// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// Parse nodes.

package parse

import (

var textFormat = "%s" // Changed to "%q" in tests for better error messages.

// A Node is an element in the parse tree. The interface is trivial.
// The interface contains an unexported method so that only
// types local to this package can satisfy it.
type Node interface {
	Type() NodeType
	String() string
	// Copy does a deep copy of the Node and all its components.
	// To avoid type assertions, some XxxNodes also have specialized
	// CopyXxx methods that return *XxxNode.
	Copy() Node
	Position() Pos // byte position of start of node in full original input string
	// tree returns the containing *Tree.
	// It is unexported so all implementations of Node are in this package.
	tree() *Tree
	// writeTo writes the String output to the builder.

// NodeType identifies the type of a parse tree node.
type NodeType int

// Pos represents a byte position in the original input text from which
// this template was parsed.
type Pos int

func ( Pos) () Pos {

// Type returns itself and provides an easy default implementation
// for embedding in a Node. Embedded in all non-trivial Nodes.
func ( NodeType) () NodeType {

const (
	NodeText       NodeType = iota // Plain text.
	NodeAction                     // A non-control action such as a field evaluation.
	NodeBool                       // A boolean constant.
	NodeChain                      // A sequence of field accesses.
	NodeCommand                    // An element of a pipeline.
	NodeDot                        // The cursor, dot.
	nodeElse                       // An else action. Not added to tree.
	nodeEnd                        // An end action. Not added to tree.
	NodeField                      // A field or method name.
	NodeIdentifier                 // An identifier; always a function name.
	NodeIf                         // An if action.
	NodeList                       // A list of Nodes.
	NodeNil                        // An untyped nil constant.
	NodeNumber                     // A numerical constant.
	NodePipe                       // A pipeline of commands.
	NodeRange                      // A range action.
	NodeString                     // A string constant.
	NodeTemplate                   // A template invocation action.
	NodeVariable                   // A $ variable.
	NodeWith                       // A with action.
	NodeComment                    // A comment.
	NodeBreak                      // A break action.
	NodeContinue                   // A continue action.

// Nodes.

// ListNode holds a sequence of nodes.
type ListNode struct {
	tr    *Tree
	Nodes []Node // The element nodes in lexical order.

func ( *Tree) ( Pos) *ListNode {
	return &ListNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeList, Pos: }

func ( *ListNode) ( Node) {
	.Nodes = append(.Nodes, )

func ( *ListNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *ListNode) () string {
	var  strings.Builder
	return .String()

func ( *ListNode) ( *strings.Builder) {
	for ,  := range .Nodes {

func ( *ListNode) () *ListNode {
	if  == nil {
	 := .tr.newList(.Pos)
	for ,  := range .Nodes {

func ( *ListNode) () Node {
	return .CopyList()

// TextNode holds plain text.
type TextNode struct {
	tr   *Tree
	Text []byte // The text; may span newlines.

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  string) *TextNode {
	return &TextNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeText, Pos: , Text: []byte()}

func ( *TextNode) () string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(textFormat, .Text)

func ( *TextNode) ( *strings.Builder) {

func ( *TextNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *TextNode) () Node {
	return &TextNode{tr: .tr, NodeType: NodeText, Pos: .Pos, Text: append([]byte{}, .Text...)}

// CommentNode holds a comment.
type CommentNode struct {
	tr   *Tree
	Text string // Comment text.

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  string) *CommentNode {
	return &CommentNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeComment, Pos: , Text: }

func ( *CommentNode) () string {
	var  strings.Builder
	return .String()

func ( *CommentNode) ( *strings.Builder) {

func ( *CommentNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *CommentNode) () Node {
	return &CommentNode{tr: .tr, NodeType: NodeComment, Pos: .Pos, Text: .Text}

// PipeNode holds a pipeline with optional declaration
type PipeNode struct {
	tr       *Tree
	Line     int             // The line number in the input. Deprecated: Kept for compatibility.
	IsAssign bool            // The variables are being assigned, not declared.
	Decl     []*VariableNode // Variables in lexical order.
	Cmds     []*CommandNode  // The commands in lexical order.

