// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package cases

// This file contains the definitions of case mappings for all supported
// languages. The rules for the language-specific tailorings were taken and
// modified from the CLDR transform definitions in common/transforms.

import (


// A mapFunc takes a context set to the current rune and writes the mapped
// version to the same context. It may advance the context to the next rune. It
// returns whether a checkpoint is possible: whether the pDst bytes written to
// dst so far won't need changing as we see more source bytes.
type mapFunc func(*context) bool

// A spanFunc takes a context set to the current rune and returns whether this
// rune would be altered when written to the output. It may advance the context
// to the next rune. It returns whether a checkpoint is possible.
type spanFunc func(*context) bool

// maxIgnorable defines the maximum number of ignorables to consider for
// lookahead operations.
const maxIgnorable = 30

// supported lists the language tags for which we have tailorings.
const supported = "und af az el lt nl tr"

func init() {
	 := []language.Tag{}
	for ,  := range strings.Split(supported, " ") {
		 = append(, language.MustParse())
	matcher = internal.NewInheritanceMatcher()
	Supported = language.NewCoverage()

var (
	matcher *internal.InheritanceMatcher

	Supported language.Coverage

	// We keep the following lists separate, instead of having a single per-
	// language struct, to give the compiler a chance to remove unused code.

	// Some uppercase mappers are stateless, so we can precompute the
	// Transformers and save a bit on runtime allocations.
	upperFunc = []struct {
		upper mapFunc
		span  spanFunc
		{nil, nil},                  // und
		{nil, nil},                  // af
		{aztrUpper(upper), isUpper}, // az
		{elUpper, noSpan},           // el
		{ltUpper(upper), noSpan},    // lt
		{nil, nil},                  // nl
		{aztrUpper(upper), isUpper}, // tr

	undUpper            transform.SpanningTransformer = &undUpperCaser{}
	undLower            transform.SpanningTransformer = &undLowerCaser{}
	undLowerIgnoreSigma transform.SpanningTransformer = &undLowerIgnoreSigmaCaser{}

	lowerFunc = []mapFunc{
		nil,       // und
		nil,       // af
		aztrLower, // az
		nil,       // el
		ltLower,   // lt
		nil,       // nl
		aztrLower, // tr

	titleInfos = []struct {
		title     mapFunc
		lower     mapFunc
		titleSpan spanFunc
		rewrite   func(*context)
		{title, lower, isTitle, nil},                // und
		{title, lower, isTitle, afnlRewrite},        // af
		{aztrUpper(title), aztrLower, isTitle, nil}, // az
		{title, lower, isTitle, nil},                // el
		{ltUpper(title), ltLower, noSpan, nil},      // lt
		{nlTitle, lower, nlTitleSpan, afnlRewrite},  // nl
		{aztrUpper(title), aztrLower, isTitle, nil}, // tr

func makeUpper( language.Tag,  options) transform.SpanningTransformer {
	, ,  := matcher.Match()
	 := upperFunc[].upper
	if  == nil {
		return undUpper
	return &simpleCaser{f: , span: upperFunc[].span}

func makeLower( language.Tag,  options) transform.SpanningTransformer {
	, ,  := matcher.Match()
	 := lowerFunc[]
	if  == nil {
		if .ignoreFinalSigma {
			return undLowerIgnoreSigma
		return undLower
	if .ignoreFinalSigma {
		return &simpleCaser{f: , span: isLower}
	return &lowerCaser{
		first:   ,
		midWord: finalSigma(),

func makeTitle( language.Tag,  options) transform.SpanningTransformer {
	, ,  := matcher.Match()
	 := &titleInfos[]
	 := .lower
	if .noLower {
		 = (*context).copy
	} else if !.ignoreFinalSigma {
		 = finalSigma()
	return &titleCaser{
		title:     .title,
		lower:     ,
		titleSpan: .titleSpan,
		rewrite:   .rewrite,

func noSpan( *context) bool {
	.err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan
	return false

// TODO: consider a similar special case for the fast majority lower case. This
// is a bit more involved so will require some more precise benchmarking to
// justify it.

type undUpperCaser struct{ transform.NopResetter }

// undUpperCaser implements the Transformer interface for doing an upper case
// mapping for the root locale (und). It eliminates the need for an allocation
// as it prevents escaping by not using function pointers.
func ( undUpperCaser) (,  []byte,  bool) (,  int,  error) {
	 := context{dst: , src: , atEOF: }
	for .next() {
	return .ret()

func ( undUpperCaser) ( []byte,  bool) ( int,  error) {
	 := context{src: , atEOF: }
	for .next() && isUpper(&) {
	return .retSpan()

