package brotli
import "math"
func compareAndPushToQueueLiteral(out []histogramLiteral , cluster_size []uint32 , idx1 uint32 , idx2 uint32 , max_num_pairs uint , pairs []histogramPair , num_pairs *uint ) {
var is_good_pair bool = false
var p histogramPair
p .idx2 = 0
p .idx1 = p .idx2
p .cost_combo = 0
p .cost_diff = p .cost_combo
if idx1 == idx2 {
if idx2 < idx1 {
var t uint32 = idx2
idx2 = idx1
idx1 = t
p .idx1 = idx1
p .idx2 = idx2
p .cost_diff = 0.5 * clusterCostDiff (uint (cluster_size [idx1 ]), uint (cluster_size [idx2 ]))
p .cost_diff -= out [idx1 ].bit_cost_
p .cost_diff -= out [idx2 ].bit_cost_
if out [idx1 ].total_count_ == 0 {
p .cost_combo = out [idx2 ].bit_cost_
is_good_pair = true
} else if out [idx2 ].total_count_ == 0 {
p .cost_combo = out [idx1 ].bit_cost_
is_good_pair = true
} else {
var threshold float64
if *num_pairs == 0 {
threshold = 1e99
} else {
threshold = brotli_max_double (0.0 , pairs [0 ].cost_diff )
var combo histogramLiteral = out [idx1 ]
var cost_combo float64
histogramAddHistogramLiteral (&combo , &out [idx2 ])
cost_combo = populationCostLiteral (&combo )
if cost_combo < threshold -p .cost_diff {
p .cost_combo = cost_combo
is_good_pair = true
if is_good_pair {
p .cost_diff += p .cost_combo
if *num_pairs > 0 && histogramPairIsLess (&pairs [0 ], &p ) {
if *num_pairs < max_num_pairs {
pairs [*num_pairs ] = pairs [0 ]
(*num_pairs )++
pairs [0 ] = p
} else if *num_pairs < max_num_pairs {
pairs [*num_pairs ] = p
(*num_pairs )++
func histogramCombineLiteral(out []histogramLiteral , cluster_size []uint32 , symbols []uint32 , clusters []uint32 , pairs []histogramPair , num_clusters uint , symbols_size uint , max_clusters uint , max_num_pairs uint ) uint {
var cost_diff_threshold float64 = 0.0
var min_cluster_size uint = 1
var num_pairs uint = 0
var idx1 uint
for idx1 = 0 ; idx1 < num_clusters ; idx1 ++ {
var idx2 uint
for idx2 = idx1 + 1 ; idx2 < num_clusters ; idx2 ++ {
compareAndPushToQueueLiteral (out , cluster_size , clusters [idx1 ], clusters [idx2 ], max_num_pairs , pairs [0 :], &num_pairs )
for num_clusters > min_cluster_size {
var best_idx1 uint32
var best_idx2 uint32
var i uint
if pairs [0 ].cost_diff >= cost_diff_threshold {
cost_diff_threshold = 1e99
min_cluster_size = max_clusters
best_idx1 = pairs [0 ].idx1
best_idx2 = pairs [0 ].idx2
histogramAddHistogramLiteral (&out [best_idx1 ], &out [best_idx2 ])
out [best_idx1 ].bit_cost_ = pairs [0 ].cost_combo
cluster_size [best_idx1 ] += cluster_size [best_idx2 ]
for i = 0 ; i < symbols_size ; i ++ {
if symbols [i ] == best_idx2 {
symbols [i ] = best_idx1
for i = 0 ; i < num_clusters ; i ++ {
if clusters [i ] == best_idx2 {
copy (clusters [i :], clusters [i +1 :][:num_clusters -i -1 ])
num_clusters --
var copy_to_idx uint = 0
for i = 0 ; i < num_pairs ; i ++ {
var p *histogramPair = &pairs [i ]
if p .idx1 == best_idx1 || p .idx2 == best_idx1 || p .idx1 == best_idx2 || p .idx2 == best_idx2 {
if histogramPairIsLess (&pairs [0 ], p ) {
var front histogramPair = pairs [0 ]
pairs [0 ] = *p
pairs [copy_to_idx ] = front
} else {
pairs [copy_to_idx ] = *p
copy_to_idx ++
num_pairs = copy_to_idx
for i = 0 ; i < num_clusters ; i ++ {
compareAndPushToQueueLiteral (out , cluster_size , best_idx1 , clusters [i ], max_num_pairs , pairs [0 :], &num_pairs )
return num_clusters
func histogramBitCostDistanceLiteral(histogram *histogramLiteral , candidate *histogramLiteral ) float64 {
if histogram .total_count_ == 0 {
return 0.0
} else {
var tmp histogramLiteral = *histogram
histogramAddHistogramLiteral (&tmp , candidate )
return populationCostLiteral (&tmp ) - candidate .bit_cost_
func histogramRemapLiteral(in []histogramLiteral , in_size uint , clusters []uint32 , num_clusters uint , out []histogramLiteral , symbols []uint32 ) {
