package ksuid
import "fmt"
type uint128 [2 ]uint64
func uint128Payload(ksuid KSUID ) uint128 {
return makeUint128FromPayload (ksuid [timestampLengthInBytes :])
func makeUint128(high uint64 , low uint64 ) uint128 {
return uint128 {low , high }
func makeUint128FromPayload(payload []byte ) uint128 {
return uint128 {
uint64 (payload [8 ])<<56 |
uint64 (payload [9 ])<<48 |
uint64 (payload [10 ])<<40 |
uint64 (payload [11 ])<<32 |
uint64 (payload [12 ])<<24 |
uint64 (payload [13 ])<<16 |
uint64 (payload [14 ])<<8 |
uint64 (payload [15 ]),
uint64 (payload [0 ])<<56 |
uint64 (payload [1 ])<<48 |
uint64 (payload [2 ])<<40 |
uint64 (payload [3 ])<<32 |
uint64 (payload [4 ])<<24 |
uint64 (payload [5 ])<<16 |
uint64 (payload [6 ])<<8 |
uint64 (payload [7 ]),
func (v uint128 ) ksuid (timestamp uint32 ) KSUID {
return KSUID {
byte (timestamp >> 24 ),
byte (timestamp >> 16 ),
byte (timestamp >> 8 ),
byte (timestamp ),
byte (v [1 ] >> 56 ),
byte (v [1 ] >> 48 ),
byte (v [1 ] >> 40 ),
byte (v [1 ] >> 32 ),
byte (v [1 ] >> 24 ),
byte (v [1 ] >> 16 ),
byte (v [1 ] >> 8 ),
byte (v [1 ]),
byte (v [0 ] >> 56 ),
byte (v [0 ] >> 48 ),
byte (v [0 ] >> 40 ),
byte (v [0 ] >> 32 ),
byte (v [0 ] >> 24 ),
byte (v [0 ] >> 16 ),
byte (v [0 ] >> 8 ),
byte (v [0 ]),
func (v uint128 ) bytes () [16 ]byte {
return [16 ]byte {
byte (v [1 ] >> 56 ),
byte (v [1 ] >> 48 ),
byte (v [1 ] >> 40 ),
byte (v [1 ] >> 32 ),
byte (v [1 ] >> 24 ),
byte (v [1 ] >> 16 ),
byte (v [1 ] >> 8 ),
byte (v [1 ]),
byte (v [0 ] >> 56 ),
byte (v [0 ] >> 48 ),
byte (v [0 ] >> 40 ),
byte (v [0 ] >> 32 ),
byte (v [0 ] >> 24 ),
byte (v [0 ] >> 16 ),
byte (v [0 ] >> 8 ),
byte (v [0 ]),
func (v uint128 ) String () string {
return fmt .Sprintf ("0x%016X%016X" , v [0 ], v [1 ])
const wordBitSize = 64
func cmp128(x , y uint128 ) int {
if x [1 ] < y [1 ] {
return -1
if x [1 ] > y [1 ] {
return 1
if x [0 ] < y [0 ] {
return -1
if x [0 ] > y [0 ] {
return 1
return 0
func add128(x , y uint128 ) (z uint128 ) {
x0 := x [0 ]
y0 := y [0 ]
z0 := x0 + y0
z [0 ] = z0
c := (x0 &y0 | (x0 |y0 )&^z0 ) >> (wordBitSize - 1 )
z [1 ] = x [1 ] + y [1 ] + c
func sub128(x , y uint128 ) (z uint128 ) {
x0 := x [0 ]
y0 := y [0 ]
z0 := x0 - y0
z [0 ] = z0
c := (y0 &^x0 | (y0 |^x0 )&z0 ) >> (wordBitSize - 1 )
z [1 ] = x [1 ] - y [1 ] - c
func incr128(x uint128 ) uint128 {
return add128 (x , uint128 {1 , 0 })
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Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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