Involved Source Filesarray.goarray_codec.gobits.gobool.gobox.gobuiltin_wrappers.gobytea.gocircle.gocomposite.goconvert.godate.go Package pgtype converts between Go and PostgreSQL values.
The primary type is the Map type. It is a map of PostgreSQL types identified by OID (object ID) to a Codec. A Codec is
responsible for converting between Go and PostgreSQL values. NewMap creates a Map with all supported standard PostgreSQL
types already registered. Additional types can be registered with Map.RegisterType.
Use Map.Scan and Map.Encode to decode PostgreSQL values to Go and encode Go values to PostgreSQL respectively.
Base Type Mapping
pgtype maps between all common base types directly between Go and PostgreSQL. In particular:
Go PostgreSQL
string varchar
// Integers are automatically be converted to any other integer type if
// it can be done without overflow or underflow.
int16 smallint
int32 int
int64 bigint
// Floats are strict and do not automatically convert like integers.
float32 float4
float64 float8
time.Time date
netip.Addr inet
netip.Prefix cidr
[]byte bytea
Null Values
pgtype can map NULLs in two ways. The first is types that can directly represent NULL such as Int4. They work in a
similar fashion to database/sql. The second is to use a pointer to a pointer.
var foo pgtype.Text
var bar *string
err := conn.QueryRow("select foo, bar from widgets where id=$1", 42).Scan(&foo, &bar)
if err != nil {
return err
JSON Support
pgtype automatically marshals and unmarshals data from json and jsonb PostgreSQL types.
Extending Existing PostgreSQL Type Support
Generally, all Codecs will support interfaces that can be implemented to enable scanning and encoding. For example,
PointCodec can use any Go type that implements the PointScanner and PointValuer interfaces. So rather than use
pgtype.Point and application can directly use its own point type with pgtype as long as it implements those interfaces.
See example_custom_type_test.go for an example of a custom type for the PostgreSQL point type.
Sometimes pgx supports a PostgreSQL type such as numeric but the Go type is in an external package that does not have
pgx support such as These types can be registered with pgtype with custom conversion
logic. See and for a example
New PostgreSQL Type Support
pgtype uses the PostgreSQL OID to determine how to encode or decode a value. pgtype supports array, composite, domain,
and enum types. However, any type created in PostgreSQL with CREATE TYPE will receive a new OID. This means that the OID
of each new PostgreSQL type must be registered for pgtype to handle values of that type with the correct Codec.
The pgx.Conn LoadType method can return a *Type for array, composite, domain, and enum types by inspecting the database
metadata. This *Type can then be registered with Map.RegisterType.
For example, the following function could be called after a connection is established:
func RegisterDataTypes(ctx context.Context, conn *pgx.Conn) error {
dataTypeNames := []string{
for _, typeName := range dataTypeNames {
dataType, err := conn.LoadType(ctx, typeName)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
A type cannot be registered unless all types it depends on are already registered. e.g. An array type cannot be
registered until its element type is registered.
ArrayCodec implements support for arrays. If pgtype supports type T then it can easily support []T by registering an
ArrayCodec for the appropriate PostgreSQL OID. In addition, Array[T] type can support multi-dimensional arrays.
CompositeCodec implements support for PostgreSQL composite types. Go structs can be scanned into if the public fields of
the struct are in the exact order and type of the PostgreSQL type or by implementing CompositeIndexScanner and
Domain types are treated as their underlying type if the underlying type and the domain type are registered.
PostgreSQL enums can usually be treated as text. However, EnumCodec implements support for interning strings which can
reduce memory usage.
While pgtype will often still work with unregistered types it is highly recommended that all types be registered due to
an improvement in performance and the elimination of certain edge cases.
If an entirely new PostgreSQL type (e.g. PostGIS types) is used then the application or a library can create a new
Codec. Then the OID / Codec mapping can be registered with Map.RegisterType. There is no difference between a Codec
defined and registered by the application and a Codec built in to pgtype. See any of the Codecs in pgtype for Codec
examples and for examples of type registration.
Encoding Unknown Types
pgtype works best when the OID of the PostgreSQL type is known. But in some cases such as using the simple protocol the
OID is unknown. In this case Map.RegisterDefaultPgType can be used to register an assumed OID for a particular Go type.
Renamed Types
If pgtype does not recognize a type and that type is a renamed simple type simple (e.g. type MyInt32 int32) pgtype acts
as if it is the underlying type. It currently cannot automatically detect the underlying type of renamed structs (eg.g.
type MyTime time.Time).
Compatibility with database/sql
pgtype also includes support for custom types implementing the database/sql.Scanner and database/sql/driver.Valuer
Child Records
pgtype's support for arrays and composite records can be used to load records and their children in a single query. See
example_child_records_test.go for an example.
