package brotli
import (
type hasherCommon struct {
params hasherParams
is_prepared_ bool
dict_num_lookups uint
dict_num_matches uint
func (h *hasherCommon ) Common () *hasherCommon {
return h
type hasherHandle interface {
Common() *hasherCommon
Initialize(params *encoderParams )
Prepare(one_shot bool , input_size uint , data []byte )
StitchToPreviousBlock(num_bytes uint , position uint , ringbuffer []byte , ringbuffer_mask uint )
HashTypeLength() uint
StoreLookahead() uint
PrepareDistanceCache(distance_cache []int )
FindLongestMatch(dictionary *encoderDictionary , data []byte , ring_buffer_mask uint , distance_cache []int , cur_ix uint , max_length uint , max_backward uint , gap uint , max_distance uint , out *hasherSearchResult )
StoreRange(data []byte , mask uint , ix_start uint , ix_end uint )
Store(data []byte , mask uint , ix uint )
const kCutoffTransformsCount uint32 = 10
const kCutoffTransforms uint64 = 0x071B520ADA2D3200
type hasherSearchResult struct {
len uint
distance uint
score uint
len_code_delta int
const kHashMul32 uint32 = 0x1E35A7BD
const kHashMul64 uint64 = 0x1E35A7BD1E35A7BD
const kHashMul64Long uint64 = 0x1FE35A7BD3579BD3
func hash14(data []byte ) uint32 {
var h uint32 = binary .LittleEndian .Uint32 (data ) * kHashMul32
return h >> (32 - 14 )
func prepareDistanceCache(distance_cache []int , num_distances int ) {
if num_distances > 4 {
var last_distance int = distance_cache [0 ]
distance_cache [4 ] = last_distance - 1
distance_cache [5 ] = last_distance + 1
distance_cache [6 ] = last_distance - 2
distance_cache [7 ] = last_distance + 2
distance_cache [8 ] = last_distance - 3
distance_cache [9 ] = last_distance + 3
if num_distances > 10 {
var next_last_distance int = distance_cache [1 ]
distance_cache [10 ] = next_last_distance - 1
distance_cache [11 ] = next_last_distance + 1
distance_cache [12 ] = next_last_distance - 2
distance_cache [13 ] = next_last_distance + 2
distance_cache [14 ] = next_last_distance - 3
distance_cache [15 ] = next_last_distance + 3
const literalByteScore = 135
const distanceBitPenalty = 30
const scoreBase = (distanceBitPenalty * 8 * 8 )
func backwardReferenceScore(copy_length uint , backward_reference_offset uint ) uint {
return scoreBase + literalByteScore *uint (copy_length ) - distanceBitPenalty *uint (log2FloorNonZero (backward_reference_offset ))
func backwardReferenceScoreUsingLastDistance(copy_length uint ) uint {
return literalByteScore *uint (copy_length ) + scoreBase + 15
func backwardReferencePenaltyUsingLastDistance(distance_short_code uint ) uint {
return uint (39 ) + ((0x1CA10 >> (distance_short_code & 0xE )) & 0xE )
func testStaticDictionaryItem(dictionary *encoderDictionary , item uint , data []byte , max_length uint , max_backward uint , max_distance uint , out *hasherSearchResult ) bool {
var len uint
var word_idx uint
var offset uint
var matchlen uint
var backward uint
var score uint
len = item & 0x1F
word_idx = item >> 5
offset = uint (dictionary .words .offsets_by_length [len ]) + len *word_idx
if len > max_length {
return false
matchlen = findMatchLengthWithLimit (data , dictionary .words .data [offset :], uint (len ))
if matchlen +uint (dictionary .cutoffTransformsCount ) <= len || matchlen == 0 {
return false
var cut uint = len - matchlen
var transform_id uint = (cut << 2 ) + uint ((dictionary .cutoffTransforms >>(cut *6 ))&0x3F )
backward = max_backward + 1 + word_idx + (transform_id << dictionary .words .size_bits_by_length [len ])
if backward > max_distance {
return false
score = backwardReferenceScore (matchlen , backward )
if score < out .score {
return false
out .len = matchlen
out .len_code_delta = int (len ) - int (matchlen )
out .distance = backward
out .score = score
return true
