package uniseg


// FirstLineSegment returns the prefix of the given byte slice after which a
// decision to break the string over to the next line can or must be made,
// according to the rules of [Unicode Standard Annex #14]. This is used to
// implement line breaking.
// Line breaking, also known as word wrapping, is the process of breaking a
// section of text into lines such that it will fit in the available width of a
// page, window or other display area.
// The returned "segment" may not be broken into smaller parts, unless no other
// breaking opportunities present themselves, in which case you may break by
// grapheme clusters (using the [FirstGraphemeCluster] function to determine the
// grapheme clusters).
// The "mustBreak" flag indicates whether you MUST break the line after the
// given segment (true), for example after newline characters, or you MAY break
// the line after the given segment (false).
// This function can be called continuously to extract all non-breaking sub-sets
// from a byte slice, as illustrated in the example below.
// If you don't know the current state, for example when calling the function
// for the first time, you must pass -1. For consecutive calls, pass the state
// and rest slice returned by the previous call.
// The "rest" slice is the sub-slice of the original byte slice "b" starting
// after the last byte of the identified line segment. If the length of the
// "rest" slice is 0, the entire byte slice "b" has been processed. The
// "segment" byte slice is the sub-slice of the input slice containing the
// identified line segment.
// Given an empty byte slice "b", the function returns nil values.
// Note that in accordance with [UAX #14 LB3], the final segment will end with
// "mustBreak" set to true. You can choose to ignore this by checking if the
// length of the "rest" slice is 0 and calling [HasTrailingLineBreak] or
// [HasTrailingLineBreakInString] on the last rune.
// Note also that this algorithm may break within grapheme clusters. This is
// addressed in Section 8.2 Example 6 of UAX #14. To avoid this, you can use
// the [Step] function instead.
// [Unicode Standard Annex #14]:
// [UAX #14 LB3]:
func ( []byte,  int) (,  []byte,  bool,  int) {
	// An empty byte slice returns nothing.
	if len() == 0 {

	// Extract the first rune.
	,  := utf8.DecodeRune()
	if len() <=  { // If we're already past the end, there is nothing else to parse.
		return , nil, true, lbAny // LB3.

	// If we don't know the state, determine it now.
	if  < 0 {
		, _ = transitionLineBreakState(, , [:], "")

	// Transition until we find a boundary.
	var  int
	for {
		,  := utf8.DecodeRune([:])
		,  = transitionLineBreakState(, , [+:], "")

		if  != LineDontBreak {
			return [:], [:],  == LineMustBreak, 

		if len() <=  {
			return , nil, true, lbAny // LB3

// FirstLineSegmentInString is like FirstLineSegment() but its input and outputs
// are strings.
func ( string,  int) (,  string,  bool,  int) {
	// An empty byte slice returns nothing.
	if len() == 0 {

	// Extract the first rune.
	,  := utf8.DecodeRuneInString()
	if len() <=  { // If we're already past the end, there is nothing else to parse.
		return , "", true, lbAny // LB3.

	// If we don't know the state, determine it now.
	if  < 0 {
		, _ = transitionLineBreakState(, , nil, [:])

	// Transition until we find a boundary.
	var  int
	for {
		,  := utf8.DecodeRuneInString([:])
		,  = transitionLineBreakState(, , nil, [+:])

		if  != LineDontBreak {
			return [:], [:],  == LineMustBreak, 

		if len() <=  {
			return , "", true, lbAny // LB3.

// HasTrailingLineBreak returns true if the last rune in the given byte slice is
// one of the hard line break code points defined in LB4 and LB5 of [UAX #14].
// [UAX #14]:
func ( []byte) bool {
	,  := utf8.DecodeLastRune()
	,  := propertyWithGenCat(lineBreakCodePoints, )
	return  == lbBK ||  == lbCR ||  == lbLF ||  == lbNL

// HasTrailingLineBreakInString is like [HasTrailingLineBreak] but for a string.
func ( string) bool {
	,  := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString()
	,  := propertyWithGenCat(lineBreakCodePoints, )
	return  == lbBK ||  == lbCR ||  == lbLF ||  == lbNL