package schema
import (
type Namer interface {
TableName (table string ) string
SchemaName (table string ) string
ColumnName (table, column string ) string
JoinTableName (joinTable string ) string
RelationshipFKName (Relationship ) string
CheckerName (table, column string ) string
IndexName (table, column string ) string
type Replacer interface {
Replace (name string ) string
type NamingStrategy struct {
TablePrefix string
SingularTable bool
NameReplacer Replacer
NoLowerCase bool
IdentifierMaxLength int
func (ns NamingStrategy ) TableName (str string ) string {
if ns .SingularTable {
return ns .TablePrefix + ns .toDBName (str )
return ns .TablePrefix + inflection .Plural (ns .toDBName (str ))
func (ns NamingStrategy ) SchemaName (table string ) string {
table = strings .TrimPrefix (table , ns .TablePrefix )
if ns .SingularTable {
return ns .toSchemaName (table )
return ns .toSchemaName (inflection .Singular (table ))
func (ns NamingStrategy ) ColumnName (table , column string ) string {
return ns .toDBName (column )
func (ns NamingStrategy ) JoinTableName (str string ) string {
if !ns .NoLowerCase && strings .ToLower (str ) == str {
return ns .TablePrefix + str
if ns .SingularTable {
return ns .TablePrefix + ns .toDBName (str )
return ns .TablePrefix + inflection .Plural (ns .toDBName (str ))
func (ns NamingStrategy ) RelationshipFKName (rel Relationship ) string {
return ns .formatName ("fk" , rel .Schema .Table , ns .toDBName (rel .Name ))
func (ns NamingStrategy ) CheckerName (table , column string ) string {
return ns .formatName ("chk" , table , column )
func (ns NamingStrategy ) IndexName (table , column string ) string {
return ns .formatName ("idx" , table , ns .toDBName (column ))
func (ns NamingStrategy ) formatName (prefix , table , name string ) string {
formattedName := strings .ReplaceAll (strings .Join ([]string {
prefix , table , name ,
}, "_" ), "." , "_" )
if ns .IdentifierMaxLength == 0 {
ns .IdentifierMaxLength = 64
if utf8 .RuneCountInString (formattedName ) > ns .IdentifierMaxLength {
h := sha1 .New ()
h .Write ([]byte (formattedName ))
bs := h .Sum (nil )
formattedName = formattedName [0 :ns .IdentifierMaxLength -8 ] + hex .EncodeToString (bs )[:8 ]
return formattedName
var (
commonInitialisms = []string {"API" , "ASCII" , "CPU" , "CSS" , "DNS" , "EOF" , "GUID" , "HTML" , "HTTP" , "HTTPS" , "ID" , "IP" , "JSON" , "LHS" , "QPS" , "RAM" , "RHS" , "RPC" , "SLA" , "SMTP" , "SSH" , "TLS" , "TTL" , "UID" , "UI" , "UUID" , "URI" , "URL" , "UTF8" , "VM" , "XML" , "XSRF" , "XSS" }
commonInitialismsReplacer *strings .Replacer
func init() {
commonInitialismsForReplacer := make ([]string , 0 , len (commonInitialisms ))
for _ , initialism := range commonInitialisms {
commonInitialismsForReplacer = append (commonInitialismsForReplacer , initialism , strings .Title (strings .ToLower (initialism )))
commonInitialismsReplacer = strings .NewReplacer (commonInitialismsForReplacer ...)
func (ns NamingStrategy ) toDBName (name string ) string {
if name == "" {
return ""
if ns .NameReplacer != nil {
tmpName := ns .NameReplacer .Replace (name )
if tmpName == "" {
return name
name = tmpName
if ns .NoLowerCase {
return name
var (
value = commonInitialismsReplacer .Replace (name )
buf strings .Builder
lastCase , nextCase , nextNumber bool
curCase = value [0 ] <= 'Z' && value [0 ] >= 'A'
for i , v := range value [:len (value )-1 ] {
nextCase = value [i +1 ] <= 'Z' && value [i +1 ] >= 'A'
nextNumber = value [i +1 ] >= '0' && value [i +1 ] <= '9'
if curCase {
if lastCase && (nextCase || nextNumber ) {
buf .WriteRune (v + 32 )
} else {
if i > 0 && value [i -1 ] != '_' && value [i +1 ] != '_' {
buf .WriteByte ('_' )
buf .WriteRune (v + 32 )
} else {
buf .WriteRune (v )
lastCase = curCase
curCase = nextCase
if curCase {
if !lastCase && len (value ) > 1 {
buf .WriteByte ('_' )
buf .WriteByte (value [len (value )-1 ] + 32 )
} else {
buf .WriteByte (value [len (value )-1 ])
ret := buf .String ()
return ret
func (ns NamingStrategy ) toSchemaName (name string ) string {
result := strings .ReplaceAll (strings .Title (strings .ReplaceAll (name , "_" , " " )), " " , "" )
for _ , initialism := range commonInitialisms {
result = regexp .MustCompile (strings .Title (strings .ToLower (initialism ))+"([A-Z]|$|_)" ).ReplaceAllString (result , initialism +"$1" )
return result
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