator is already past the end or
// [Graphemes.Next] has not yet been called, an empty string is returned.
func ( *Graphemes) () string {
	return .cluster

// Bytes returns a byte slice which corresponds to the current grapheme cluster.
// If the iterator is already past the end or [Graphemes.Next] has not yet been
// called, nil is returned.
func ( *Graphemes) () []byte {
	if .state < 0 {
		return nil
	return []byte(.cluster)

// Positions returns the interval of the current grapheme cluster as byte
// positions into the original string. The first returned value "from" indexes
// the first byte and the second returned value "to" indexes the first byte that
// is not included anymore, i.e. str[from:to] is the current grapheme cluster of
// the original string "str". If [Graphemes.Next] has not yet been called, both
// values are 0. If the iterator is already past the end, both values are 1.
func ( *Graphemes) () (int, int) {
	if .state == -1 {
		return 0, 0
	} else if .state == -2 {
		return 1, 1
	return .offset, .offset + len(.cluster)

// IsWordBoundary returns true if a word ends after the current grapheme
// cluster.
func ( *Graphemes) () bool {
	if .state < 0 {
		return true
	return .boundaries&MaskWord != 0

// IsSentenceBoundary returns true if a sentence ends after the current
// grapheme cluster.
func ( *Graphemes) () bool {
	if .state < 0 {
		return true
	return .boundaries&MaskSentence != 0

// LineBreak returns whether the line can be broken after the current grapheme
// cluster. A value of [LineDontBreak] means the line may not be broken, a value
// of [LineMustBreak] means the line must be broken, and a value of
// [LineCanBreak] means the line may or may not be broken.
func ( *Graphemes) () int {
	if .state == -1 {
		return LineDontBreak
	if .state == -2 {
		return LineMustBreak
	return .boundaries & MaskLine

// Width returns the monospace width of the current grapheme cluster.
func ( *Graphemes) () int {
	if .state < 0 {
		return 0
	return .boundaries >> ShiftWidth

// Reset puts the iterator into its initial state such that the next call to
// [Graphemes.Next] sets it to the first grapheme cluster again.
func ( *Graphemes) () {
	.state = -1
	.offset = 0
	.cluster = ""
	.remaining = .original

// GraphemeClusterCount returns the number of user-perceived characters
// (grapheme clusters) for the given string.
func ( string) ( int) {
	 := -1
	for len() > 0 {
		_, , _,  = FirstGraphemeClusterInString(, )

// ReverseString reverses the given string while observing grapheme cluster
// boundaries.
func ( string) string {
	 := []byte()
	 := make([]byte, len())
	 := -1
	 := len()
	for len() > 0 {
		var  []byte
		, , _,  = FirstGraphemeCluster(, )
		 -= len()
		copy([:], )
		if  <= len()/2 {
	return string()

// The number of bits the grapheme property must be shifted to make place for
// grapheme states.
const shiftGraphemePropState = 4

// FirstGraphemeCluster returns the first grapheme cluster found in the given
// byte slice according to the rules of [Unicode Standard Annex #29, Grapheme
// Cluster Boundaries]. This function can be called continuously to extract all
// grapheme clusters from a byte slice, as illustrated in the example below.
// If you don't know the current state, for example when calling the function
// for the first time, you must pass -1. For consecutive calls, pass the state
// and rest slice returned by the previous call.
// The "rest" slice is the sub-slice of the original byte slice "b" starting
// after the last byte of the identified grapheme cluster. If the length of the
// "rest" slice is 0, the entire byte slice "b" has been processed. The
// "cluster" byte slice is the sub-slice of the input slice containing the
// identified grapheme cluster.
// The returned width is the width of the grapheme cluster for most monospace
// fonts where a value of 1 represents one character cell.
// Given an empty byte slice "b", the function returns nil values.
// While slightly less convenient than using the Graphemes class, this function
// has much better performance and makes no allocations. It lends itself well to
// large byte slices.
// [Unicode Standard Annex #29, Grapheme Cluster Boundaries]:
func ( []byte,  int) (,  []byte, ,  int) {
	// An empty byte slice returns nothing.
	if len() == 0 {

	// Extract the first rune.
	,  := utf8.DecodeRune()
	if len() <=  { // If we're already past the end, there is nothing else to parse.
		var  int
		if  < 0 {
			 = property(graphemeCodePoints, )
		} else {
			 =  >> shiftGraphemePropState
		return , nil, runeWidth(, ), grAny | ( << shiftGraphemePropState)

	// If we don't know the state, determine it now.
	var  int
	if  < 0 {
		, , _ = transitionGraphemeState(, )
	} else {
		 =  >> shiftGraphemePropState
	 += runeWidth(, )

	// Transition until we find a boundary.
	for {
		var (

		,  := utf8.DecodeRune([:])
		, ,  = transitionGraphemeState(&maskGraphemeState, )

		if  {
			return [:], [:], ,  | ( << shiftGraphemePropState)

		if  == vs16 {
			 = 2
		} else if  != prExtendedPictographic &&  != prRegionalIndicator &&  != prL {
			 += runeWidth(, )
		} else if  == prExtendedPictographic {
			if  == vs15 {
				 = 1
			} else {
				 = 2

		if len() <=  {
			return , nil, , grAny | ( << shiftGraphemePropState)

// FirstGraphemeClusterInString is like [FirstGraphemeCluster] but its input and
// outputs are strings.
func ( string,  int) (,  string, ,  int) {
	// An empty string returns nothing.
	if len() == 0 {

	// Extract the first rune.
	,  := utf8.DecodeRuneInString()
	if len() <=  { // If we're already past the end, there is nothing else to parse.
		var  int
		if  < 0 {
			 = property(graphemeCodePoints, )
		} else {
			 =  >> shiftGraphemePropState
		return , "", runeWidth(, ), grAny | ( << shiftGraphemePropState)

	// If we don't know the state, determine it now.
	var  int
	if  < 0 {
		, , _ = transitionGraphemeState(, )
	} else {
		 =  >> shiftGraphemePropState
	 += runeWidth(, )

	// Transition until we find a boundary.
	for {
		var (

		,  := utf8.DecodeRuneInString([:])
		, ,  = transitionGraphemeState(&maskGraphemeState, )

		if  {
			return [:], [:], ,  | ( << shiftGraphemePropState)

		if  == vs16 {
			 = 2
		} else if  != prExtendedPictographic &&  != prRegionalIndicator &&  != prL {
			 += runeWidth(, )
		} else if  == prExtendedPictographic {
			if  == vs15 {
				 = 1
			} else {
				 = 2

		if len() <=  {
			return , "", , grAny | ( << shiftGraphemePropState)