// undLowerIgnoreSigmaCaser implements the Transformer interface for doing
// a lower case mapping for the root locale (und) ignoring final sigma
// handling. This casing algorithm is used in some performance-critical packages
// like secure/precis and x/net/http/idna, which warrants its special-casing.
type undLowerIgnoreSigmaCaser struct{ transform.NopResetter }

func ( undLowerIgnoreSigmaCaser) (,  []byte,  bool) (,  int,  error) {
	 := context{dst: , src: , atEOF: }
	for .next() && lower(&) {
	return .ret()


// Span implements a generic lower-casing. This is possible as isLower works
// for all lowercasing variants. All lowercase variants only vary in how they
// transform a non-lowercase letter. They will never change an already lowercase
// letter. In addition, there is no state.
func ( undLowerIgnoreSigmaCaser) ( []byte,  bool) ( int,  error) {
	 := context{src: , atEOF: }
	for .next() && isLower(&) {
	return .retSpan()

type simpleCaser struct {
	f    mapFunc
	span spanFunc

// simpleCaser implements the Transformer interface for doing a case operation
// on a rune-by-rune basis.
func ( *simpleCaser) (,  []byte,  bool) (,  int,  error) {
	 := context{dst: , src: , atEOF: }
	for .next() && .f(&) {
	return .ret()

func ( *simpleCaser) ( []byte,  bool) ( int,  error) {
	 := context{src: , atEOF: }
	for .next() && .span(&) {
	return .retSpan()

// undLowerCaser implements the Transformer interface for doing a lower case
// mapping for the root locale (und) ignoring final sigma handling. This casing
// algorithm is used in some performance-critical packages like secure/precis
// and x/net/http/idna, which warrants its special-casing.
type undLowerCaser struct{ transform.NopResetter }

func ( undLowerCaser) (,  []byte,  bool) (,  int,  error) {
	 := context{dst: , src: , atEOF: }

	for  := true; .next(); {
		if  {
			if .info.isCased() {
				if !lower(&) {
				 = false
			} else if !.copy() {
		} else {
			if .info.isNotCasedAndNotCaseIgnorable() {
				if !.copy() {
				 = true
			} else if !.hasPrefix("Σ") {
				if !lower(&) {
			} else if !finalSigmaBody(&) {
	return .ret()

func ( undLowerCaser) ( []byte,  bool) ( int,  error) {
	 := context{src: , atEOF: }
	for .next() && isLower(&) {
	return .retSpan()

// lowerCaser implements the Transformer interface. The default Unicode lower
// casing requires different treatment for the first and subsequent characters
// of a word, most notably to handle the Greek final Sigma.
type lowerCaser struct {


	first, midWord mapFunc

func ( *lowerCaser) (,  []byte,  bool) (,  int,  error) {
	.context = context{dst: , src: , atEOF: }
	 := &.context

	for  := true; .next(); {
		if  {
			if .info.isCased() {
				if !.first() {
				 = false
			} else if !.copy() {
		} else {
			if .info.isNotCasedAndNotCaseIgnorable() {
				if !.copy() {
				 = true
			} else if !.midWord() {
	return .ret()

// titleCaser implements the Transformer interface. Title casing algorithms
// distinguish between the first letter of a word and subsequent letters of the
// same word. It uses state to avoid requiring a potentially infinite lookahead.
type titleCaser struct {

	// rune mappings used by the actual casing algorithms.
	title     mapFunc
	lower     mapFunc
	titleSpan spanFunc

	rewrite func(*context)

// Transform implements the standard Unicode title case algorithm as defined in
// Chapter 3 of The Unicode Standard:
// toTitlecase(X): Find the word boundaries in X according to Unicode Standard
// Annex #29, "Unicode Text Segmentation." For each word boundary, find the
// first cased character F following the word boundary. If F exists, map F to
// Titlecase_Mapping(F); then map all characters C between F and the following
// word boundary to Lowercase_Mapping(C).
func ( *titleCaser) (,  []byte,  bool) (,  int,  error) {
	.context = context{dst: , src: , atEOF: , isMidWord: .isMidWord}
	 := &.context

	if !.next() {
		return .ret()

	for {
		 := .info
		if .rewrite != nil {

		 := .isMid()
		// Break out of this loop on failure to ensure we do not modify the
		// state incorrectly.
		if .isCased() {
			if !.isMidWord {
				if !.title() {
				.isMidWord = true
			} else if !.lower() {
		} else if !.copy() {
		} else if .isBreak() {
			.isMidWord = false

		// As we save the state of the transformer, it is safe to call
		// checkpoint after any successful write.
		if !(.isMidWord && ) {

		if !.next() {
		if  && .info.isMid() {
			.isMidWord = false
	return .ret()

func ( *titleCaser) ( []byte,  bool) ( int,  error) {
	.context = context{src: , atEOF: , isMidWord: .isMidWord}
	 := &.context

	if !.next() {
		return .retSpan()

	for {
		 := .info
		if .rewrite != nil {

		 := .isMid()
		// Break out of this loop on failure to ensure we do not modify the
		// state incorrectly.
		if .isCased() {
			if !.isMidWord {
				if !.titleSpan() {
				.isMidWord = true
			} else if !isLower() {
		} else if .isBreak() {
			.isMidWord = false
		// As we save the state of the transformer, it is safe to call
		// checkpoint after any successful write.
		if !(.isMidWord && ) {

		if !.next() {
		if  && .info.isMid() {
			.isMidWord = false
	return .retSpan()

// finalSigma adds Greek final Sigma handing to another casing function. It
// determines whether a lowercased sigma should be σ or ς, by looking ahead for
// case-ignorables and a cased letters.
func finalSigma( mapFunc) mapFunc {
	return func( *context) bool {
		if !.hasPrefix("Σ") {
			return ()
		return finalSigmaBody()

func finalSigmaBody( *context) bool {
	// Current rune must be ∑.

	// ::NFD();
	// # 03A3; 03C2; 03A3; 03A3; Final_Sigma; # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
	// Σ } [:case-ignorable:]* [:cased:] → σ;
	// [:cased:] [:case-ignorable:]* { Σ → ς;
	// ::Any-Lower;
	// ::NFC();

	 := .pDst

	// TODO: we should do this here, but right now this will never have an
	// effect as this is called when the prefix is Sigma, whereas Dutch and
	// Afrikaans only test for an apostrophe.
	// if t.rewrite != nil {
	// 	t.rewrite(c)
	// }

	// We need to do one more iteration after maxIgnorable, as a cased
	// letter is not an ignorable and may modify the result.
	 := false
	for  := 0;  < maxIgnorable+1; ++ {
		if !.next() {
			return false
		if !.info.isCaseIgnorable() {
			// All Midword runes are also case ignorable, so we are
			// guaranteed to have a letter or word break here. As we are
			// unreading the run, there is no need to unset c.isMidWord;
			// the title caser will handle this.
			if .info.isCased() {
				// p+1 is guaranteed to be in bounds: if writing ς was
				// successful, p+1 will contain the second byte of ς. If not,
				// this function will have returned after c.next returned false.
				.dst[+1]++ // ς → σ
			return true
		// A case ignorable may also introduce a word break, so we may need
		// to continue searching even after detecting a break.
		 := .info.isMid()
		if ( && ) || .info.isBreak() {
			.isMidWord = false
	return true

// finalSigmaSpan would be the same as isLower.

// elUpper implements Greek upper casing, which entails removing a predefined
// set of non-blocked modifiers. Note that these accents should not be removed
// for title casing!
// Example: "Οδός" -> "ΟΔΟΣ".
func elUpper( *context) bool {
	// From CLDR:
	// [:Greek:] [^[:ccc=Not_Reordered:][:ccc=Above:]]*? { [\u0313\u0314\u0301\u0300\u0306\u0342\u0308\u0304] → ;
	// [:Greek:] [^[:ccc=Not_Reordered:][:ccc=Iota_Subscript:]]*? { \u0345 → ;

	,  := utf8.DecodeRune(.src[.pSrc:])
	 := .pDst
	if !upper() {
		return false
	if !unicode.Is(unicode.Greek, ) {
		return true
	 := 0
	// Take the properties of the uppercased rune that is already written to the
	// destination. This saves us the trouble of having to uppercase the
	// decomposed rune again.
	if  := norm.NFD.Properties(.dst[:]).Decomposition();  != nil {
		// Restore the destination position and process the decomposed rune.
		,  := utf8.DecodeRune()
		if  <= 0xFF { // See A.6.1
			return true
		.pDst = 
		// Insert the first rune and ignore the modifiers. See A.6.2.
		 = len([:]) / 2 // Greek modifiers are always of length 2.

	for ;  < maxIgnorable && .next(); ++ {
		switch ,  := utf8.DecodeRune(.src[.pSrc:]);  {
		// Above and Iota Subscript
		case 0x0300, // U+0300 COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT
			0x0301, // U+0301 COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
			0x0304, // U+0304 COMBINING MACRON
			0x0306, // U+0306 COMBINING BREVE
			0x0308, // U+0308 COMBINING DIAERESIS
			0x0313, // U+0313 COMBINING COMMA ABOVE
			// No-op. Gobble the modifier.

			switch ,  := trie.lookup(.src[.pSrc:]); info().cccType() {
			case cccZero:
				return true

			// We don't need to test for IotaSubscript as the only rune that
			// qualifies (U+0345) was already excluded in the switch statement
			// above. See A.4.

			case cccAbove:
				return .copy()
				// Some other modifier. We're still allowed to gobble Greek
				// modifiers after this.
	return  == maxIgnorable

// TODO: implement elUpperSpan (low-priority: complex and infrequent).

func ltLower( *context) bool {
	// From CLDR:
	// # Introduce an explicit dot above when lowercasing capital I's and J's
	// # whenever there are more accents above.
	// # (of the accents used in Lithuanian: grave, acute, tilde above, and ogonek)
	// # 0049; 0069 0307; 0049; 0049; lt More_Above; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I
	// # 004A; 006A 0307; 004A; 004A; lt More_Above; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J
	// # 012E; 012F 0307; 012E; 012E; lt More_Above; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH OGONEK
	// # 00CC; 0069 0307 0300; 00CC; 00CC; lt; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
	// # 00CD; 0069 0307 0301; 00CD; 00CD; lt; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
	// # 0128; 0069 0307 0303; 0128; 0128; lt; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE
	// ::NFD();
	// I } [^[:ccc=Not_Reordered:][:ccc=Above:]]* [:ccc=Above:] → i \u0307;
	// J } [^[:ccc=Not_Reordered:][:ccc=Above:]]* [:ccc=Above:] → j \u0307;
	// I \u0328 (Į) } [^[:ccc=Not_Reordered:][:ccc=Above:]]* [:ccc=Above:] → i \u0328 \u0307;
	// I \u0300 (Ì) → i \u0307 \u0300;
	// I \u0301 (Í) → i \u0307 \u0301;
	// I \u0303 (Ĩ) → i \u0307 \u0303;
	// ::Any-Lower();
	// ::NFC();

	 := 0
	if  := .src[.pSrc];  < utf8.RuneSelf {
		if  != 'I' &&  != 'J' {
			return true
	} else {
		 := norm.NFD.Properties(.src[.pSrc:])
		if  := .Decomposition(); len() >= 3 && ([0] == 'I' || [0] == 'J') {
			// UTF-8 optimization: the decomposition will only have an above
			// modifier if the last rune of the decomposition is in [U+300-U+311].
			// In all other cases, a decomposition starting with I is always
			// an I followed by modifiers that are not cased themselves. See A.2.
			if [1] == 0xCC && [2] <= 0x91 { // A.2.4.
				if !.writeBytes([:1]) {
					return false
				.dst[.pDst-1] += 'a' - 'A' // lower

				// Assumption: modifier never changes on lowercase. See A.1.
				// Assumption: all modifiers added have CCC = Above. See A.2.3.
				return .writeString("\u0307") && .writeBytes([1:])
			// In all other cases the additional modifiers will have a CCC
			// that is less than 230 (Above). We will insert the U+0307, if
			// needed, after these modifiers so that a string in FCD form
			// will remain so. See A.2.2.
			 = 1
		} else {
			return lower()

	for ;  < maxIgnorable && .next(); ++ {
		switch .info.cccType() {
		case cccZero:
			return true
		case cccAbove:
			return .writeString("\u0307") && .copy() // See A.1.
			.copy() // See A.1.
	return  == maxIgnorable

// ltLowerSpan would be the same as isLower.

func ltUpper( mapFunc) mapFunc {
	return func( *context) bool {
		// Unicode:
		// 0307; 0307; ; ; lt After_Soft_Dotted; # COMBINING DOT ABOVE
		// From CLDR:
		// # Remove \u0307 following soft-dotteds (i, j, and the like), with possible
		// # intervening non-230 marks.
		// ::NFD();
		// [:Soft_Dotted:] [^[:ccc=Not_Reordered:][:ccc=Above:]]* { \u0307 → ;
		// ::Any-Upper();
		// ::NFC();

		// TODO: See A.5. A soft-dotted rune never has an exception. This would
		// allow us to overload the exception bit and encode this property in
		// info. Need to measure performance impact of this.
		,  := utf8.DecodeRune(.src[.pSrc:])
		 := .pDst
		if !() {
			return false
		if !unicode.Is(unicode.Soft_Dotted, ) {
			return true

		// We don't need to do an NFD normalization, as a soft-dotted rune never
		// contains U+0307. See A.3.