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  int,  []*VariableNode) *PipeNode {
	return &PipeNode{tr: , NodeType: NodePipe, Pos: , Line: , Decl: }

func ( *PipeNode) ( *CommandNode) {
	.Cmds = append(.Cmds, )

func ( *PipeNode) () string {
	var  strings.Builder
	return .String()

func ( *PipeNode) ( *strings.Builder) {
	if len(.Decl) > 0 {
		for ,  := range .Decl {
			if  > 0 {
				.WriteString(", ")
		.WriteString(" := ")
	for ,  := range .Cmds {
		if  > 0 {
			.WriteString(" | ")

func ( *PipeNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *PipeNode) () *PipeNode {
	if  == nil {
	 := make([]*VariableNode, len(.Decl))
	for ,  := range .Decl {
		[] = .Copy().(*VariableNode)
	 := .tr.newPipeline(.Pos, .Line, )
	.IsAssign = .IsAssign
	for ,  := range .Cmds {

func ( *PipeNode) () Node {
	return .CopyPipe()

// ActionNode holds an action (something bounded by delimiters).
// Control actions have their own nodes; ActionNode represents simple
// ones such as field evaluations and parenthesized pipelines.
type ActionNode struct {
	tr   *Tree
	Line int       // The line number in the input. Deprecated: Kept for compatibility.
	Pipe *PipeNode // The pipeline in the action.

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  int,  *PipeNode) *ActionNode {
	return &ActionNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeAction, Pos: , Line: , Pipe: }

func ( *ActionNode) () string {
	var  strings.Builder
	return .String()

func ( *ActionNode) ( *strings.Builder) {

func ( *ActionNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *ActionNode) () Node {
	return .tr.newAction(.Pos, .Line, .Pipe.CopyPipe())


// CommandNode holds a command (a pipeline inside an evaluating action).
type CommandNode struct {
	tr   *Tree
	Args []Node // Arguments in lexical order: Identifier, field, or constant.

func ( *Tree) ( Pos) *CommandNode {
	return &CommandNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeCommand, Pos: }

func ( *CommandNode) ( Node) {
	.Args = append(.Args, )

func ( *CommandNode) () string {
	var  strings.Builder
	return .String()

func ( *CommandNode) ( *strings.Builder) {
	for ,  := range .Args {
		if  > 0 {
			.WriteByte(' ')
		if ,  := .(*PipeNode);  {

func ( *CommandNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *CommandNode) () Node {
	if  == nil {
	 := .tr.newCommand(.Pos)
	for ,  := range .Args {

// IdentifierNode holds an identifier.
type IdentifierNode struct {
	tr    *Tree
	Ident string // The identifier's name.

// NewIdentifier returns a new IdentifierNode with the given identifier name.
func ( string) *IdentifierNode {
	return &IdentifierNode{NodeType: NodeIdentifier, Ident: }

// SetPos sets the position. NewIdentifier is a public method so we can't modify its signature.
// Chained for convenience.
// TODO: fix one day?
func ( *IdentifierNode) ( Pos) *IdentifierNode {
	.Pos = 

// SetTree sets the parent tree for the node. NewIdentifier is a public method so we can't modify its signature.
// Chained for convenience.
// TODO: fix one day?
func ( *IdentifierNode) ( *Tree) *IdentifierNode {
	.tr = 

func ( *IdentifierNode) () string {
	return .Ident

func ( *IdentifierNode) ( *strings.Builder) {

func ( *IdentifierNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *IdentifierNode) () Node {
	return NewIdentifier(.Ident).SetTree(.tr).SetPos(.Pos)

// VariableNode holds a list of variable names, possibly with chained field
// accesses. The dollar sign is part of the (first) name.
type VariableNode struct {
	tr    *Tree
	Ident []string // Variable name and fields in lexical order.

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  string) *VariableNode {
	return &VariableNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeVariable, Pos: , Ident: strings.Split(, ".")}

func ( *VariableNode) () string {
	var  strings.Builder
	return .String()

func ( *VariableNode) ( *strings.Builder) {
	for ,  := range .Ident {
		if  > 0 {

func ( *VariableNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *VariableNode) () Node {
	return &VariableNode{tr: .tr, NodeType: NodeVariable, Pos: .Pos, Ident: append([]string{}, .Ident...)}

