package cases

Import Path (on

Dependency Relation
	imports 7 packages, and imported by one package

Involved Source Files Package cases provides general and language-specific case mappers. context.go fold.go info.go map.go tables15.0.0.go trieval.go
Code Examples package main import ( "fmt" "" "" ) func main() { src := []string{ "hello world!", "i with dot", "'n ijsberg", "here comes O'Brian", } for _, c := range []cases.Caser{ cases.Lower(language.Und), cases.Upper(language.Turkish), cases.Title(language.Dutch), cases.Title(language.Und, cases.NoLower), } { fmt.Println() for _, s := range src { fmt.Println(c.String(s)) } } }
Package-Level Type Names (total 2)
/* sort by: | */
A Caser transforms given input to a certain case. It implements transform.Transformer. A Caser may be stateful and should therefore not be shared between goroutines. Bytes returns a new byte slice with the result of converting b to the case form implemented by c. Reset resets the Caser to be reused for new input after a previous call to Transform. Span implements the transform.SpanningTransformer interface. String returns a string with the result of transforming s to the case form implemented by c. Transform implements the transform.Transformer interface and transforms the given input to the case form implemented by c. Caser : Caser : Caser : vendor/ Caser : vendor/ func Fold(opts ...Option) Caser func Lower(t language.Tag, opts ...Option) Caser func Title(t language.Tag, opts ...Option) Caser func Upper(t language.Tag, opts ...Option) Caser
An Option is used to modify the behavior of a Caser. func HandleFinalSigma(enable bool) Option func Fold(opts ...Option) Caser func Lower(t language.Tag, opts ...Option) Caser func Title(t language.Tag, opts ...Option) Caser func Upper(t language.Tag, opts ...Option) Caser func ...Option) precis.Option func ...Option) precis.Option var Compact var NoLower
Package-Level Functions (total 5)
Fold returns a Caser that implements Unicode case folding. The returned Caser is stateless and safe to use concurrently by multiple goroutines. Case folding does not normalize the input and may not preserve a normal form. Use the collate or search package for more convenient and linguistically sound comparisons. Use for string comparisons where security aspects are a concern.
HandleFinalSigma specifies whether the special handling of Greek final sigma should be enabled. Unicode prescribes handling the Greek final sigma for all locales, but standards like IDNA and PRECIS override this default.
Lower returns a Caser for language-specific lowercasing.
Title returns a Caser for language-specific title casing. It uses an approximation of the default Unicode Word Break algorithm.
Upper returns a Caser for language-specific uppercasing.
Package-Level Variables (total 3)
Compact omits mappings in case folding for characters that would grow the input. (Unimplemented.)
NoLower disables the lowercasing of non-leading letters for a title caser.
Package-Level Constants (only one)
UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived.