package pgtype
import (
const nbase = 10000
const (
pgNumericNaN = 0x00000000c0000000
pgNumericNaNSign = 0xc000
pgNumericPosInf = 0x00000000d0000000
pgNumericPosInfSign = 0xd000
pgNumericNegInf = 0x00000000f0000000
pgNumericNegInfSign = 0xf000
var big0 *big .Int = big .NewInt (0 )
var big1 *big .Int = big .NewInt (1 )
var big10 *big .Int = big .NewInt (10 )
var big100 *big .Int = big .NewInt (100 )
var big1000 *big .Int = big .NewInt (1000 )
var bigNBase *big .Int = big .NewInt (nbase )
var bigNBaseX2 *big .Int = big .NewInt (nbase * nbase )
var bigNBaseX3 *big .Int = big .NewInt (nbase * nbase * nbase )
var bigNBaseX4 *big .Int = big .NewInt (nbase * nbase * nbase * nbase )
type NumericScanner interface {
ScanNumeric (v Numeric ) error
type NumericValuer interface {
NumericValue () (Numeric , error )
type Numeric struct {
Int *big .Int
Exp int32
NaN bool
InfinityModifier InfinityModifier
Valid bool
func (n *Numeric ) ScanNumeric (v Numeric ) error {
*n = v
return nil
func (n Numeric ) NumericValue () (Numeric , error ) {
return n , nil
func (n Numeric ) Float64Value () (Float8 , error ) {
if !n .Valid {
return Float8 {}, nil
} else if n .NaN {
return Float8 {Float64 : math .NaN (), Valid : true }, nil
} else if n .InfinityModifier == Infinity {
return Float8 {Float64 : math .Inf (1 ), Valid : true }, nil
} else if n .InfinityModifier == NegativeInfinity {
return Float8 {Float64 : math .Inf (-1 ), Valid : true }, nil
buf := make ([]byte , 0 , 32 )
if n .Int == nil {
buf = append (buf , '0' )
} else {
buf = append (buf , n .Int .String ()...)
buf = append (buf , 'e' )
buf = append (buf , strconv .FormatInt (int64 (n .Exp ), 10 )...)
f , err := strconv .ParseFloat (string (buf ), 64 )
if err != nil {
return Float8 {}, err
return Float8 {Float64 : f , Valid : true }, nil
func (n *Numeric ) ScanInt64 (v Int8 ) error {
if !v .Valid {
*n = Numeric {}
return nil
*n = Numeric {Int : big .NewInt (v .Int64 ), Valid : true }
return nil
func (n Numeric ) Int64Value () (Int8 , error ) {
if !n .Valid {
return Int8 {}, nil
bi , err := n .toBigInt ()
if err != nil {
return Int8 {}, err
if !bi .IsInt64 () {
return Int8 {}, fmt .Errorf ("cannot convert %v to int64" , n )
return Int8 {Int64 : bi .Int64 (), Valid : true }, nil
func (n *Numeric ) toBigInt () (*big .Int , error ) {
if n .Exp == 0 {
return n .Int , nil
num := &big .Int {}
num .Set (n .Int )
if n .Exp > 0 {
mul := &big .Int {}
mul .Exp (big10 , big .NewInt (int64 (n .Exp )), nil )
num .Mul (num , mul )
return num , nil
div := &big .Int {}
div .Exp (big10 , big .NewInt (int64 (-n .Exp )), nil )
remainder := &big .Int {}
num .DivMod (num , div , remainder )
if remainder .Cmp (big0 ) != 0 {
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("cannot convert %v to integer" , n )
return num , nil
func parseNumericString(str string ) (n *big .Int , exp int32 , err error ) {
idx := strings .IndexByte (str , '.' )
if idx == -1 {
for len (str ) > 1 && str [len (str )-1 ] == '0' && str [len (str )-2 ] != '-' {
str = str [:len (str )-1 ]
exp ++
} else {
exp = int32 (-(len (str ) - idx - 1 ))
str = str [:idx ] + str [idx +1 :]
accum := &big .Int {}
if _ , ok := accum .SetString (str , 10 ); !ok {
return nil , 0 , fmt .Errorf ("%s is not a number" , str )
return accum , exp , nil
func nbaseDigitsToInt64(src []byte ) (accum int64 , bytesRead , digitsRead int ) {
digits := len (src ) / 2
if digits > 4 {
digits = 4
rp := 0
for i := 0 ; i < digits ; i ++ {
if i > 0 {
accum *= nbase