// DotNode holds the special identifier '.'.
type DotNode struct {
	tr *Tree

func ( *Tree) ( Pos) *DotNode {
	return &DotNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeDot, Pos: }

func ( *DotNode) () NodeType {
	// Override method on embedded NodeType for API compatibility.
	// TODO: Not really a problem; could change API without effect but
	// api tool complains.
	return NodeDot

func ( *DotNode) () string {
	return "."

func ( *DotNode) ( *strings.Builder) {

func ( *DotNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *DotNode) () Node {
	return .tr.newDot(.Pos)

// NilNode holds the special identifier 'nil' representing an untyped nil constant.
type NilNode struct {
	tr *Tree

func ( *Tree) ( Pos) *NilNode {
	return &NilNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeNil, Pos: }

func ( *NilNode) () NodeType {
	// Override method on embedded NodeType for API compatibility.
	// TODO: Not really a problem; could change API without effect but
	// api tool complains.
	return NodeNil

func ( *NilNode) () string {
	return "nil"

func ( *NilNode) ( *strings.Builder) {

func ( *NilNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *NilNode) () Node {
	return .tr.newNil(.Pos)

// FieldNode holds a field (identifier starting with '.').
// The names may be chained ('.x.y').
// The period is dropped from each ident.
type FieldNode struct {
	tr    *Tree
	Ident []string // The identifiers in lexical order.

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  string) *FieldNode {
	return &FieldNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeField, Pos: , Ident: strings.Split([1:], ".")} // [1:] to drop leading period

func ( *FieldNode) () string {
	var  strings.Builder
	return .String()

func ( *FieldNode) ( *strings.Builder) {
	for ,  := range .Ident {

func ( *FieldNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *FieldNode) () Node {
	return &FieldNode{tr: .tr, NodeType: NodeField, Pos: .Pos, Ident: append([]string{}, .Ident...)}

// ChainNode holds a term followed by a chain of field accesses (identifier starting with '.').
// The names may be chained ('.x.y').
// The periods are dropped from each ident.
type ChainNode struct {
	tr    *Tree
	Node  Node
	Field []string // The identifiers in lexical order.

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  Node) *ChainNode {
	return &ChainNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeChain, Pos: , Node: }

// Add adds the named field (which should start with a period) to the end of the chain.
func ( *ChainNode) ( string) {
	if len() == 0 || [0] != '.' {
		panic("no dot in field")
	 = [1:] // Remove leading dot.
	if  == "" {
		panic("empty field")
	.Field = append(.Field, )

func ( *ChainNode) () string {
	var  strings.Builder
	return .String()

func ( *ChainNode) ( *strings.Builder) {
	if ,  := .Node.(*PipeNode);  {
	} else {
	for ,  := range .Field {

func ( *ChainNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *ChainNode) () Node {
	return &ChainNode{tr: .tr, NodeType: NodeChain, Pos: .Pos, Node: .Node, Field: append([]string{}, .Field...)}

// BoolNode holds a boolean constant.
type BoolNode struct {
	tr   *Tree
	True bool // The value of the boolean constant.

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  bool) *BoolNode {
	return &BoolNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeBool, Pos: , True: }

func ( *BoolNode) () string {
	if .True {
		return "true"
	return "false"

func ( *BoolNode) ( *strings.Builder) {

func ( *BoolNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *BoolNode) () Node {
	return .tr.newBool(.Pos, .True)

// NumberNode holds a number: signed or unsigned integer, float, or complex.
// The value is parsed and stored under all the types that can represent the value.
// This simulates in a small amount of code the behavior of Go's ideal constants.
type NumberNode struct {
	tr         *Tree
	IsInt      bool       // Number has an integral value.
	IsUint     bool       // Number has an unsigned integral value.
	IsFloat    bool       // Number has a floating-point value.
	IsComplex  bool       // Number is complex.
	Int64      int64      // The signed integer value.
	Uint64     uint64     // The unsigned integer value.
	Float64    float64    // The floating-point value.
	Complex128 complex128 // The complex value.
	Text       string     // The original textual representation from the input.

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  string,  itemType) (*NumberNode, error) {
	 := &NumberNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeNumber, Pos: , Text: }
	switch  {
	case itemCharConstant:
		, , ,  := strconv.UnquoteChar([1:], [0])
		if  != nil {
			return nil, 
		if  != "'" {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed character constant: %s", )
		.Int64 = int64()
		.IsInt = true
		.Uint64 = uint64()
		.IsUint = true
		.Float64 = float64() // odd but those are the rules.
		.IsFloat = true
		return , nil
	case itemComplex:
		// fmt.Sscan can parse the pair, so let it do the work.
		if ,  := fmt.Sscan(, &.Complex128);  != nil {
			return nil, 
		.IsComplex = true
		return , nil
	// Imaginary constants can only be complex unless they are zero.
	if len() > 0 && [len()-1] == 'i' {
		,  := strconv.ParseFloat([:len()-1], 64)
		if  == nil {
			.IsComplex = true
			.Complex128 = complex(0, )
			return , nil
	// Do integer test first so we get 0x123 etc.
	,  := strconv.ParseUint(, 0, 64) // will fail for -0; fixed below.
	if  == nil {
		.IsUint = true
		.Uint64 = 
	,  := strconv.ParseInt(, 0, 64)
	if  == nil {
		.IsInt = true
		.Int64 = 
		if  == 0 {
			.IsUint = true // in case of -0.
			.Uint64 = 
	// If an integer extraction succeeded, promote the float.
	if .IsInt {
		.IsFloat = true
		.Float64 = float64(.Int64)
	} else if .IsUint {
		.IsFloat = true
		.Float64 = float64(.Uint64)
	} else {
		,  := strconv.ParseFloat(, 64)
		if  == nil {
			// If we parsed it as a float but it looks like an integer,
			// it's a huge number too large to fit in an int. Reject it.
			if !strings.ContainsAny(, ".eEpP") {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("integer overflow: %q", )
			.IsFloat = true
			.Float64 = 
			// If a floating-point extraction succeeded, extract the int if needed.
			if !.IsInt && float64(int64()) ==  {
				.IsInt = true
				.Int64 = int64()
			if !.IsUint && float64(uint64()) ==  {
				.IsUint = true
				.Uint64 = uint64()
	if !.IsInt && !.IsUint && !.IsFloat {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal number syntax: %q", )
	return , nil

// simplifyComplex pulls out any other types that are represented by the complex number.
// These all require that the imaginary part be zero.
func ( *NumberNode) () {
	.IsFloat = imag(.Complex128) == 0
	if .IsFloat {
		.Float64 = real(.Complex128)
		.IsInt = float64(int64(.Float64)) == .Float64
		if .IsInt {
			.Int64 = int64(.Float64)
		.IsUint = float64(uint64(.Float64)) == .Float64
		if .IsUint {
			.Uint64 = uint64(.Float64)

func ( *NumberNode) () string {
	return .Text

func ( *NumberNode) ( *strings.Builder) {

func ( *NumberNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *NumberNode) () Node {
	 := new(NumberNode)
	* = * // Easy, fast, correct.

// StringNode holds a string constant. The value has been "unquoted".
type StringNode struct {
	tr     *Tree
	Quoted string // The original text of the string, with quotes.
	Text   string // The string, after quote processing.

func ( *Tree) ( Pos, ,  string) *StringNode {
	return &StringNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeString, Pos: , Quoted: , Text: }

func ( *StringNode) () string {
	return .Quoted

func ( *StringNode) ( *strings.Builder) {

func ( *StringNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *StringNode) () Node {
	return .tr.newString(.Pos, .Quoted, .Text)

// endNode represents an {{end}} action.
// It does not appear in the final parse tree.
type endNode struct {
	tr *Tree

func ( *Tree) ( Pos) *endNode {
	return &endNode{tr: , NodeType: nodeEnd, Pos: }

func ( *endNode) () string {
	return "{{end}}"

func ( *endNode) ( *strings.Builder) {

func ( *endNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *endNode) () Node {
	return .tr.newEnd(.Pos)

// elseNode represents an {{else}} action. Does not appear in the final tree.
type elseNode struct {
	tr   *Tree
	Line int // The line number in the input. Deprecated: Kept for compatibility.

