package cookiejar
import (
type PublicSuffixList interface {
PublicSuffix (domain string ) string
String () string
type Options struct {
PublicSuffixList PublicSuffixList
type Jar struct {
psList PublicSuffixList
mu sync .Mutex
entries map [string ]map [string ]entry
nextSeqNum uint64
func New (o *Options ) (*Jar , error ) {
jar := &Jar {
entries : make (map [string ]map [string ]entry ),
if o != nil {
jar .psList = o .PublicSuffixList
return jar , nil
type entry struct {
Name string
Value string
Domain string
Path string
SameSite string
Secure bool
HttpOnly bool
Persistent bool
HostOnly bool
Expires time .Time
Creation time .Time
LastAccess time .Time
seqNum uint64
func (e *entry ) id () string {
return fmt .Sprintf ("%s;%s;%s" , e .Domain , e .Path , e .Name )
func (e *entry ) shouldSend (https bool , host , path string ) bool {
return e .domainMatch (host ) && e .pathMatch (path ) && (https || !e .Secure )
func (e *entry ) domainMatch (host string ) bool {
if e .Domain == host {
return true
return !e .HostOnly && hasDotSuffix (host , e .Domain )
func (e *entry ) pathMatch (requestPath string ) bool {
if requestPath == e .Path {
return true
if strings .HasPrefix (requestPath , e .Path ) {
if e .Path [len (e .Path )-1 ] == '/' {
return true
} else if requestPath [len (e .Path )] == '/' {
return true
return false
func hasDotSuffix(s , suffix string ) bool {
return len (s ) > len (suffix ) && s [len (s )-len (suffix )-1 ] == '.' && s [len (s )-len (suffix ):] == suffix
func (j *Jar ) Cookies (u *url .URL ) (cookies []*http .Cookie ) {
return j .cookies (u , time .Now ())
func (j *Jar ) cookies (u *url .URL , now time .Time ) (cookies []*http .Cookie ) {
if u .Scheme != "http" && u .Scheme != "https" {
return cookies
host , err := canonicalHost (u .Host )
if err != nil {
return cookies
key := jarKey (host , j .psList )
j .mu .Lock ()
defer j .mu .Unlock ()
submap := j .entries [key ]
if submap == nil {
return cookies
https := u .Scheme == "https"
path := u .Path
if path == "" {
path = "/"
modified := false
var selected []entry
for id , e := range submap {
if e .Persistent && !e .Expires .After (now ) {
delete (submap , id )
modified = true
if !e .shouldSend (https , host , path ) {
e .LastAccess = now
submap [id ] = e
selected = append (selected , e )
modified = true
if modified {
if len (submap ) == 0 {
delete (j .entries , key )
} else {
j .entries [key ] = submap
sort .Slice (selected , func (i , j int ) bool {
s := selected
if len (s [i ].Path ) != len (s [j ].Path ) {
return len (s [i ].Path ) > len (s [j ].Path )
if ret := s [i ].Creation .Compare (s [j ].Creation ); ret != 0 {
return ret < 0
return s [i ].seqNum < s [j ].seqNum
for _ , e := range selected {
cookies = append (cookies , &http .Cookie {Name : e .Name , Value : e .Value })
return cookies
func (j *Jar ) SetCookies (u *url .URL , cookies []*http .Cookie ) {
j .setCookies (u , cookies , time .Now ())
func (j *Jar ) setCookies (u *url .URL , cookies []*http .Cookie , now time .Time ) {
if len (cookies ) == 0 {
if u .Scheme != "http" && u .Scheme != "https" {
host , err := canonicalHost (u .Host )
if err != nil {
key := jarKey (host , j .psList )
defPath := defaultPath (u .Path )
j .mu .Lock ()
defer j .mu .Unlock ()
submap := j .entries [key ]
modified := false
for _ , cookie := range cookies {
e , remove , err := j .newEntry (cookie , now , defPath , host )
if err != nil {
id := e .id ()
if remove {
if submap != nil {
if _ , ok := submap [id ]; ok {
delete (submap , id )
modified = true
if submap == nil {
submap = make (map [string ]entry )
if old , ok := submap [id ]; ok {
e .Creation = old .Creation