accum += int64 (binary .BigEndian .Uint16 (src [rp :]))
rp += 2
return accum , rp , digits
func (n *Numeric ) Scan (src any ) error {
if src == nil {
*n = Numeric {}
return nil
switch src := src .(type ) {
case string :
return scanPlanTextAnyToNumericScanner {}.Scan ([]byte (src ), n )
return fmt .Errorf ("cannot scan %T" , src )
func (n Numeric ) Value () (driver .Value , error ) {
if !n .Valid {
return nil , nil
buf , err := NumericCodec {}.PlanEncode (nil , 0 , TextFormatCode , n ).Encode (n , nil )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return string (buf ), err
func (n Numeric ) MarshalJSON () ([]byte , error ) {
if !n .Valid {
return []byte ("null" ), nil
if n .NaN {
return []byte (`"NaN"` ), nil
return n .numberTextBytes (), nil
func (n *Numeric ) UnmarshalJSON (src []byte ) error {
if bytes .Equal (src , []byte (`null` )) {
*n = Numeric {}
return nil
if bytes .Equal (src , []byte (`"NaN"` )) {
*n = Numeric {NaN : true , Valid : true }
return nil
return scanPlanTextAnyToNumericScanner {}.Scan (src , n )
func (n Numeric ) numberTextBytes () []byte {
intStr := n .Int .String ()
buf := &bytes .Buffer {}
if len (intStr ) > 0 && intStr [:1 ] == "-" {
intStr = intStr [1 :]
buf .WriteByte ('-' )
exp := int (n .Exp )
if exp > 0 {
buf .WriteString (intStr )
for i := 0 ; i < exp ; i ++ {
buf .WriteByte ('0' )
} else if exp < 0 {
if len (intStr ) <= -exp {
buf .WriteString ("0." )
leadingZeros := -exp - len (intStr )
for i := 0 ; i < leadingZeros ; i ++ {
buf .WriteByte ('0' )
buf .WriteString (intStr )
} else if len (intStr ) > -exp {
dpPos := len (intStr ) + exp
buf .WriteString (intStr [:dpPos ])
buf .WriteByte ('.' )
buf .WriteString (intStr [dpPos :])
} else {
buf .WriteString (intStr )
return buf .Bytes ()
type NumericCodec struct {}
func (NumericCodec ) FormatSupported (format int16 ) bool {
return format == TextFormatCode || format == BinaryFormatCode
func (NumericCodec ) PreferredFormat () int16 {
return BinaryFormatCode
func (NumericCodec ) PlanEncode (m *Map , oid uint32 , format int16 , value any ) EncodePlan {
switch format {
case BinaryFormatCode :
switch value .(type ) {
case NumericValuer :
return encodePlanNumericCodecBinaryNumericValuer {}
case Float64Valuer :
return encodePlanNumericCodecBinaryFloat64Valuer {}
case Int64Valuer :
return encodePlanNumericCodecBinaryInt64Valuer {}
case TextFormatCode :
switch value .(type ) {
case NumericValuer :
return encodePlanNumericCodecTextNumericValuer {}
case Float64Valuer :
return encodePlanNumericCodecTextFloat64Valuer {}
case Int64Valuer :
return encodePlanNumericCodecTextInt64Valuer {}
return nil
type encodePlanNumericCodecBinaryNumericValuer struct {}
func (encodePlanNumericCodecBinaryNumericValuer ) Encode (value any , buf []byte ) (newBuf []byte , err error ) {
n , err := value .(NumericValuer ).NumericValue ()
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return encodeNumericBinary (n , buf )
type encodePlanNumericCodecBinaryFloat64Valuer struct {}
func (encodePlanNumericCodecBinaryFloat64Valuer ) Encode (value any , buf []byte ) (newBuf []byte , err error ) {
n , err := value .(Float64Valuer ).Float64Value ()
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if !n .Valid {
return nil , nil
if math .IsNaN (n .Float64 ) {
return encodeNumericBinary (Numeric {NaN : true , Valid : true }, buf )
} else if math .IsInf (n .Float64 , 1 ) {
return encodeNumericBinary (Numeric {InfinityModifier : Infinity , Valid : true }, buf )
} else if math .IsInf (n .Float64 , -1 ) {