		 := 0
		for ;  < maxIgnorable && .next(); ++ {
			switch .info.cccType() {
			case cccZero:
				return true
			case cccAbove:
				if .hasPrefix("\u0307") {
					// We don't do a full NFC, but rather combine runes for
					// some of the common cases. (Returning NFC or
					// preserving normal form is neither a requirement nor
					// a possibility anyway).
					if !.next() {
						return false
					if .dst[] == 'I' && .pDst == +1 && .src[.pSrc] == 0xcc {
						 := ""
						switch .src[.pSrc+1] {
						case 0x80: // U+0300 COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT
							 = "\u00cc" // U+00CC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
						case 0x81: // U+0301 COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
							 = "\u00cd" // U+00CD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
						case 0x83: // U+0303 COMBINING TILDE
							 = "\u0128" // U+0128 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE
						case 0x88: // U+0308 COMBINING DIAERESIS
						if  != "" {
							.pDst = 
							return .writeString()
				return .copy()
		return  == maxIgnorable

// TODO: implement ltUpperSpan (low priority: complex and infrequent).

func aztrUpper( mapFunc) mapFunc {
	return func( *context) bool {
		// i→İ;
		if .src[.pSrc] == 'i' {
			return .writeString("İ")
		return ()

func aztrLower( *context) ( bool) {
	// From CLDR:
	// # I and i-dotless; I-dot and i are case pairs in Turkish and Azeri
	// # 0130; 0069; 0130; 0130; tr; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE
	// İ→i;
	// # When lowercasing, remove dot_above in the sequence I + dot_above, which will turn into i.
	// # This matches the behavior of the canonically equivalent I-dot_above
	// # 0307; ; 0307; 0307; tr After_I; # COMBINING DOT ABOVE
	// # When lowercasing, unless an I is before a dot_above, it turns into a dotless i.
	// # 0049; 0131; 0049; 0049; tr Not_Before_Dot; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I
	// I([^[:ccc=Not_Reordered:][:ccc=Above:]]*)\u0307 → i$1 ;
	// I→ı ;
	// ::Any-Lower();
	if .hasPrefix("\u0130") { // İ
		return .writeString("i")
	if .src[.pSrc] != 'I' {
		return lower()

	// We ignore the lower-case I for now, but insert it later when we know
	// which form we need.
	 := .pSrc + .sz

	 := 0
	// We check for up to n ignorables before \u0307. As \u0307 is an
	// ignorable as well, n is maxIgnorable-1.
	for ;  < maxIgnorable && .next(); ++ {
		switch .info.cccType() {
		case cccAbove:
			if .hasPrefix("\u0307") {
				return .writeString("i") && .writeBytes(.src[:.pSrc]) // ignore U+0307
			 = true
		case cccZero:
			 = true
			// We'll write this rune after we know which starter to use.
	if  == maxIgnorable {
		 = true
	return .writeString("ı") && .writeBytes(.src[:.pSrc+.sz]) && 

// aztrLowerSpan would be the same as isLower.

func nlTitle( *context) bool {
	// From CLDR:
	// # Special titlecasing for Dutch initial "ij".
	// ::Any-Title();
	// # Fix up Ij at the beginning of a "word" (per Any-Title, notUAX #29)
	// [:^WB=ALetter:] [:WB=Extend:]* [[:WB=MidLetter:][:WB=MidNumLet:]]? { Ij } → IJ ;
	if .src[.pSrc] != 'I' && .src[.pSrc] != 'i' {
		return title()

	if !.writeString("I") || !.next() {
		return false
	if .src[.pSrc] == 'j' || .src[.pSrc] == 'J' {
		return .writeString("J")
	return true

func nlTitleSpan( *context) bool {
	// From CLDR:
	// # Special titlecasing for Dutch initial "ij".
	// ::Any-Title();
	// # Fix up Ij at the beginning of a "word" (per Any-Title, notUAX #29)
	// [:^WB=ALetter:] [:WB=Extend:]* [[:WB=MidLetter:][:WB=MidNumLet:]]? { Ij } → IJ ;
	if .src[.pSrc] != 'I' {
		return isTitle()
	if !.next() || .src[.pSrc] == 'j' {
		return false
	if .src[.pSrc] != 'J' {
	return true

// Not part of CLDR, but see https://unicode.org/cldr/trac/ticket/7078.
func afnlRewrite( *context) {
	if .hasPrefix("'") || .hasPrefix("’") {
		.isMidWord = true