package bytebufferpool
import (
const (
minBitSize = 6
steps = 20
minSize = 1 << minBitSize
maxSize = 1 << (minBitSize + steps - 1 )
calibrateCallsThreshold = 42000
maxPercentile = 0.95
type Pool struct {
calls [steps ]uint64
calibrating uint64
defaultSize uint64
maxSize uint64
pool sync .Pool
var defaultPool Pool
func Get () *ByteBuffer { return defaultPool .Get () }
func (p *Pool ) Get () *ByteBuffer {
v := p .pool .Get ()
if v != nil {
return v .(*ByteBuffer )
return &ByteBuffer {
B : make ([]byte , 0 , atomic .LoadUint64 (&p .defaultSize )),
func Put (b *ByteBuffer ) { defaultPool .Put (b ) }
func (p *Pool ) Put (b *ByteBuffer ) {
idx := index (len (b .B ))
if atomic .AddUint64 (&p .calls [idx ], 1 ) > calibrateCallsThreshold {
p .calibrate ()
maxSize := int (atomic .LoadUint64 (&p .maxSize ))
if maxSize == 0 || cap (b .B ) <= maxSize {
b .Reset ()
p .pool .Put (b )
func (p *Pool ) calibrate () {
if !atomic .CompareAndSwapUint64 (&p .calibrating , 0 , 1 ) {
a := make (callSizes , 0 , steps )
var callsSum uint64
for i := uint64 (0 ); i < steps ; i ++ {
calls := atomic .SwapUint64 (&p .calls [i ], 0 )
callsSum += calls
a = append (a , callSize {
calls : calls ,
size : minSize << i ,
sort .Sort (a )
defaultSize := a [0 ].size
maxSize := defaultSize
maxSum := uint64 (float64 (callsSum ) * maxPercentile )
callsSum = 0
for i := 0 ; i < steps ; i ++ {
if callsSum > maxSum {
callsSum += a [i ].calls
size := a [i ].size
if size > maxSize {
maxSize = size
atomic .StoreUint64 (&p .defaultSize , defaultSize )
atomic .StoreUint64 (&p .maxSize , maxSize )
atomic .StoreUint64 (&p .calibrating , 0 )
type callSize struct {
calls uint64
size uint64
type callSizes []callSize
func (ci callSizes ) Len () int {
return len (ci )
func (ci callSizes ) Less (i , j int ) bool {
return ci [i ].calls > ci [j ].calls
func (ci callSizes ) Swap (i , j int ) {
ci [i ], ci [j ] = ci [j ], ci [i ]
func index(n int ) int {
n --
n >>= minBitSize
idx := 0
for n > 0 {
n >>= 1
idx ++
if idx >= steps {
idx = steps - 1
return idx
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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