return encodeNumericBinary (Numeric {InfinityModifier : NegativeInfinity , Valid : true }, buf )
num , exp , err := parseNumericString (strconv .FormatFloat (n .Float64 , 'f' , -1 , 64 ))
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return encodeNumericBinary (Numeric {Int : num , Exp : exp , Valid : true }, buf )
type encodePlanNumericCodecBinaryInt64Valuer struct {}
func (encodePlanNumericCodecBinaryInt64Valuer ) Encode (value any , buf []byte ) (newBuf []byte , err error ) {
n , err := value .(Int64Valuer ).Int64Value ()
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if !n .Valid {
return nil , nil
return encodeNumericBinary (Numeric {Int : big .NewInt (n .Int64 ), Valid : true }, buf )
func encodeNumericBinary(n Numeric , buf []byte ) (newBuf []byte , err error ) {
if !n .Valid {
return nil , nil
if n .NaN {
buf = pgio .AppendUint64 (buf , pgNumericNaN )
return buf , nil
} else if n .InfinityModifier == Infinity {
buf = pgio .AppendUint64 (buf , pgNumericPosInf )
return buf , nil
} else if n .InfinityModifier == NegativeInfinity {
buf = pgio .AppendUint64 (buf , pgNumericNegInf )
return buf , nil
var sign int16
if n .Int .Cmp (big0 ) < 0 {
sign = 16384
absInt := &big .Int {}
wholePart := &big .Int {}
fracPart := &big .Int {}
remainder := &big .Int {}
absInt .Abs (n .Int )
var exp int32
switch n .Exp % 4 {
case 1 , -3 :
exp = n .Exp - 1
absInt .Mul (absInt , big10 )
case 2 , -2 :
exp = n .Exp - 2
absInt .Mul (absInt , big100 )
case 3 , -1 :
exp = n .Exp - 3
absInt .Mul (absInt , big1000 )
default :
exp = n .Exp
if exp < 0 {
divisor := &big .Int {}
divisor .Exp (big10 , big .NewInt (int64 (-exp )), nil )
wholePart .DivMod (absInt , divisor , fracPart )
fracPart .Add (fracPart , divisor )
} else {
wholePart = absInt
var wholeDigits , fracDigits []int16
for wholePart .Cmp (big0 ) != 0 {
wholePart .DivMod (wholePart , bigNBase , remainder )
wholeDigits = append (wholeDigits , int16 (remainder .Int64 ()))
if fracPart .Cmp (big0 ) != 0 {
for fracPart .Cmp (big1 ) != 0 {
fracPart .DivMod (fracPart , bigNBase , remainder )
fracDigits = append (fracDigits , int16 (remainder .Int64 ()))
buf = pgio .AppendInt16 (buf , int16 (len (wholeDigits )+len (fracDigits )))
var weight int16
if len (wholeDigits ) > 0 {
weight = int16 (len (wholeDigits ) - 1 )
if exp > 0 {
weight += int16 (exp / 4 )
} else {
weight = int16 (exp /4 ) - 1 + int16 (len (fracDigits ))
buf = pgio .AppendInt16 (buf , weight )
buf = pgio .AppendInt16 (buf , sign )
var dscale int16
if n .Exp < 0 {
dscale = int16 (-n .Exp )
buf = pgio .AppendInt16 (buf , dscale )
for i := len (wholeDigits ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
buf = pgio .AppendInt16 (buf , wholeDigits [i ])
for i := len (fracDigits ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
buf = pgio .AppendInt16 (buf , fracDigits [i ])
return buf , nil
type encodePlanNumericCodecTextNumericValuer struct {}
func (encodePlanNumericCodecTextNumericValuer ) Encode (value any , buf []byte ) (newBuf []byte , err error ) {
n , err := value .(NumericValuer ).NumericValue ()
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return encodeNumericText (n , buf )
type encodePlanNumericCodecTextFloat64Valuer struct {}
func (encodePlanNumericCodecTextFloat64Valuer ) Encode (value any , buf []byte ) (newBuf []byte , err error ) {
n , err := value .(Float64Valuer ).Float64Value ()
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if !n .Valid {
return nil , nil
if math .IsNaN (n .Float64 ) {
buf = append (buf , "NaN" ...)