Overview of Scanning Implementation
The first step is to use the OID to lookup the correct Codec. If the OID is unavailable, Map will try to find the OID
from previous calls of Map.RegisterDefaultPgType. The Map will call the Codec's PlanScan method to get a plan for
scanning into the Go value. A Codec will support scanning into one or more Go types. Oftentime these Go types are
interfaces rather than explicit types. For example, PointCodec can use any Go type that implments the PointScanner and
PointValuer interfaces.
If a Go value is not supported directly by a Codec then Map will try wrapping it with additional logic and try again.
For example, Int8Codec does not support scanning into a renamed type (e.g. type myInt64 int64). But Map will detect that
myInt64 is a renamed type and create a plan that converts the value to the underlying int64 type and then passes that to
the Codec (see TryFindUnderlyingTypeScanPlan).
These plan wrappers are contained in Map.TryWrapScanPlanFuncs. By default these contain shared logic to handle renamed
types, pointers to pointers, slices, composite types, etc. Additional plan wrappers can be added to seamlessly integrate
types that do not support pgx directly. For example, the before mentioned package detects decimal.Decimal values, wraps them in something
implementing NumericScanner and passes that to the Codec.
Map.Scan and Map.Encode are convenience methods that wrap Map.PlanScan and Map.PlanEncode. Determining how to scan or
encode a particular type may be a time consuming operation. Hence the planning and execution steps of a conversion are
internally separated.
Reducing Compiled Binary Size
pgx.QueryExecModeExec and pgx.QueryExecModeSimpleProtocol require the default PostgreSQL type to be registered for each
Go type used as a query parameter. By default pgx does this for all supported types and their array variants. If an
application does not use those query execution modes or manually registers the default PostgreSQL type for the types it
uses as query parameters it can use the build tag nopgxregisterdefaulttypes. This omits the default type registration
and reduces the compiled binary size by ~2MB.enum_codec.gofloat4.gofloat8.gohstore.goinet.go Do not edit. Generated from pgtype/int.go.erbinterval.gojson.gojsonb.goline.golseg.gomacaddr.gomultirange.gonumeric.gopath.gopgtype.gopgtype_default.gopoint.gopolygon.goqchar.gorange.gorange_codec.gorecord_codec.goregister_default_pg_types.gotext.gotext_format_only_codec.gotid.gotime.gotimestamp.gotimestamptz.gouint32.gouuid.go
Code Examples
package main
import (
type Player struct {
Name string
Position string
type Team struct {
Name string
Players []Player
// This example uses a single query to return parent and child records.
func main() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 120*time.Second)
defer cancel()
conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, os.Getenv("PGX_TEST_DATABASE"))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Unable to establish connection: %v", err)
if conn.PgConn().ParameterStatus("crdb_version") != "" {
// Skip test / example when running on CockroachDB. Since an example can't be skipped fake success instead.
Adam: wing
Bill: halfback
Charlie: fullback
Don: halfback
Edgar: halfback
Frank: fullback`)
// Setup example schema and data.
_, err = conn.Exec(ctx, `
create temporary table teams (
name text primary key
create temporary table players (
name text primary key,
team_name text,
position text
insert into teams (name) values
insert into players (name, team_name, position) values
('Adam', 'Alpha', 'wing'),
('Bill', 'Alpha', 'halfback'),
('Charlie', 'Alpha', 'fullback'),
('Don', 'Beta', 'halfback'),
('Edgar', 'Beta', 'halfback'),
('Frank', 'Beta', 'fullback')
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Unable to setup example schema and data: %v", err)
rows, _ := conn.Query(ctx, `
(select array_agg(row(, position) order by from players p where p.team_name =
from teams t
order by
teams, err := pgx.CollectRows(rows, pgx.RowToStructByPos[Team])
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("CollectRows error: %v", err)
for _, team := range teams {
for _, player := range team.Players {
fmt.Printf(" %s: %s\n", player.Name, player.Position)
package main
import (
// Point represents a point that may be null.
type Point struct {
X, Y float32 // Coordinates of point
Valid bool
func (p *Point) ScanPoint(v pgtype.Point) error {
*p = Point{
X: float32(v.P.X),
Y: float32(v.P.Y),
Valid: v.Valid,
return nil
func (p Point) PointValue() (pgtype.Point, error) {
return pgtype.Point{
P: pgtype.Vec2{X: float64(p.X), Y: float64(p.Y)},
Valid: true,
}, nil
func (src *Point) String() string {
if !src.Valid {
return "null point"
return fmt.Sprintf("%.1f, %.1f", src.X, src.Y)
func main() {
conn, err := pgx.Connect(context.Background(), os.Getenv("PGX_TEST_DATABASE"))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Unable to establish connection: %v", err)
defer conn.Close(context.Background())
if conn.PgConn().ParameterStatus("crdb_version") != "" {
// Skip test / example when running on CockroachDB which doesn't support the point type. Since an example can't be
// skipped fake success instead.
