package chacha20poly1305
import (
func writeWithPadding(p *poly1305 .MAC , b []byte ) {
p .Write (b )
if rem := len (b ) % 16 ; rem != 0 {
var buf [16 ]byte
padLen := 16 - rem
p .Write (buf [:padLen ])
func writeUint64(p *poly1305 .MAC , n int ) {
var buf [8 ]byte
binary .LittleEndian .PutUint64 (buf [:], uint64 (n ))
p .Write (buf [:])
func (c *chacha20poly1305 ) sealGeneric (dst , nonce , plaintext , additionalData []byte ) []byte {
ret , out := sliceForAppend (dst , len (plaintext )+poly1305 .TagSize )
ciphertext , tag := out [:len (plaintext )], out [len (plaintext ):]
if alias .InexactOverlap (out , plaintext ) {
panic ("chacha20poly1305: invalid buffer overlap" )
var polyKey [32 ]byte
s , _ := chacha20 .NewUnauthenticatedCipher (c .key [:], nonce )
s .XORKeyStream (polyKey [:], polyKey [:])
s .SetCounter (1 )
s .XORKeyStream (ciphertext , plaintext )
p := poly1305 .New (&polyKey )
writeWithPadding (p , additionalData )
writeWithPadding (p , ciphertext )
writeUint64 (p , len (additionalData ))
writeUint64 (p , len (plaintext ))
p .Sum (tag [:0 ])
return ret
func (c *chacha20poly1305 ) openGeneric (dst , nonce , ciphertext , additionalData []byte ) ([]byte , error ) {
tag := ciphertext [len (ciphertext )-16 :]
ciphertext = ciphertext [:len (ciphertext )-16 ]
var polyKey [32 ]byte
s , _ := chacha20 .NewUnauthenticatedCipher (c .key [:], nonce )
s .XORKeyStream (polyKey [:], polyKey [:])
s .SetCounter (1 )
p := poly1305 .New (&polyKey )
writeWithPadding (p , additionalData )
writeWithPadding (p , ciphertext )
writeUint64 (p , len (additionalData ))
writeUint64 (p , len (ciphertext ))
ret , out := sliceForAppend (dst , len (ciphertext ))
if alias .InexactOverlap (out , ciphertext ) {
panic ("chacha20poly1305: invalid buffer overlap" )
if !p .Verify (tag ) {
for i := range out {
out [i ] = 0
return nil , errOpen
s .XORKeyStream (out , ciphertext )
return ret , nil
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