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  int) *elseNode {
	return &elseNode{tr: , NodeType: nodeElse, Pos: , Line: }

func ( *elseNode) () NodeType {
	return nodeElse

func ( *elseNode) () string {
	return "{{else}}"

func ( *elseNode) ( *strings.Builder) {

func ( *elseNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *elseNode) () Node {
	return .tr.newElse(.Pos, .Line)

// BranchNode is the common representation of if, range, and with.
type BranchNode struct {
	tr       *Tree
	Line     int       // The line number in the input. Deprecated: Kept for compatibility.
	Pipe     *PipeNode // The pipeline to be evaluated.
	List     *ListNode // What to execute if the value is non-empty.
	ElseList *ListNode // What to execute if the value is empty (nil if absent).

func ( *BranchNode) () string {
	var  strings.Builder
	return .String()

func ( *BranchNode) ( *strings.Builder) {
	 := ""
	switch .NodeType {
	case NodeIf:
		 = "if"
	case NodeRange:
		 = "range"
	case NodeWith:
		 = "with"
		panic("unknown branch type")
	.WriteByte(' ')
	if .ElseList != nil {

func ( *BranchNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *BranchNode) () Node {
	switch .NodeType {
	case NodeIf:
		return .tr.newIf(.Pos, .Line, .Pipe, .List, .ElseList)
	case NodeRange:
		return .tr.newRange(.Pos, .Line, .Pipe, .List, .ElseList)
	case NodeWith:
		return .tr.newWith(.Pos, .Line, .Pipe, .List, .ElseList)
		panic("unknown branch type")

// IfNode represents an {{if}} action and its commands.
type IfNode struct {

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  int,  *PipeNode, ,  *ListNode) *IfNode {
	return &IfNode{BranchNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeIf, Pos: , Line: , Pipe: , List: , ElseList: }}

func ( *IfNode) () Node {
	return .tr.newIf(.Pos, .Line, .Pipe.CopyPipe(), .List.CopyList(), .ElseList.CopyList())

// BreakNode represents a {{break}} action.
type BreakNode struct {
	tr *Tree
	Line int

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  int) *BreakNode {
	return &BreakNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeBreak, Pos: , Line: }

func ( *BreakNode) () Node                  { return .tr.newBreak(.Pos, .Line) }
func ( *BreakNode) () string              { return "{{break}}" }
func ( *BreakNode) () *Tree                 { return .tr }
func ( *BreakNode) ( *strings.Builder) { .WriteString("{{break}}") }

// ContinueNode represents a {{continue}} action.
type ContinueNode struct {
	tr *Tree
	Line int

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  int) *ContinueNode {
	return &ContinueNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeContinue, Pos: , Line: }

func ( *ContinueNode) () Node                  { return .tr.newContinue(.Pos, .Line) }
func ( *ContinueNode) () string              { return "{{continue}}" }
func ( *ContinueNode) () *Tree                 { return .tr }
func ( *ContinueNode) ( *strings.Builder) { .WriteString("{{continue}}") }

// RangeNode represents a {{range}} action and its commands.
type RangeNode struct {

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  int,  *PipeNode, ,  *ListNode) *RangeNode {
	return &RangeNode{BranchNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeRange, Pos: , Line: , Pipe: , List: , ElseList: }}

func ( *RangeNode) () Node {
	return .tr.newRange(.Pos, .Line, .Pipe.CopyPipe(), .List.CopyList(), .ElseList.CopyList())

// WithNode represents a {{with}} action and its commands.
type WithNode struct {

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  int,  *PipeNode, ,  *ListNode) *WithNode {
	return &WithNode{BranchNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeWith, Pos: , Line: , Pipe: , List: , ElseList: }}

func ( *WithNode) () Node {
	return .tr.newWith(.Pos, .Line, .Pipe.CopyPipe(), .List.CopyList(), .ElseList.CopyList())

// TemplateNode represents a {{template}} action.
type TemplateNode struct {
	tr   *Tree
	Line int       // The line number in the input. Deprecated: Kept for compatibility.
	Name string    // The name of the template (unquoted).
	Pipe *PipeNode // The command to evaluate as dot for the template.

func ( *Tree) ( Pos,  int,  string,  *PipeNode) *TemplateNode {
	return &TemplateNode{tr: , NodeType: NodeTemplate, Pos: , Line: , Name: , Pipe: }

func ( *TemplateNode) () string {
	var  strings.Builder
	return .String()

func ( *TemplateNode) ( *strings.Builder) {
	.WriteString("{{template ")
	if .Pipe != nil {
		.WriteByte(' ')

func ( *TemplateNode) () *Tree {
	return .tr

func ( *TemplateNode) () Node {
	return .tr.newTemplate(.Pos, .Line, .Name, .Pipe.CopyPipe())