package fasthttp
import (
type headerInterface interface {
ContentLength() int
ReadTrailer(r *bufio .Reader ) error
type requestStream struct {
header headerInterface
prefetchedBytes *bytes .Reader
reader *bufio .Reader
totalBytesRead int
chunkLeft int
func (rs *requestStream ) Read (p []byte ) (int , error ) {
var (
n int
err error
if rs .header .ContentLength () == -1 {
if rs .chunkLeft == 0 {
chunkSize , err := parseChunkSize (rs .reader )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
if chunkSize == 0 {
err = rs .header .ReadTrailer (rs .reader )
if err != nil && err != io .EOF {
return 0 , err
return 0 , io .EOF
rs .chunkLeft = chunkSize
bytesToRead := len (p )
if rs .chunkLeft < len (p ) {
bytesToRead = rs .chunkLeft
n , err = rs .reader .Read (p [:bytesToRead ])
rs .totalBytesRead += n
rs .chunkLeft -= n
if err == io .EOF {
err = io .ErrUnexpectedEOF
if err == nil && rs .chunkLeft == 0 {
err = readCrLf (rs .reader )
return n , err
if rs .totalBytesRead == rs .header .ContentLength () {
return 0 , io .EOF
prefetchedSize := int (rs .prefetchedBytes .Size ())
if prefetchedSize > rs .totalBytesRead {
left := prefetchedSize - rs .totalBytesRead
if len (p ) > left {
p = p [:left ]
n , err := rs .prefetchedBytes .Read (p )
rs .totalBytesRead += n
if n == rs .header .ContentLength () {
return n , io .EOF
return n , err
left := rs .header .ContentLength () - rs .totalBytesRead
if len (p ) > left {
p = p [:left ]
n , err = rs .reader .Read (p )
rs .totalBytesRead += n
if err != nil {
return n , err
if rs .totalBytesRead == rs .header .ContentLength () {
err = io .EOF
return n , err
func acquireRequestStream(b *bytebufferpool .ByteBuffer , r *bufio .Reader , h headerInterface ) *requestStream {
rs := requestStreamPool .Get ().(*requestStream )
rs .prefetchedBytes = bytes .NewReader (b .B )
rs .reader = r
rs .header = h
return rs
func releaseRequestStream(rs *requestStream ) {
rs .prefetchedBytes = nil
rs .totalBytesRead = 0
rs .chunkLeft = 0
rs .reader = nil
rs .header = nil
requestStreamPool .Put (rs )
var requestStreamPool = sync .Pool {
New : func () interface {} {
return &requestStream {}
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