var i uint
for i = 0 ; i < in_size ; i ++ {
var best_out uint32
if i == 0 {
best_out = symbols [0 ]
} else {
best_out = symbols [i -1 ]
var best_bits float64 = histogramBitCostDistanceLiteral (&in [i ], &out [best_out ])
var j uint
for j = 0 ; j < num_clusters ; j ++ {
var cur_bits float64 = histogramBitCostDistanceLiteral (&in [i ], &out [clusters [j ]])
if cur_bits < best_bits {
best_bits = cur_bits
best_out = clusters [j ]
symbols [i ] = best_out
for i = 0 ; i < num_clusters ; i ++ {
histogramClearLiteral (&out [clusters [i ]])
for i = 0 ; i < in_size ; i ++ {
histogramAddHistogramLiteral (&out [symbols [i ]], &in [i ])
var histogramReindexLiteral_kInvalidIndex uint32 = math .MaxUint32
func histogramReindexLiteral(out []histogramLiteral , symbols []uint32 , length uint ) uint {
var new_index []uint32 = make ([]uint32 , length )
var next_index uint32
var tmp []histogramLiteral
var i uint
for i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ {
new_index [i ] = histogramReindexLiteral_kInvalidIndex
next_index = 0
for i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ {
if new_index [symbols [i ]] == histogramReindexLiteral_kInvalidIndex {
new_index [symbols [i ]] = next_index
next_index ++
tmp = make ([]histogramLiteral , next_index )
next_index = 0
for i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ {
if new_index [symbols [i ]] == next_index {
tmp [next_index ] = out [symbols [i ]]
next_index ++
symbols [i ] = new_index [symbols [i ]]
new_index = nil
for i = 0 ; uint32 (i ) < next_index ; i ++ {
out [i ] = tmp [i ]
tmp = nil
return uint (next_index )
func clusterHistogramsLiteral(in []histogramLiteral , in_size uint , max_histograms uint , out []histogramLiteral , out_size *uint , histogram_symbols []uint32 ) {
var cluster_size []uint32 = make ([]uint32 , in_size )
var clusters []uint32 = make ([]uint32 , in_size )
var num_clusters uint = 0
var max_input_histograms uint = 64
var pairs_capacity uint = max_input_histograms * max_input_histograms / 2
var pairs []histogramPair = make ([]histogramPair , (pairs_capacity + 1 ))
var i uint
for i = 0 ; i < in_size ; i ++ {
cluster_size [i ] = 1
for i = 0 ; i < in_size ; i ++ {
out [i ] = in [i ]
out [i ].bit_cost_ = populationCostLiteral (&in [i ])
histogram_symbols [i ] = uint32 (i )
for i = 0 ; i < in_size ; i += max_input_histograms {
var num_to_combine uint = brotli_min_size_t (in_size -i , max_input_histograms )
var num_new_clusters uint
var j uint
for j = 0 ; j < num_to_combine ; j ++ {
clusters [num_clusters +j ] = uint32 (i + j )
num_new_clusters = histogramCombineLiteral (out , cluster_size , histogram_symbols [i :], clusters [num_clusters :], pairs , num_to_combine , num_to_combine , max_histograms , pairs_capacity )
num_clusters += num_new_clusters
var max_num_pairs uint = brotli_min_size_t (64 *num_clusters , (num_clusters /2 )*num_clusters )
if pairs_capacity < (max_num_pairs + 1 ) {
var _new_size uint
if pairs_capacity == 0 {
_new_size = max_num_pairs + 1
} else {
_new_size = pairs_capacity
var new_array []histogramPair
for _new_size < (max_num_pairs + 1 ) {
_new_size *= 2
new_array = make ([]histogramPair , _new_size )
if pairs_capacity != 0 {
copy (new_array , pairs [:pairs_capacity ])
pairs = new_array
pairs_capacity = _new_size
num_clusters = histogramCombineLiteral (out , cluster_size , histogram_symbols , clusters , pairs , num_clusters , in_size , max_histograms , max_num_pairs )
pairs = nil
cluster_size = nil
histogramRemapLiteral (in , in_size , clusters , num_clusters , out , histogram_symbols )
clusters = nil
*out_size = histogramReindexLiteral (out , histogram_symbols , in_size )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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