// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package http

import (


// A Header represents the key-value pairs in an HTTP header.
// The keys should be in canonical form, as returned by
// CanonicalHeaderKey.
type Header map[string][]string

// Add adds the key, value pair to the header.
// It appends to any existing values associated with key.
// The key is case insensitive; it is canonicalized by
// CanonicalHeaderKey.
func ( Header) (,  string) {
	textproto.MIMEHeader().Add(, )

// Set sets the header entries associated with key to the
// single element value. It replaces any existing values
// associated with key. The key is case insensitive; it is
// canonicalized by textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey.
// To use non-canonical keys, assign to the map directly.
func ( Header) (,  string) {
	textproto.MIMEHeader().Set(, )

// Get gets the first value associated with the given key. If
// there are no values associated with the key, Get returns "".
// It is case insensitive; textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey is
// used to canonicalize the provided key. Get assumes that all
// keys are stored in canonical form. To use non-canonical keys,
// access the map directly.
func ( Header) ( string) string {
	return textproto.MIMEHeader().Get()

// Values returns all values associated with the given key.
// It is case insensitive; textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey is
// used to canonicalize the provided key. To use non-canonical
// keys, access the map directly.
// The returned slice is not a copy.
func ( Header) ( string) []string {
	return textproto.MIMEHeader().Values()

// get is like Get, but key must already be in CanonicalHeaderKey form.
func ( Header) ( string) string {
	if  := []; len() > 0 {
		return [0]
	return ""

// has reports whether h has the provided key defined, even if it's
// set to 0-length slice.
func ( Header) ( string) bool {
	,  := []

// Del deletes the values associated with key.
// The key is case insensitive; it is canonicalized by
// CanonicalHeaderKey.
func ( Header) ( string) {

// Write writes a header in wire format.
func ( Header) ( io.Writer) error {
	return .write(, nil)

func ( Header) ( io.Writer,  *httptrace.ClientTrace) error {
	return .writeSubset(, nil, )

// Clone returns a copy of h or nil if h is nil.
func ( Header) () Header {
	if  == nil {
		return nil

	// Find total number of values.
	 := 0
	for ,  := range  {
		 += len()
	 := make([]string, ) // shared backing array for headers' values
	 := make(Header, len())
	for ,  := range  {
		if  == nil {
			// Preserve nil values. ReverseProxy distinguishes
			// between nil and zero-length header values.
			[] = nil
		 := copy(, )
		[] = [::]
		 = [:]

var timeFormats = []string{

// ParseTime parses a time header (such as the Date: header),
// trying each of the three formats allowed by HTTP/1.1:
// TimeFormat, time.RFC850, and time.ANSIC.
func ( string) ( time.Time,  error) {
	for ,  := range timeFormats {
		,  = time.Parse(, )
		if  == nil {

var headerNewlineToSpace = strings.NewReplacer("\n", " ", "\r", " ")

// stringWriter implements WriteString on a Writer.
type stringWriter struct {
	w io.Writer

func ( stringWriter) ( string) ( int,  error) {
	return .w.Write([]byte())

type keyValues struct {
	key    string
	values []string

// A headerSorter implements sort.Interface by sorting a []keyValues
// by key. It's used as a pointer, so it can fit in a sort.Interface
// interface value without allocation.
type headerSorter struct {
	kvs []keyValues

func ( *headerSorter) () int           { return len(.kvs) }
func ( *headerSorter) (,  int)      { .kvs[], .kvs[] = .kvs[], .kvs[] }
func ( *headerSorter) (,  int) bool { return .kvs[].key < .kvs[].key }

var headerSorterPool = sync.Pool{
	New: func() any { return new(headerSorter) },

// sortedKeyValues returns h's keys sorted in the returned kvs
// slice. The headerSorter used to sort is also returned, for possible
// return to headerSorterCache.
func ( Header) ( map[string]bool) ( []keyValues,  *headerSorter) {
	 = headerSorterPool.Get().(*headerSorter)
	if cap(.kvs) < len() {
		.kvs = make([]keyValues, 0, len())
	 = .kvs[:0]
	for ,  := range  {
		if ![] {
			 = append(, keyValues{, })
	.kvs = 
	return , 

// WriteSubset writes a header in wire format.
// If exclude is not nil, keys where exclude[key] == true are not written.
// Keys are not canonicalized before checking the exclude map.
func ( Header) ( io.Writer,  map[string]bool) error {
	return .writeSubset(, , nil)

func ( Header) ( io.Writer,  map[string]bool,  *httptrace.ClientTrace) error {
	,  := .(io.StringWriter)
	if ! {
		 = stringWriter{}
	,  := .sortedKeyValues()
	var  []string
	for ,  := range  {
		if !httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldName(.key) {
			// This could be an error. In the common case of
			// writing response headers, however, we have no good
			// way to provide the error back to the server
			// handler, so just drop invalid headers instead.
		for ,  := range .values {
			 = headerNewlineToSpace.Replace()
			 = textproto.TrimString()
			for ,  := range []string{.key, ": ", , "\r\n"} {
				if ,  := .WriteString();  != nil {
			if  != nil && .WroteHeaderField != nil {
				 = append(, )
		if  != nil && .WroteHeaderField != nil {
			.WroteHeaderField(.key, )
			 = nil
	return nil

// CanonicalHeaderKey returns the canonical format of the
// header key s. The canonicalization converts the first
// letter and any letter following a hyphen to upper case;
// the rest are converted to lowercase. For example, the
// canonical key for "accept-encoding" is "Accept-Encoding".
// If s contains a space or invalid header field bytes, it is
// returned without modifications.
func ( string) string { return textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey() }

// hasToken reports whether token appears with v, ASCII
// case-insensitive, with space or comma boundaries.
// token must be all lowercase.
// v may contain mixed cased.
func hasToken(,  string) bool {
	if len() > len() ||  == "" {
		return false
	if  ==  {
		return true
	for  := 0;  <= len()-len(); ++ {
		// Check that first character is good.
		// The token is ASCII, so checking only a single byte
		// is sufficient. We skip this potential starting
		// position if both the first byte and its potential
		// ASCII uppercase equivalent (b|0x20) don't match.
		// False positives ('^' => '~') are caught by EqualFold.
		if  := [];  != [0] && |0x20 != [0] {
		// Check that start pos is on a valid token boundary.
		if  > 0 && !isTokenBoundary([-1]) {
		// Check that end pos is on a valid token boundary.
		if  :=  + len();  != len() && !isTokenBoundary([]) {
		if ascii.EqualFold([:+len()], ) {
			return true
	return false

func isTokenBoundary( byte) bool {
	return  == ' ' ||  == ',' ||  == '\t'