package syntax
import "unicode"
type patchList struct {
head, tail uint32
func makePatchList(n uint32 ) patchList {
return patchList {n , n }
func (l patchList ) patch (p *Prog , val uint32 ) {
head := l .head
for head != 0 {
i := &p .Inst [head >>1 ]
if head &1 == 0 {
head = i .Out
i .Out = val
} else {
head = i .Arg
i .Arg = val
func (l1 patchList ) append (p *Prog , l2 patchList ) patchList {
if l1 .head == 0 {
return l2
if l2 .head == 0 {
return l1
i := &p .Inst [l1 .tail >>1 ]
if l1 .tail &1 == 0 {
i .Out = l2 .head
} else {
i .Arg = l2 .head
return patchList {l1 .head , l2 .tail }
type frag struct {
i uint32
out patchList
nullable bool
type compiler struct {
p *Prog
func Compile (re *Regexp ) (*Prog , error ) {
var c compiler
c .init ()
f := c .compile (re )
f .out .patch (c .p , c .inst (InstMatch ).i )
c .p .Start = int (f .i )
return c .p , nil
func (c *compiler ) init () {
c .p = new (Prog )
c .p .NumCap = 2
c .inst (InstFail )
var anyRuneNotNL = []rune {0 , '\n' - 1 , '\n' + 1 , unicode .MaxRune }
var anyRune = []rune {0 , unicode .MaxRune }
func (c *compiler ) compile (re *Regexp ) frag {
switch re .Op {
case OpNoMatch :
return c .fail ()
case OpEmptyMatch :
return c .nop ()
case OpLiteral :
if len (re .Rune ) == 0 {
return c .nop ()
var f frag
for j := range re .Rune {
f1 := c .rune (re .Rune [j :j +1 ], re .Flags )
if j == 0 {
f = f1
} else {
f = c .cat (f , f1 )
return f
case OpCharClass :
return c .rune (re .Rune , re .Flags )
case OpAnyCharNotNL :
return c .rune (anyRuneNotNL , 0 )
case OpAnyChar :
return c .rune (anyRune , 0 )
case OpBeginLine :
return c .empty (EmptyBeginLine )
case OpEndLine :
return c .empty (EmptyEndLine )
case OpBeginText :
return c .empty (EmptyBeginText )
case OpEndText :
return c .empty (EmptyEndText )
case OpWordBoundary :
return c .empty (EmptyWordBoundary )
case OpNoWordBoundary :
return c .empty (EmptyNoWordBoundary )
case OpCapture :
bra := c .cap (uint32 (re .Cap << 1 ))
sub := c .compile (re .Sub [0 ])
ket := c .cap (uint32 (re .Cap <<1 | 1 ))
return c .cat (c .cat (bra , sub ), ket )
case OpStar :
return c .star (c .compile (re .Sub [0 ]), re .Flags &NonGreedy != 0 )
case OpPlus :
return c .plus (c .compile (re .Sub [0 ]), re .Flags &NonGreedy != 0 )
case OpQuest :
return c .quest (c .compile (re .Sub [0 ]), re .Flags &NonGreedy != 0 )
case OpConcat :
if len (re .Sub ) == 0 {
return c .nop ()
var f frag
for i , sub := range re .Sub {
if i == 0 {
f = c .compile (sub )
} else {
f = c .cat (f , c .compile (sub ))
return f
case OpAlternate :
var f frag
for _ , sub := range re .Sub {
f = c .alt (f , c .compile (sub ))
return f
panic ("regexp: unhandled case in compile" )
func (c *compiler ) inst (op InstOp ) frag {
f := frag {i : uint32 (len (c .p .Inst )), nullable : true }
c .p .Inst = append (c .p .Inst , Inst {Op : op })
return f
func (c *compiler ) nop () frag {
f := c .inst (InstNop )
f .out = makePatchList (f .i << 1 )
return f
func (c *compiler ) fail () frag {
return frag {}
func (c *compiler ) cap (arg uint32 ) frag {
f := c .inst (InstCapture )
f .out = makePatchList (f .i << 1 )
c .p .Inst [f .i ].Arg = arg
if c .p .NumCap < int (arg )+1 {
c .p .NumCap = int (arg ) + 1
return f
func (c *compiler ) cat (f1 , f2 frag ) frag {
if f1 .i == 0 || f2 .i == 0 {
return frag {}
f1 .out .patch (c .p , f2 .i )
return frag {f1 .i , f2 .out , f1 .nullable && f2 .nullable }
func (c *compiler ) alt (f1 , f2 frag ) frag {
if f1 .i == 0 {
return f2
if f2 .i == 0 {
return f1
f := c .inst (InstAlt )
i := &c .p .Inst [f .i ]
i .Out = f1 .i
i .Arg = f2 .i
f .out = f1 .out .append (c .p , f2 .out )
f .nullable = f1 .nullable || f2 .nullable
return f
func (c *compiler ) quest (f1 frag , nongreedy bool ) frag {
f := c .inst (InstAlt )
i := &c .p .Inst [f .i ]
if nongreedy {
i .Arg = f1 .i
f .out = makePatchList (f .i << 1 )
} else {
i .Out = f1 .i
f .out = makePatchList (f .i <<1 | 1 )
f .out = f .out .append (c .p , f1 .out )
return f
func (c *compiler ) loop (f1 frag , nongreedy bool ) frag {
f := c .inst (InstAlt )
i := &c .p .Inst [f .i ]
if nongreedy {
i .Arg = f1 .i
f .out = makePatchList (f .i << 1 )
} else {
i .Out = f1 .i
f .out = makePatchList (f .i <<1 | 1 )
f1 .out .patch (c .p , f .i )
return f
func (c *compiler ) star (f1 frag , nongreedy bool ) frag {
if f1 .nullable {
return c .quest (c .plus (f1 , nongreedy ), nongreedy )
return c .loop (f1 , nongreedy )
func (c *compiler ) plus (f1 frag , nongreedy bool ) frag {
return frag {f1 .i , c .loop (f1 , nongreedy ).out , f1 .nullable }
func (c *compiler ) empty (op EmptyOp ) frag {
f := c .inst (InstEmptyWidth )
c .p .Inst [f .i ].Arg = uint32 (op )
f .out = makePatchList (f .i << 1 )
return f
func (c *compiler ) rune (r []rune , flags Flags ) frag {
f := c .inst (InstRune )
f .nullable = false
i := &c .p .Inst [f .i ]
i .Rune = r
flags &= FoldCase
if len (r ) != 1 || unicode .SimpleFold (r [0 ]) == r [0 ] {
flags &^= FoldCase
i .Arg = uint32 (flags )
f .out = makePatchList (f .i << 1 )
switch {
case flags &FoldCase == 0 && (len (r ) == 1 || len (r ) == 2 && r [0 ] == r [1 ]):
i .Op = InstRune1
case len (r ) == 2 && r [0 ] == 0 && r [1 ] == unicode .MaxRune :
i .Op = InstRuneAny
case len (r ) == 4 && r [0 ] == 0 && r [1 ] == '\n' -1 && r [2 ] == '\n' +1 && r [3 ] == unicode .MaxRune :
i .Op = InstRuneAnyNotNL
return f
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