package utils
import (
var gormSourceDir string
func init() {
_ , file , _ , _ := runtime .Caller (0 )
gormSourceDir = sourceDir (file )
func sourceDir(file string ) string {
dir := filepath .Dir (file )
dir = filepath .Dir (dir )
s := filepath .Dir (dir )
if filepath .Base (s ) != "" {
s = dir
return filepath .ToSlash (s ) + "/"
func FileWithLineNum () string {
for i := 2 ; i < 15 ; i ++ {
_ , file , line , ok := runtime .Caller (i )
if ok && (!strings .HasPrefix (file , gormSourceDir ) || strings .HasSuffix (file , "_test.go" )) {
return file + ":" + strconv .FormatInt (int64 (line ), 10 )
return ""
func IsValidDBNameChar (c rune ) bool {
return !unicode .IsLetter (c ) && !unicode .IsNumber (c ) && c != '.' && c != '*' && c != '_' && c != '$' && c != '@'
func CheckTruth (vals ...string ) bool {
for _ , val := range vals {
if val != "" && !strings .EqualFold (val , "false" ) {
return true
return false
func ToStringKey (values ...interface {}) string {
results := make ([]string , len (values ))
for idx , value := range values {
if valuer , ok := value .(driver .Valuer ); ok {
value , _ = valuer .Value ()
switch v := value .(type ) {
case string :
results [idx ] = v
case []byte :
results [idx ] = string (v )
case uint :
results [idx ] = strconv .FormatUint (uint64 (v ), 10 )
default :
results [idx ] = fmt .Sprint (reflect .Indirect (reflect .ValueOf (v )).Interface ())
return strings .Join (results , "_" )
func Contains (elems []string , elem string ) bool {
for _ , e := range elems {
if elem == e {
return true
return false
func AssertEqual (x , y interface {}) bool {
if reflect .DeepEqual (x , y ) {
return true
if x == nil || y == nil {
return false
xval := reflect .ValueOf (x )
yval := reflect .ValueOf (y )
if xval .Kind () == reflect .Ptr && xval .IsNil () ||
yval .Kind () == reflect .Ptr && yval .IsNil () {
return false
if valuer , ok := x .(driver .Valuer ); ok {
x , _ = valuer .Value ()
if valuer , ok := y .(driver .Valuer ); ok {
y , _ = valuer .Value ()
return reflect .DeepEqual (x , y )
func ToString (value interface {}) string {
switch v := value .(type ) {
case string :
return v
case int :
return strconv .FormatInt (int64 (v ), 10 )
case int8 :
return strconv .FormatInt (int64 (v ), 10 )
case int16 :
return strconv .FormatInt (int64 (v ), 10 )
case int32 :
return strconv .FormatInt (int64 (v ), 10 )
case int64 :
return strconv .FormatInt (v , 10 )
case uint :
return strconv .FormatUint (uint64 (v ), 10 )
case uint8 :
return strconv .FormatUint (uint64 (v ), 10 )
case uint16 :
return strconv .FormatUint (uint64 (v ), 10 )
case uint32 :
return strconv .FormatUint (uint64 (v ), 10 )
case uint64 :
return strconv .FormatUint (v , 10 )
return ""
const nestedRelationSplit = "__"
func NestedRelationName (prefix , name string ) string {
return prefix + nestedRelationSplit + name
func SplitNestedRelationName (name string ) []string {
return strings .Split (name , nestedRelationSplit )
func JoinNestedRelationNames (relationNames []string ) string {
return strings .Join (relationNames , nestedRelationSplit )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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