} else if math .IsInf (n .Float64 , 1 ) {
buf = append (buf , "Infinity" ...)
} else if math .IsInf (n .Float64 , -1 ) {
buf = append (buf , "-Infinity" ...)
} else {
buf = append (buf , strconv .FormatFloat (n .Float64 , 'f' , -1 , 64 )...)
return buf , nil
type encodePlanNumericCodecTextInt64Valuer struct {}
func (encodePlanNumericCodecTextInt64Valuer ) Encode (value any , buf []byte ) (newBuf []byte , err error ) {
n , err := value .(Int64Valuer ).Int64Value ()
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if !n .Valid {
return nil , nil
buf = append (buf , strconv .FormatInt (n .Int64 , 10 )...)
return buf , nil
func encodeNumericText(n Numeric , buf []byte ) (newBuf []byte , err error ) {
if !n .Valid {
return nil , nil
if n .NaN {
buf = append (buf , "NaN" ...)
return buf , nil
} else if n .InfinityModifier == Infinity {
buf = append (buf , "Infinity" ...)
return buf , nil
} else if n .InfinityModifier == NegativeInfinity {
buf = append (buf , "-Infinity" ...)
return buf , nil
buf = append (buf , n .numberTextBytes ()...)
return buf , nil
func (NumericCodec ) PlanScan (m *Map , oid uint32 , format int16 , target any ) ScanPlan {
switch format {
case BinaryFormatCode :
switch target .(type ) {
case NumericScanner :
return scanPlanBinaryNumericToNumericScanner {}
case Float64Scanner :
return scanPlanBinaryNumericToFloat64Scanner {}
case Int64Scanner :
return scanPlanBinaryNumericToInt64Scanner {}
case TextScanner :
return scanPlanBinaryNumericToTextScanner {}
case TextFormatCode :
switch target .(type ) {
case NumericScanner :
return scanPlanTextAnyToNumericScanner {}
case Float64Scanner :
return scanPlanTextAnyToFloat64Scanner {}
case Int64Scanner :
return scanPlanTextAnyToInt64Scanner {}
return nil
type scanPlanBinaryNumericToNumericScanner struct {}
func (scanPlanBinaryNumericToNumericScanner ) Scan (src []byte , dst any ) error {
scanner := (dst ).(NumericScanner )
if src == nil {
return scanner .ScanNumeric (Numeric {})
if len (src ) < 8 {
return fmt .Errorf ("numeric incomplete %v" , src )
rp := 0
ndigits := binary .BigEndian .Uint16 (src [rp :])
rp += 2
weight := int16 (binary .BigEndian .Uint16 (src [rp :]))
rp += 2
sign := binary .BigEndian .Uint16 (src [rp :])
rp += 2
dscale := int16 (binary .BigEndian .Uint16 (src [rp :]))
rp += 2
if sign == pgNumericNaNSign {
return scanner .ScanNumeric (Numeric {NaN : true , Valid : true })
} else if sign == pgNumericPosInfSign {
return scanner .ScanNumeric (Numeric {InfinityModifier : Infinity , Valid : true })
} else if sign == pgNumericNegInfSign {
return scanner .ScanNumeric (Numeric {InfinityModifier : NegativeInfinity , Valid : true })
if ndigits == 0 {
return scanner .ScanNumeric (Numeric {Int : big .NewInt (0 ), Valid : true })
if len (src [rp :]) < int (ndigits )*2 {
return fmt .Errorf ("numeric incomplete %v" , src )
accum := &big .Int {}
for i := 0 ; i < int (ndigits +3 )/4 ; i ++ {
int64accum , bytesRead , digitsRead := nbaseDigitsToInt64 (src [rp :])
rp += bytesRead
if i > 0 {
var mul *big .Int
switch digitsRead {
case 1 :
mul = bigNBase
case 2 :
mul = bigNBaseX2
case 3 :
mul = bigNBaseX3
case 4 :
mul = bigNBaseX4
default :
return fmt .Errorf ("invalid digitsRead: %d (this can't happen)" , digitsRead )
accum .Mul (accum , mul )
accum .Add (accum , big .NewInt (int64accum ))
exp := (int32 (weight ) - int32 (ndigits ) + 1 ) * 4
if dscale > 0 {
fracNBaseDigits := int16 (int32 (ndigits ) - int32 (weight ) - 1 )
fracDecimalDigits := fracNBaseDigits * 4
if dscale > fracDecimalDigits {
multCount := int (dscale - fracDecimalDigits )