func searchInStaticDictionary(dictionary *encoderDictionary , handle hasherHandle , data []byte , max_length uint , max_backward uint , max_distance uint , out *hasherSearchResult , shallow bool ) {
var key uint
var i uint
var self *hasherCommon = handle .Common ()
if self .dict_num_matches < self .dict_num_lookups >>7 {
key = uint (hash14 (data ) << 1 )
for i = 0 ; ; (func () { i ++; key ++ })() {
var tmp uint
if shallow {
tmp = 1
} else {
tmp = 2
if i >= tmp {
var item uint = uint (dictionary .hash_table [key ])
self .dict_num_lookups ++
if item != 0 {
var item_matches bool = testStaticDictionaryItem (dictionary , item , data , max_length , max_backward , max_distance , out )
if item_matches {
self .dict_num_matches ++
type backwardMatch struct {
distance uint32
length_and_code uint32
func initBackwardMatch(self *backwardMatch , dist uint , len uint ) {
self .distance = uint32 (dist )
self .length_and_code = uint32 (len << 5 )
func initDictionaryBackwardMatch(self *backwardMatch , dist uint , len uint , len_code uint ) {
self .distance = uint32 (dist )
var tmp uint
if len == len_code {
tmp = 0
} else {
tmp = len_code
self .length_and_code = uint32 (len <<5 | tmp )
func backwardMatchLength(self *backwardMatch ) uint {
return uint (self .length_and_code >> 5 )
func backwardMatchLengthCode(self *backwardMatch ) uint {
var code uint = uint (self .length_and_code ) & 31
if code != 0 {
return code
} else {
return backwardMatchLength (self )
func hasherReset(handle hasherHandle ) {
if handle == nil {
handle .Common ().is_prepared_ = false
func newHasher(typ int ) hasherHandle {
switch typ {
case 2 :
return &hashLongestMatchQuickly {
bucketBits : 16 ,
bucketSweep : 1 ,
hashLen : 5 ,
useDictionary : true ,
case 3 :
return &hashLongestMatchQuickly {
bucketBits : 16 ,
bucketSweep : 2 ,
hashLen : 5 ,
useDictionary : false ,
case 4 :
return &hashLongestMatchQuickly {
bucketBits : 17 ,
bucketSweep : 4 ,
hashLen : 5 ,
useDictionary : true ,
case 5 :
return new (h5 )
case 6 :
return new (h6 )
case 10 :
return new (h10 )
case 35 :
return &hashComposite {
ha : newHasher (3 ),
hb : &hashRolling {jump : 4 },
case 40 :
return &hashForgetfulChain {
bucketBits : 15 ,
numBanks : 1 ,
bankBits : 16 ,
numLastDistancesToCheck : 4 ,
case 41 :
return &hashForgetfulChain {
bucketBits : 15 ,
numBanks : 1 ,
bankBits : 16 ,
numLastDistancesToCheck : 10 ,
case 42 :
return &hashForgetfulChain {
bucketBits : 15 ,
numBanks : 512 ,
bankBits : 9 ,
numLastDistancesToCheck : 16 ,
case 54 :
return &hashLongestMatchQuickly {
bucketBits : 20 ,
bucketSweep : 4 ,
hashLen : 7 ,
useDictionary : false ,
case 55 :
return &hashComposite {
ha : newHasher (54 ),
hb : &hashRolling {jump : 4 },
case 65 :
return &hashComposite {
ha : newHasher (6 ),
hb : &hashRolling {jump : 1 },
panic (fmt .Sprintf ("unknown hasher type: %d" , typ ))
func hasherSetup(handle *hasherHandle , params *encoderParams , data []byte , position uint , input_size uint , is_last bool ) {
var self hasherHandle = nil
var common *hasherCommon = nil
var one_shot bool = (position == 0 && is_last )
if *handle == nil {
chooseHasher (params , ¶ms .hasher )
self = newHasher (params .hasher .type_ )
*handle = self
common = self .Common ()
common .params = params .hasher
self .Initialize (params )
self = *handle
common = self .Common ()
if !common .is_prepared_ {
self .Prepare (one_shot , input_size , data )
if position == 0 {
common .dict_num_lookups = 0
common .dict_num_matches = 0
common .is_prepared_ = true
func initOrStitchToPreviousBlock(handle *hasherHandle , data []byte , mask uint , params *encoderParams , position uint , input_size uint , is_last bool ) {
var self hasherHandle
hasherSetup (handle , params , data , position , input_size , is_last )
self = *handle
self .StitchToPreviousBlock (input_size , position , data , mask )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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