fmt.Println("null point")
fmt.Println("1.5, 2.5")
p := &Point{}
err = conn.QueryRow(context.Background(), "select null::point").Scan(p)
if err != nil {
err = conn.QueryRow(context.Background(), "select point(1.5,2.5)").Scan(p)
if err != nil {
conn, err := pgx.Connect(context.Background(), os.Getenv("PGX_TEST_DATABASE"))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Unable to establish connection: %v", err)
type person struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int `json:"age"`
input := person{
Name: "John",
Age: 42,
var output person
err = conn.QueryRow(context.Background(), "select $1::json", input).Scan(&output)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(output.Name, output.Age)
ArrayGetter is a type that can be converted into a PostgreSQL array. Dimensions returns the array dimensions. If array is nil then nil is returned. Index returns the element at i. IndexType returns a non-nil scan target of the type Index will return. This is used by ArrayCodec.PlanEncode.Array[...]FlatArray[...]
ArraySetter is a type can be set from a PostgreSQL array. ScanIndex returns a value usable as a scan target for i. SetDimensions must be called before ScanIndex. ScanIndexType returns a non-nil scan target of the type ScanIndex will return. This is used by
ArrayCodec.PlanScan. SetDimensions prepares the value such that ScanIndex can be called for each element. This will remove any existing
elements. dimensions may be nil to indicate a NULL array. If unable to exactly preserve dimensions SetDimensions
may return an error or silently flatten the array dimensions.
Bytes returns the bytes of the field most recently read by Scan(). Err returns any error encountered by the scanner.(*CompositeBinaryScanner) FieldCount() int Next advances the scanner to the next field. It returns false after the last field is read or an error occurs. After
Next returns false, the Err method can be called to check if any errors occurred. OID returns the OID of the field most recently read by Scan().
func NewCompositeBinaryScanner(m *Map, src []byte) *CompositeBinaryScanner
CompositeIndexGetter is a type accessed by index that can be converted into a PostgreSQL composite. Index returns the element at i. IsNull returns true if the value is SQL NULL.CompositeFieldsMultirange[...]MultirangeGetter(interface)
CompositeIndexScanner is a type accessed by index that can be scanned from a PostgreSQL composite. ScanIndex returns a value usable as a scan target for i. ScanNull sets the value to SQL NULL.CompositeFields
Bytes returns the bytes of the field most recently read by Scan(). Err returns any error encountered by the scanner. Next advances the scanner to the next field. It returns false after the last field is read or an error occurs. After
Next returns false, the Err method can be called to check if any errors occurred.
func NewCompositeTextScanner(m *Map, src []byte) *CompositeTextScanner
DriverBytes is a byte slice that holds a reference to memory owned by the driver. It is only valid from the time it
is scanned until Rows.Next or Rows.Close is called. It is never safe to use DriverBytes with QueryRow as Row.Scan
internally calls Rows.Close before returning.(*DriverBytes) ScanBytes(v []byte) error
*DriverBytes : BytesScanner
MultirangeGetter is a type that can be converted into a PostgreSQL multirange. Index returns the element at i. IndexType returns a non-nil scan target of the type Index will return. This is used by MultirangeCodec.PlanEncode. IsNull returns true if the value is SQL NULL. Len returns the number of elements in the multirange.Multirange[...]
MultirangeGetter : CompositeIndexGetter
MultirangeSetter is a type can be set from a PostgreSQL multirange. ScanIndex returns a value usable as a scan target for i. SetLen must be called before ScanIndex. ScanIndexType returns a non-nil scan target of the type ScanIndex will return. This is used by
MultirangeCodec.PlanScan. ScanNull sets the value to SQL NULL. SetLen prepares the value such that ScanIndex can be called for each element. This will remove any existing
MultirangeSetter : CompositeIndexScanner
PreallocBytes is a byte slice of preallocated memory that scanned bytes will be copied to. If it is too small a new
slice will be allocated.(*PreallocBytes) ScanBytes(v []byte) error
*PreallocBytes : BytesScanner
RangeScanner is a type can be scanned from a PostgreSQL range. ScanBounds returns values usable as a scan target. The returned values may not be scanned if the range is empty or
the bound type is unbounded. ScanNull sets the value to SQL NULL. SetBoundTypes sets the lower and upper bound types. ScanBounds will be called and the returned values scanned
(if appropriate) before SetBoundTypes is called. If the bound types are unbounded or empty this method must
also set the bound values.