for i := 0 ; i < multCount ; i ++ {
accum .Mul (accum , big10 )
exp --
} else if dscale < fracDecimalDigits {
divCount := int (fracDecimalDigits - dscale )
for i := 0 ; i < divCount ; i ++ {
accum .Div (accum , big10 )
exp ++
reduced := &big .Int {}
remainder := &big .Int {}
if exp >= 0 {
for {
reduced .DivMod (accum , big10 , remainder )
if remainder .Cmp (big0 ) != 0 {
accum .Set (reduced )
exp ++
if sign != 0 {
accum .Neg (accum )
return scanner .ScanNumeric (Numeric {Int : accum , Exp : exp , Valid : true })
type scanPlanBinaryNumericToFloat64Scanner struct {}
func (scanPlanBinaryNumericToFloat64Scanner ) Scan (src []byte , dst any ) error {
scanner := (dst ).(Float64Scanner )
if src == nil {
return scanner .ScanFloat64 (Float8 {})
var n Numeric
err := scanPlanBinaryNumericToNumericScanner {}.Scan (src , &n )
if err != nil {
return err
f8 , err := n .Float64Value ()
if err != nil {
return err
return scanner .ScanFloat64 (f8 )
type scanPlanBinaryNumericToInt64Scanner struct {}
func (scanPlanBinaryNumericToInt64Scanner ) Scan (src []byte , dst any ) error {
scanner := (dst ).(Int64Scanner )
if src == nil {
return scanner .ScanInt64 (Int8 {})
var n Numeric
err := scanPlanBinaryNumericToNumericScanner {}.Scan (src , &n )
if err != nil {
return err
bigInt , err := n .toBigInt ()
if err != nil {
return err
if !bigInt .IsInt64 () {
return fmt .Errorf ("%v is out of range for int64" , bigInt )
return scanner .ScanInt64 (Int8 {Int64 : bigInt .Int64 (), Valid : true })
type scanPlanBinaryNumericToTextScanner struct {}
func (scanPlanBinaryNumericToTextScanner ) Scan (src []byte , dst any ) error {
scanner := (dst ).(TextScanner )
if src == nil {
return scanner .ScanText (Text {})
var n Numeric
err := scanPlanBinaryNumericToNumericScanner {}.Scan (src , &n )
if err != nil {
return err
sbuf , err := encodeNumericText (n , nil )
if err != nil {
return err
return scanner .ScanText (Text {String : string (sbuf ), Valid : true })
type scanPlanTextAnyToNumericScanner struct {}
func (scanPlanTextAnyToNumericScanner ) Scan (src []byte , dst any ) error {
scanner := (dst ).(NumericScanner )
if src == nil {
return scanner .ScanNumeric (Numeric {})
if string (src ) == "NaN" {
return scanner .ScanNumeric (Numeric {NaN : true , Valid : true })
} else if string (src ) == "Infinity" {
return scanner .ScanNumeric (Numeric {InfinityModifier : Infinity , Valid : true })
} else if string (src ) == "-Infinity" {
return scanner .ScanNumeric (Numeric {InfinityModifier : NegativeInfinity , Valid : true })
num , exp , err := parseNumericString (string (src ))
if err != nil {
return err
return scanner .ScanNumeric (Numeric {Int : num , Exp : exp , Valid : true })
func (c NumericCodec ) DecodeDatabaseSQLValue (m *Map , oid uint32 , format int16 , src []byte ) (driver .Value , error ) {
if src == nil {
return nil , nil
if format == TextFormatCode {
return string (src ), nil
var n Numeric
err := codecScan (c , m , oid , format , src , &n )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
buf , err := m .Encode (oid , TextFormatCode , n , nil )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return string (buf ), nil
func (c NumericCodec ) DecodeValue (m *Map , oid uint32 , format int16 , src []byte ) (any , error ) {
if src == nil {
return nil , nil
var n Numeric
err := codecScan (c , m , oid , format , src , &n )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return n , nil
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
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