e .seqNum = old .seqNum
} else {
e .Creation = now
e .seqNum = j .nextSeqNum
j .nextSeqNum ++
e .LastAccess = now
submap [id ] = e
modified = true
if modified {
if len (submap ) == 0 {
delete (j .entries , key )
} else {
j .entries [key ] = submap
func canonicalHost(host string ) (string , error ) {
var err error
if hasPort (host ) {
host , _, err = net .SplitHostPort (host )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
host = strings .TrimSuffix (host , "." )
encoded , err := toASCII (host )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
lower , _ := ascii .ToLower (encoded )
return lower , nil
func hasPort(host string ) bool {
colons := strings .Count (host , ":" )
if colons == 0 {
return false
if colons == 1 {
return true
return host [0 ] == '[' && strings .Contains (host , "]:" )
func jarKey(host string , psl PublicSuffixList ) string {
if isIP (host ) {
return host
var i int
if psl == nil {
i = strings .LastIndex (host , "." )
if i <= 0 {
return host
} else {
suffix := psl .PublicSuffix (host )
if suffix == host {
return host
i = len (host ) - len (suffix )
if i <= 0 || host [i -1 ] != '.' {
return host
prevDot := strings .LastIndex (host [:i -1 ], "." )
return host [prevDot +1 :]
func isIP(host string ) bool {
return net .ParseIP (host ) != nil
func defaultPath(path string ) string {
if len (path ) == 0 || path [0 ] != '/' {
return "/"
i := strings .LastIndex (path , "/" )
if i == 0 {
return "/"
return path [:i ]
func (j *Jar ) newEntry (c *http .Cookie , now time .Time , defPath , host string ) (e entry , remove bool , err error ) {
e .Name = c .Name
if c .Path == "" || c .Path [0 ] != '/' {
e .Path = defPath
} else {
e .Path = c .Path
e .Domain , e .HostOnly , err = j .domainAndType (host , c .Domain )
if err != nil {
return e , false , err
if c .MaxAge < 0 {
return e , true , nil
} else if c .MaxAge > 0 {
e .Expires = now .Add (time .Duration (c .MaxAge ) * time .Second )
e .Persistent = true
} else {
if c .Expires .IsZero () {
e .Expires = endOfTime
e .Persistent = false
} else {
if !c .Expires .After (now ) {
return e , true , nil
e .Expires = c .Expires
e .Persistent = true
e .Value = c .Value
e .Secure = c .Secure
e .HttpOnly = c .HttpOnly
switch c .SameSite {
case http .SameSiteDefaultMode :
e .SameSite = "SameSite"
case http .SameSiteStrictMode :
e .SameSite = "SameSite=Strict"
case http .SameSiteLaxMode :
e .SameSite = "SameSite=Lax"
return e , false , nil
var (
errIllegalDomain = errors .New ("cookiejar: illegal cookie domain attribute" )
errMalformedDomain = errors .New ("cookiejar: malformed cookie domain attribute" )
errNoHostname = errors .New ("cookiejar: no host name available (IP only)" )
var endOfTime = time .Date (9999 , 12 , 31 , 23 , 59 , 59 , 0 , time .UTC )
func (j *Jar ) domainAndType (host , domain string ) (string , bool , error ) {
if domain == "" {
return host , true , nil
if isIP (host ) {
if host != domain {
return "" , false , errIllegalDomain
return host , true , nil
if domain [0 ] == '.' {
domain = domain [1 :]
if len (domain ) == 0 || domain [0 ] == '.' {
return "" , false , errMalformedDomain
domain , isASCII := ascii .ToLower (domain )
if !isASCII {
return "" , false , errMalformedDomain
if domain [len (domain )-1 ] == '.' {
return "" , false , errMalformedDomain
if j .psList != nil {
if ps := j .psList .PublicSuffix (domain ); ps != "" && !hasDotSuffix (domain , ps ) {
if host == domain {
return host , true , nil
return "" , false , errIllegalDomain
if host != domain && !hasDotSuffix (host , domain ) {
return "" , false , errIllegalDomain
return domain , false , nil
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