RangeValuer is a type that can be converted into a PostgreSQL range. BoundTypes returns the lower and upper bound types. Bounds returns the lower and upper range values. IsNull returns true if the value is SQL NULL.Range[...]
SkipUnderlyingTypePlanner prevents PlanScan and PlanDecode from trying to use the underlying type.( SkipUnderlyingTypePlanner) SkipUnderlyingTypePlan()CompositeFields
CodecCodec DecodeDatabaseSQLValue returns src decoded into a value compatible with the sql.Scanner interface. DecodeValue returns src decoded into its default format.(*TextFormatOnlyCodec) FormatSupported(format int16) bool PlanEncode returns an EncodePlan for encoding value into PostgreSQL format for oid and format. If no plan can be
found then nil is returned. PlanScan returns a ScanPlan for scanning a PostgreSQL value into a destination with the same type as target. If
no plan can be found then nil is returned.( TextFormatOnlyCodec) PreferredFormat() int16
*TextFormatOnlyCodec : Codec
TID is PostgreSQL's Tuple Identifier type.
When one does
select ctid, * from some_table;
it is the data type of the ctid hidden system column.
It is currently implemented as a pair unsigned two byte integers.
Its conversion functions can be found in src/backend/utils/adt/tid.c
in the PostgreSQL sources.BlockNumberuint32OffsetNumberuint16Validbool Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface.(*TID) ScanTID(v TID) error( TID) TIDValue() (TID, error) Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface.
*TID : TIDScanner
TID : TIDValuer
*TID : database/sql.Scanner
TID : database/sql/driver.Valuer
func TID.TIDValue() (TID, error)
func TIDValuer.TIDValue() (TID, error)
func (*TID).ScanTID(v TID) error
func TIDScanner.ScanTID(v TID) error
Time represents the PostgreSQL time type. The PostgreSQL time is a time of day without time zone.
Time is represented as the number of microseconds since midnight in the same way that PostgreSQL does. Other time
and date types in pgtype can use time.Time as the underlying representation. However, pgtype.Time type cannot due
to needing to handle 24:00:00. time.Time converts that to 00:00:00 on the following day. // Number of microseconds since midnightValidbool Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface.(*Time) ScanTime(v Time) error( Time) TimeValue() (Time, error) Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface.
*Time : TimeScanner
Time : TimeValuer
*Time : database/sql.Scanner
Time : database/sql/driver.Valuer
func Time.TimeValue() (Time, error)
func TimeValuer.TimeValue() (Time, error)
func (*Time).ScanTime(v Time) error
func TimeScanner.ScanTime(v Time) error
TryWrapEncodePlanFunc is a function that tries to create a wrapper plan for value. If successful it returns a plan
that will convert the value passed to Encode and then call the next plan. nextValue is value as it will be converted
by plan. It must be used to find another suitable EncodePlan. When it is found SetNext must be called on plan for it
to be usabled. ok indicates if a suitable wrapper was found.
TryWrapScanPlanFunc is a function that tries to create a wrapper plan for target. If successful it returns a plan
that will convert the target passed to Scan and then call the next plan. nextTarget is target as it will be converted
by plan. It must be used to find another suitable ScanPlan. When it is found SetNext must be called on plan for it
to be usabled. ok indicates if a suitable wrapper was found.
GetAssignToDstType attempts to convert dst to something AssignTo can assign
to. If dst is a pointer to pointer it allocates a value and returns the
dereferences pointer. If dst is a named type such as *Foo where Foo is type
Foo int16, it converts dst to *int16.
GetAssignToDstType returns the converted dst and a bool representing if any
change was made.
TryFindUnderlyingTypeScanPlan tries to convert to a Go builtin type. e.g. If value was of type MyString and
MyString was defined as a string then a wrapper plan would be returned that converts MyString to string.
TryPointerPointerScanPlan handles a pointer to a pointer by setting the target to nil for SQL NULL and allocating and
scanning for non-NULL.
TryWrapBuiltinTypeEncodePlan tries to wrap a builtin type with a wrapper that provides additional methods. e.g. If
value was of type int32 then a wrapper plan would be returned that converts value to a type that implements
TryWrapBuiltinTypeScanPlan tries to wrap a builtin type with a wrapper that provides additional methods. e.g. If
value was of type int32 then a wrapper plan would be returned that converts target to a value that implements
TryWrapDerefPointerEncodePlan tries to dereference a pointer. e.g. If value was of type *string then a wrapper plan
would be returned that derefences the value.
TryWrapFindUnderlyingTypeEncodePlan tries to convert to a Go builtin type. e.g. If value was of type MyString and
MyString was defined as a string then a wrapper plan would be returned that converts MyString to string.
The pages are generated with Goldsv0.6.7. (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu.
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list.
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