package brotli
const kRollingHashMul32 uint32 = 69069
const kInvalidPosHashRolling uint32 = 0xffffffff
func (*hashRolling ) HashTypeLength () uint {
return 4
func (*hashRolling ) StoreLookahead () uint {
return 4
func (*hashRolling ) HashByte (b byte ) uint32 {
return uint32 (b ) + 1
func (h *hashRolling ) HashRollingFunctionInitial (state uint32 , add byte , factor uint32 ) uint32 {
return uint32 (factor *state + h .HashByte (add ))
func (h *hashRolling ) HashRollingFunction (state uint32 , add byte , rem byte , factor uint32 , factor_remove uint32 ) uint32 {
return uint32 (factor *state + h .HashByte (add ) - factor_remove *h .HashByte (rem ))
type hashRolling struct {
jump int
state uint32
table []uint32
next_ix uint
factor uint32
factor_remove uint32
func (h *hashRolling ) Initialize (params *encoderParams ) {
h .state = 0
h .next_ix = 0
h .factor = kRollingHashMul32
h .factor_remove = 1
for i := 0 ; i < 32 ; i += h .jump {
h .factor_remove *= h .factor
h .table = make ([]uint32 , 16777216 )
for i := 0 ; i < 16777216 ; i ++ {
h .table [i ] = kInvalidPosHashRolling
func (h *hashRolling ) Prepare (one_shot bool , input_size uint , data []byte ) {
if input_size < 32 {
h .state = 0
for i := 0 ; i < 32 ; i += h .jump {
h .state = h .HashRollingFunctionInitial (h .state , data [i ], h .factor )
func (*hashRolling ) Store (data []byte , mask uint , ix uint ) {
func (*hashRolling ) StoreRange (data []byte , mask uint , ix_start uint , ix_end uint ) {
func (h *hashRolling ) StitchToPreviousBlock (num_bytes uint , position uint , ringbuffer []byte , ring_buffer_mask uint ) {
var position_masked uint
var available uint = num_bytes
if position &uint (h .jump -1 ) != 0 {
var diff uint = uint (h .jump ) - (position & uint (h .jump -1 ))
if diff > available {
available = 0
} else {
available = available - diff
position += diff
position_masked = position & ring_buffer_mask
if available > ring_buffer_mask -position_masked {
available = ring_buffer_mask - position_masked
h .Prepare (false , available , ringbuffer [position &ring_buffer_mask :])
h .next_ix = position
func (*hashRolling ) PrepareDistanceCache (distance_cache []int ) {
func (h *hashRolling ) FindLongestMatch (dictionary *encoderDictionary , data []byte , ring_buffer_mask uint , distance_cache []int , cur_ix uint , max_length uint , max_backward uint , gap uint , max_distance uint , out *hasherSearchResult ) {
var cur_ix_masked uint = cur_ix & ring_buffer_mask
var pos uint = h .next_ix
if cur_ix &uint (h .jump -1 ) != 0 {
if max_length < 32 {
for pos = h .next_ix ; pos <= cur_ix ; pos += uint (h .jump ) {
var code uint32 = h .state & ((16777216 * 64 ) - 1 )
var rem byte = data [pos &ring_buffer_mask ]
var add byte = data [(pos +32 )&ring_buffer_mask ]
var found_ix uint = uint (kInvalidPosHashRolling )
h .state = h .HashRollingFunction (h .state , add , rem , h .factor , h .factor_remove )
if code < 16777216 {
found_ix = uint (h .table [code ])
h .table [code ] = uint32 (pos )
if pos == cur_ix && uint32 (found_ix ) != kInvalidPosHashRolling {
var backward uint = uint (uint32 (cur_ix - found_ix ))
if backward <= max_backward {
var found_ix_masked uint = found_ix & ring_buffer_mask
var len uint = findMatchLengthWithLimit (data [found_ix_masked :], data [cur_ix_masked :], max_length )
if len >= 4 && len > out .len {
var score uint = backwardReferenceScore (uint (len ), backward )
if score > out .score {
out .len = uint (len )
out .distance = backward
out .score = score
out .len_code_delta = 0
h .next_ix = cur_ix + uint (h .jump )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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